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Americans are paying more attention to the dirty deeds at Planned Parenthood than ever before now that the abortion business has been caught twice selling the body parts of aborted babies.

Included in that additional attention is a concern about corporate contributions by large companies and organizations to the abortion giant.

[Ed. Coca-Cola, Ford, and Xerox — other companies listed on the PP site — yesterday denied funding Planned Parenthood.

As of today, all corporations previously listed on the PP site, have now been removed.

Anyone can go to Vote 2, Life Decisions International, or other sites that monitor corporation donations to Planned Parenthood to learn who funds PP. This critical scandal-laden moment is an impactful time to send a message to these corporations, to let them know others are dropping their funding, and they should as well.

Apparently, the Ford Foundation may not be donating to PP; but in the past the Ford FAMILY Foundation has given many Millions of dollars to abortion, population control, and groups like “‘Catholics’ for a Free Choice” to cause dissent in developing nations from strong moral beliefs about human life. So, it is likely that Ford FAMILY Fdn is still supporting all that is abortion.]
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