- We believe that all men/women are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, and that among these is the Right to Life…
- We believe that human life begins at the moment of conception and has the right to develop and exist to its fullest potential through the moment of natural death…
- We believe that it is ethically and morally wrong to destroy innocent human life from the moment of conception, because this devalues all human life…
- We believe that fetal life should not be terminated except in very rare instances when the mother’s life is in imminent danger; even then, the physician should do everything possible to save both of his patients — mother and child…
- We believe that our purpose as healthcare providers is to protect the life and health of all our patients…
- We believe that we must be advocates for our preborn patients and speak on their behalf to protect their right to life…
- We believe that accurate, scientific information regarding prenatal life is vital to the person making an abortion decision, and such information can be best delivered by medical professionals such as physicians and nurses…
- We believe that women have the right to know all the medical facts regarding the gestational development of the preborn child, abortion techniques, and possible physical and psychological complications of abortion in order to make an informed decision…
- We believe in and encourage efforts to counsel and inform pregnant women regarding constructive alternatives to abortion…
- We believe that only as the youth of the nation are taught the truth about sexual abstinence and the sanctity of human life — as well as the deception of “safe sex”, abortion, and euthanasia — will a permanent behavior change occur in our society…
- We believe that without the Right to Life, no other rights have any merit…