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Medically Safe

Because NFP is 100% natural, there are no health risks. No potentially harmful drugs or devices. On the other hand, the Pill sometimes causes blood clots which can result in strokes, visual impairment, or death. According to Planned Parenthood figures, more American women die each year from the Pill than from the complications of pregnancy and childbirth (Making Choices, 1983). The Pill may act as an early abortion agent in some cases because its effect on the lining of the uterus prevents implantation.

Increased Health Awareness

Because NFP teaches you to become aware of your normal fertility pattern, changes in this pattern can alert you to medical problems.


As mentioned earlier, the Sympto-Thermal Method of NFP is highly effective both for avoiding and achieving pregnancy.

Low Cost

NFP costs significantly less than other forms of birth control. Once you learn it, there are no continuing costs.

More Satisfying Marriages

Most couples report that NFP has a positive effect on their marriages. They find that periodic abstinence helps keep their sexual relationship fresh, improves their communication, and gives them a deeper respect for each other.

Immediately Reversible

You just change your timing. There’s no damage to your fertility from drugs and medical procedures.