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Woman Who Regrets Her Abortion is ‘Suicidal’ With Worry: Did Planned Parenthood Sell My Baby?

It is estimated one of every two women entering a Pregnancy Help Center (PHC) has already experienced an abortion. That tells you at least two things: Counselors at PHCs need to be alert to these women because they are more abortion prone, and there are a lot more...

Abortion: Effects on Men

ABORTION EFFECTS ON MEN Studies show that abortion hurts men as well as women: The pain of broken relationships. Surveys demonstrated that more than 50% of the male-female relationships end within one year after the abortion of their child. Moral guilt. Of 1,050 men...

Conceived in Assault

 Conceived in Assault: Robert's Story of Assault – Testimony to State Legislature My name is Robert Bennett. I would like to start off by saying thank you to State Senator, and Director of South Dakota's Right to Life, Mr. Brock Greenfield for...

Post-Abortion Trauma in Men Still Overlooked

Post-Abortion Trauma in Men Still Overlooked Catherine Coyle, Ph.D. [More than thirty] years have passed since the legalization of abortion in the United States. In those years, numerous studies have documented the potential negative effects of abortion on women. The...

For Men: Help, Healing, More Information

Father's Day Ad/Flyer   The following are links to organizations and web sites offering information, counseling, research and resources on men and abortion....

Post-Abortion Trauma in Men Still Overlooked

by Catherine Coyle, Ph.D. [More than thirty] years have passed since the legalization of abortion in the United States [1973]. In those years, numerous studies have documented the potential negative effects of abortion on women. The effects of abortion on men however...

Forgotten Fathers and Their Unforgettable Children

by David C. Reardon, Ph.D. In the early 1970s, Arthur Shostak accompanied his partner to a well-groomed suburban abortion clinic. They had both agreed abortion was best. But sitting in the waiting room proved to be a "bruising experience." By the time he...

Reclaiming Fatherhood

 Reclaiming Fatherhood: A Multi-faceted Examination of Men Dealing with Abortion  The impact of an abortion experience on men is unrecognized by many. Men are hidden partners in every abortion decision. Approximately 40 – 50...

Men Grieve Too…

Abortion and Men  — The Forgotten Victims of Choice     Adapted from an article by Vincent M. Rue, PhD & Cynthia Tellefsen         Institute for Pregnancy Loss, Portsmouth , New...

Can You Hear Their Pain? Men & Abortion

 For another article: When Daddy's Dream Died, Daddy Died Too Men & Abortion Can You Hear Their Pain? Research shows that about eight percent of the fathers who lose a child to abortion suffer severe psychological...

Abortion — Men Hurt Too

Fathers suffer from the abortion of their children…While the prochoice movement ignores the rights of fathers in this area, the pro-life movement acknowledges their pain and offers healing and a strong affirmation of the value of fatherhood. If you're facing...