by APFLI | Apr 30, 2004 | Responses - Defending Life / Rebuttals / Advocacy / Dating / Adoption
Susan B. Anthony called abortion "child-murder" [The Revolution 4(1):4 July 8, 1869] and further wrote: "No matter what the reason, if love of ease, or desire to save from suffering the unborn innocent, a woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed. It...
by APFLI | Apr 30, 2004 | About Us
"Alabama Physicians For Life, Inc. believes that patients have the right to be fully informed regarding potentially adverse effects before undergoing any medical treatment, including abortion. "While a difference of medical opinion exists concerning the...
by APFLI | Apr 30, 2004 | General Information / History / Stats / Types
Testimony from Abortion Doctors2April 2004Trials in the 3 lawsuits against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act began Monday, March 29th in three separate U.S. District Courts. The primary plaintiff in the Southern District of New York is the National Abortion...
by APFLI | Apr 30, 2004 | Responses - Defending Life / Rebuttals / Advocacy / Dating / Adoption
IN DEFENSE OF LIFE We are often confronted with the semantic rhetoric of the pro-abortion ("pro-choice") movement. It may appear logical at first glance – we all know people who have been swayed by its simplicity – but the words...
by APFLI | Apr 30, 2004 | General Information / History / Stats / Types
January 21, 1994 My name is J.D. I recently began working for a crisis pregnancy center as Office Administrator. I am uniquely qualified for this job by my ten years of employment in the abortion industry. During that time, I went from an office worker, to an...