by APFLI | Jun 22, 2004 | Stem Cell - Archive
COMPARATIVE STEM CELLS STUDIES Researchers at the Univ of MN will begin first-ever human clinical trials next year (2005) using both adult and embryonic stem cells. The university is raising private funds for the human embryonic stem cell research. A legislative...
by APFLI | Jun 22, 2004 | Stem Cell - Archive
Researchers are engaged in a “stem-cell war,” a deliberate effort to downplay the proven value of adult stem cells to attract more attention to the potential of embryonic stem cells. It’s a war being fought partly over ethics, but mostly over money....
by APFLI | Jun 8, 2004 | Stem Cell - Archive
Embryonic Stem Cell Research Likely Won’t Cure Any Diseasesby Wesley Smith Note: Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute and a special consultant to the Center for Bioethics and Culture. His next book, to be published in the...
by APFLI | Jun 2, 2004 | Stem Cell - Archive
Scientists to Lobby UN for Unethical Embryonic Stem Cell Research Although it has yet to cure a single patient and clinical trials have shown it has produced convulsions in patients who have received treatment from it, leading scientists will gather at the United...
by APFLI | Mar 11, 2004 | Stem Cell - Archive
An Ethically Neutral Source of Stem Cells The author, an oncologist-hematologist (clinical research & dev’t in blood / marrow transplants, which use cord blood, pediatric or adult human stem cells to restore bone marrow function after aggressive chemotherapy...
by APFLI | Feb 14, 2004 | Stem Cell - Archive
3 U.S. Senators have introduced legislation that would promote alternatives to embryonic stem cell research. Pro-life groups support such adult stem cell research, which is ethical and more effective than using cells obtained by killing human embryos. “Cord...
by APFLI | Feb 14, 2004 | Stem Cell - Archive
appears to regenerate joint tissues and retard cartilage damage. [Dr. Barry Arthritis Research Osiris Therapeutics Inc in Baltimore et al, Arthritis and Rheumatism, Dec2003;,...