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Dr. Sally Faith Dorfman, who worked at Einstein Medical College, gave the following advice to abortion providers:

A compassionate and sensitive sonographer should remember to turn the screen away from the plane of view [of the woman having an abortion].

Staff, too, may find themselves increasingly disturbed by the repeated visual impact of an aspect of their work that they need to partially deny in order to continue to function optimally and to concentrate on the needs of the women who come to them for help.

Transcript excerpts from a talk entitled “Abortion Update” (talk no. 1065), given by Dr. Sally Faith Dorfman, director of Family Planning, Development and Research at Albert Einstein Medical College in New York, at the American Public Hospital Conference November 18, 1985, in Washington DC.  Recorded by Robert G Marshall, director of research, Castello Institute.

Quoted in Robert Marshall, Charles Donovan Blessed Are the Barren: The Social Policy of Planned Parenthood (San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press 1991)
[March 5, 2015, Sarah Terzo, ]