What is Abortion?
Abortion refers to the unnatural termination of a pregnancy resulting in fetal demise (death). Miscarriage is more accurately referred to as a ‘Spontaneous Abortion’.
In this section, the main discussion will refer to ‘Induced Abortion’ which is purposely caused by outside factors such as surgical techniques, chemical drugs and compounds, or even physical attacks on the mother that lead to loss of the child.
Articles found on this site can help physicians and medical practitioners better evaluate and understand the physical, emotional, social and cultural impacts of abortion.
This section includes information on the history of abortion and the abortion industry, statistics, facts, procedures, possible adverse effects, legislative and judicial activity, day-to-day observations at abortion businesses, links, and on-going, worldwide abortion studies. Also included are many actual stories of the ‘Hard Cases’, the testimonies of women who have experienced abortion, men and abortion, and concerns regarding forced or coerced abortion and even reproductive racism.

People only REALLY believe that which motivates them to action.
Trending Topics
Abortion – Preterm Delivery/Birth
List of 143 Statistically Significant Studies: Induced Abortion–Risk of Preterm Birth and/or Low Birth Weight, from the 1960s – 2012: justiceforkids
Abortion – Depression/Suicide
Women are, on average, 4 TIMES more likely to commit suicide after abortion than women who give birth and have no prior abortion experience. View Articles
Abortion – Suicide
Systemic Review & Meta-Analysis (SRMA) of 22 worldwide Abortion-Suicide Risk studies: View Articles; a SRMA is the category of medical study providing the highest confidence, pro or con, about a purported risk factor.
Abortion – Breast Cancer
List of 70 Epidemiologic Studies: Induced Abortion-Breast Cancer Risk, Breast Cancer Prevention Institute Fact Sheet Additional information on scientific articles evaluating the abortion–breast cancer ‘ABC’ link is available at bcpinstitute.org.
Abortion Recovery Awareness — 1.866.4.My.Recovery (1-866-469-7326)
Abortion Recovery InterNational, Inc. (ARIN) — and http://abortionrecovery.org/
AbortionMemorial.com — a secure location for those who have experienced abortion to share their stories
Abortion Memorials – read, and write your personal memorial
Abortion Testimonies Abortion Arguments Unraveled whathasroedone.com — What has Roe v. Wade done for us?
Latinos for Life March for Life year-round Abortion Pill Reversal World Health Assembly — Women Suffer in Multiple Ways From Abortions
Abortion & Breast Cancer – 20-minute presentation by Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, Breast Cancer Prevention Institute — www.bcpinstitute.org and http://www.bcpinstitute.org/video-resources.htm Abortionists Agree: Abortion Takes Human Life — Quotes from the Abortion Providers
Viral Video is Changing Minds About Abortion SBA FACT SHEET — About Abortion Industry Negligence
Abortion Business Workers: Report Problems Abortion Business Workers: Want a New Job? 3 Minute, 24 Seconds Video “Odysee” Depicts Amazing Development of Unborn Children. There is a kind of natural unfolding, or progression, of the baby’s development that reminds you how early a primitive heart develops. Interesting & artistic visual of human development. Must Watch Video Depicts Amazing Development of Unborn Child — and also on Facebook.
How to Defend Your Pro-Life Views in 5 Minutes or Less — and SLED method at http://prolifetraining.com/media/lti-videos/
WeCareExperts.org — Most complete & up-to-date scientific literature on abortion complications, especially in the area of mental health.
Resource: Archives of the American Holocaust — Books, writings, documents, and other materials from the Anti-Life advocates, 1917-Present
The Inherent Racism of Population Control (PDF)
40 Days for Life International Campaign
Not What It Used To Be!! In the last couple of years, Girl Scouts of America has used Planned Parenthood’s graphic material to teach sex-ed. The Girl Scouts recently endorsed pro-abortion politicians as worthy role models for our children. We will not support their agenda to exploit young girls. CookieCott asks you to boycott Girl Scout cookies — http://cookiecott.com/wp-content/uploads/CookieCott2014Flier.pdf and http://cookiecott.com/concerns/
Alliance for Post-Abortion Research and Training
The Radiance Foundation – profound videos
Issues4Life Foundation & Walter Hoye
Graphic Images of Aborted Babies WARNING GRAPHIC
Pregnancy Helplines: 888-4-OPTIONS, 800-712-HELP, www.optionline.org