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Apparently making an abortion facility look more like a spa is going to “destigmitize” killing unborn children. The Washington Post reports that a new abortion business is opening in DC and its goal is to make abortion more glamorous.

The facility, CaraFem, is opening in April and will offer hot tea and comfy robes. The “clinic” will also feature wood floors, plush upholstery and resemble a high-end salon or spa.

CaraFem president, Christopher Purdy, said, “We don’t want to talk in hushed tones. We use the A-word.” He added, “It’s fresh, it’s modern, it’s clean, it’s caring. That’s the brand we’re trying to create.” Planned Parenthood, of course, praised the new approach. Eric Ferrero, a spokesman for the abortion giant, said, “We still do a lot of work with people who are less supportive of abortion, and one way we need to communicate is in a more empathetic framework that kind of says, ‘Look, these are really complicated personal issues.”
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[30 Mar 2015, Sarah Zagorski, ]