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Thousands of virgin teens and young adults are coming forward in record numbers to say, “I’m worth the wait.”

The teens are turning in their stories, quotes and pictures to the Abstinence Clearinghouse to be published on the website, the “Faces of Abstinence” book, and for consideration to be featured in the “Faces of Abstinence Calendar.” Ms. Unruh said that these pro-abstinence publications will be taken to Congress, to show the policy makers who the average teen really is. The 2001 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey found that more than 54 percent of students, grades 9 through 12, have never been sexually active.1 Another study found that most of those who have had sex, wish they had not.2 Further, nearly all teens (93 percent) have said that teens should be given a “strong message” that they should abstain from sex.3 “A wedding ring is what to wear when you are planning on safe sex!” proclaimed Ellie Brito, a twenty-something college student & abstinence proponent. “That is what should be taught in our schools.” Molly Donnermeyer, a 17 year-old Teen Abstinence Advocate and high school senior from Kentucky, advised that “students should be taught to abstain from sex until marriage because it teaches them to respect their lives. They need to know all the facts concerning sexual activity including condom failure rates, STDs, and even how wonderful it will be when you wait until marriage,” she continued. “Teens who abstain will be happier over all because they are free from feelings of guilt and worry over disease and pregnancy. Premarital sex can change a life forever, it’s a big decision.” “Teens should be taught to abstain from sex because it is very hard to have inappropriate feelings for someone, when you are not mature enough for feelings yet.” Jess Miller, 18, freshman at Dakota State University in SD.

1. “2001 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance,” Centers for Disease Control, GA. 2002.
2. “Not Just Another Thing to Do: Tens Talk About Sex, Regret, and the Influence of their Parents,” National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, DC. 2000.
3. “The Cautious Generation? Teens Tell Us About Sex , Virginity, and ‘The Talk,’” National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, DC. 2000. [Abstinence E-mail Update 21Aug02]