by APFLI | Oct 31, 2014 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
[Visit link below to view chart] Based on response to the question, “Except for tests you may have had as part of blood donations, have you ever had blood tested for the AIDS virus infection?” Since 2006, CDC has recommended that all patients aged 13–64...
by APFLI | Jun 30, 2008 | Abstinence - Archive, Effects of Alternative Lifestyles, STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
The President’s Emergency Plan for HIV-AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has been mired in the Senate for months. Last week finally brought signs that a vote, and passage, could be near. The program would cost $50 billion — that’s $165 from each American to fight...
by APFLI | Jun 30, 2008 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
Trends in HIV/AIDS Diagnoses Among Men Who Have Sex with Men — 33 States, 2001–2006 In 2008, CDC conducted an analysis of trends in diagnoses of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) among men who have sex with...
by APFLI | May 1, 2007 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
NEW! Abortion Access and Risky Sex Among Teens: Parental Involvement Laws and STDs/STIs New STD Infection Rates “4 times higher among those who used condoms during their last vaginal intercourse”: M. genitalium Surpasses Gonorrhea among Young Adults...
by APFLI | Nov 1, 2006 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
AIDS in China Becoming Like AIDS in Africa Gonorrhea Fights Back in the UK AIDS IN CHINA BECOMING LIKE AIDS IN AFRICA. Chinese health officials say that the AIDS epidemic has jumped from its original demographic of homosexuals, IV drug users, and prostitutes to the...
by APFLI | Sep 1, 2006 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
Genital Herpes Virus Frequent In Teens Herpes increases the risk of HIV infection According to data presented by University of Toronto researcher Dr. Rupert Kaul at the August 2006 International AIDS conference, infection by the Herpes Simplex 2 virus...
by APFLI | Jul 1, 2006 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
What Are We Getting for Our HIV Dollars? Part 2 [Warning: Graphic material follows] By Linda Harvey May 16, 2006 At 25, the AIDS epidemic shows little progress, except for erecting an expensive bureaucracy, a thriving 'gay' lobby and a war...
by APFLI | Jul 1, 2006 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
Medical Doubts About Condoms and AIDS Prevention Study Suggests Behavior is Root Cause of HIV/AIDS MEDICAL DOUBTS ABOUT CONDOMS AND AIDS PREVENTION. Journalist Speaks on a "Solution" That Has Failed in Africa. Since 1989, more than 4 billion condoms have...
by APFLI | Jul 1, 2006 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
HPV Vaccine – But the Battle Against HPV Is NOT Over (several articles) 30% Still Contract HPV With Condom Use HPV VACCINE: PROGRESS, BUT THE BATTLE’S NOT OVER AGAINST HPV. Although the new human papilloma virus vaccine offers protection against the two...
by APFLI | May 17, 2006 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
Russia May Be on the Edge of AIDS Crisis CDC Wants Routine AIDS Testing Hepatitis B Vaccination Coverage Among Adults, 2004 Health Agency Targets Pre-Teens with Sexual Information RUSSIA SAID TO BE ON EDGE OF AIDS CRISIS. Vitaly is the face of Russia's AIDS...
by APFLI | May 12, 2006 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
A U.S. District judge has ruled that it is a violation of free speech rights for USAID/US gov’t to require organizations that fight AIDS to sign a pledge opposing prostitution in order to receive federal funds. This means that American funds may go to those that...
by APFLI | Apr 12, 2006 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
HIV RATE IN NETHERLANDS UP 22 PERCENT. In conjunction with rising STD rates across Europe, this week the Netherlands health agency RIVM reported the number of Dutch citizens diagnosed with HIV grew 22% last year over 2004. In addition, chlamydia rates were up 15...
by APFLI | Feb 27, 2006 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
Newly Identified Virus May Cause Prostate Cancer Chlamydia Vaccine May Be Possible STD Diagnosis in UK Up 62% NEWLY IDENTIFIED VIRUS MAY CAUSE PROSTATE CANCER. A newly identified virus tentatively called XMRV could be associated with the development of prostate cancer...
by APFLI | Feb 9, 2006 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
Recent surveys have shown the HIV prevalence rate in Bihar to be about five times higher than what was believed all this while. Eight populous districts in the state have been found grappling with an HIV epidemic with alarmingly high prevalence rates. [India Times,...
by APFLI | Sep 16, 2005 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
The World Health Organization (WHO) initiated a scale-up on global AIDS treatment in December 2003. At the time, it announced its goal to have 3 million patients under antiretroviral (ARV) therapy by the end of 2005 (so-called “3 x 5” plan). It...
by APFLI | Sep 14, 2005 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
HIV Escalating; 20% Increase in Canada; Doubles to 40 Million Worldwide Promiscuity Linked to Later Disabilities and to Early Death More Than 1 Million in USA Infected with HIV: Abstinence Education Needed UK: New STD Diagnosis up 62% To find last month’s...
by APFLI | Aug 5, 2005 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
HPV Infection is an Independent Risk Factor for HIV STD Chlamydia Very Common in the USA Swaziland: Lower Teenage HIV by Promoting Abstinence IAS: HPV INFECTION IS AN INDEPENDENT RISK FACTOR FOR HIV — Infection with one subtype of the human papilloma virus (HPV)...
by APFLI | Jul 18, 2005 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
Chlamydia Common in USA New HPV Vaccines Study: Oral Contraceptives Almost Double the Shedding of Herpes II US Backs Off Stipulation on AIDS Funds How to Tackle the AIDS/HIV Scourge HIV Infections Have Increased in the Philippines; Coincides with Increased...
by APFLI | Jul 7, 2005 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
The American Academy of Pediatrics, through its Committee on Adolescence led by Dr. Jonathan D. Klein, published a report, Adolescent Pregnancy: Current Trends and Issues, in the July 2005 issue of the organizations journal, Pediatrics. The report is a great...
by APFLI | Apr 27, 2005 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
African Heterosexual AIDS Myth Half of All Sexually Active Teens Will Get an STD HPV Can Increase Cervical Cancer Risk by 100 Times HPV Suspect in Prostate Cancer CDC: Condoms Do Not Protect Against HPV… AFRICAN HETEROSEXUAL AIDS MYTH – 99% of AIDS...