by APFLI | Apr 29, 2004 | Support
I Need Some Help! We Want to Help You… So, take these steps in the right direction… 1. It is important to take time to examine all the options that are available to you. 2. You want to have a pregnancy test. If you prefer to have your pregnancy test...
by APFLI | Apr 28, 2004 | Brochures
coming soon!
by APFLI | Apr 28, 2004 | Abstinence - What is it?
The dangerous effects of Sexually Transmitted Diseases easily outweigh the momentary benefits of premarital sexual intercourse/ sexual contact. Think you can't get an STD / STI? Think again… ANYbody can get STDs ANY Day of...
by APFLI | Apr 28, 2004 | Cloning - Archive
UK ALLOWS HUMAN EMBRYOS TO BE CREATED WITH 2 MOTHERS & ONE FATHER. The UKs Human Fertilization/Embryology Authority has reversed a ban preventing scientists from creating embryonic children derived from the combined ova of two women with the sperm...
by APFLI | Apr 28, 2004 | Prenatal Surgery
“Miraculous” Fetal Surgery Shows Babies With Spina Bifida Shouldn’t be Aborted Three-year-old Angeline Marie is spending some time in “the thinking chair” this week at preschool and her mother couldn’t be prouder. “She getting...