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From the beginning Earth Day has been anti-people.

The very first Earth Day, held in 1970, had as its slogan, “People Pollute.”

This didn’t merely mean that people tend to litter.  It meant that people themselves are a form of pollution.

The Founder of Earth Day, Dixie Cup magnate Hugh Moore, called this “popullution,” short for population pollution.

We celebrated Monday, 22 April, not as “Earth Day” but as “Earth is for People Day.”

To celebrate, Steven Mosher, President of the Population Research Institute, keynoted an online conference, speaking on “Save the Earth: Get Rid of the People? The Inhumanity of Earth Day.”

We at PRI are conservationists, of course, like all reasonable people.

We believe that it is good for humans to care for their surroundings and not waste the gifts of nature. But we also recognize that human beings are part of nature, and human life, too, must be protected from conception to natural death.

Join with us in celebrating, “Earth is for People Day.”

[Population Research Institute, PRI, 18 Apr 13]