African Heterosexual AIDS Myth
Half of All Sexually Active Teens Will Get an STD
HPV Can Increase Cervical Cancer Risk by 100 Times
HPV Suspect in Prostate Cancer
CDC: Condoms Do Not Protect Against HPV…
AFRICAN HETEROSEXUAL AIDS MYTH – 99% of AIDS and HIV cases in Africa come from sexual transmission, virtually all heterosexual. So says the World Health Organization, with other agencies toeing the line. Massive condom airdrops accompanied by a persuasive propaganda campaign would practically make the epidemic vanish overnight. Or would it?
A determined group of 3 scientists has fought for years – with little success – to get out the message that no more than a third of HIV transmission in Africa is from sexual intercourse and most of that is anal. By ignoring the real vectors, they say, we’re sacrificing literally millions of people. These men are no crackpots.
John Potterat authored 140 scholarly publications. He began working for the El Paso County (CO) health dept in 1972 and initiated the first U.S. partner-tracing program for AIDS/HIV. Stuart Brody, soon to become a full professor in Psychology at University of Paisley in Scotland, has published over 100 such publications, including “Sex at Risk.” Economist and anthropologist David Gisselquist has almost 60 publications and is currently advising the government of India on staunching its potentially explosive AIDS epidemic.
These 3 scholars note that one indicator – the role of vaginal transmission – is overplayed in Africa. It hasn’t played much of one in the U.S. Here, 12 percent of AIDS cases are “attributed to” heterosexual transmission, meaning victims claimed to have gotten it that way. Of these, over a third are males.
Yet San Francisco epidemiologist Nancy Padian evaluated 72 male partners of HIV-infected women over several years, during which time only one man became infected. Yet, in that case, there were “several instances of vaginal and penile bleeding during intercourse.”
So, even the small U.S. heterosexual figure appears grossly exaggerated. The chief reason it’s so hard to spread HIV vaginally is that, as biopsies of vaginal and cervical tissue show, the virus is unable to penetrate or infect healthy vaginal or cervical tissue. Various sexually transmitted diseases facilitate vaginal HIV infection, but even those appear to increase the risk only slightly.
So if vaginal intercourse can’t explain the awful African epidemic, what can? While we’ve been told there is no homosexuality in Africa, the practice has long been widespread. For example, German anthropologist Kurt Falk reported in the 1920s that bisexuality was almost universal among the male populations of African tribes he studied. Medical records also show that African men who insist they’re straighter than the proverbial arrow often suffer transmissible anorectal diseases.
Yet almost certainly greater – and more controllable – contributors to the African epidemic are “contaminated punctures from such sources as medical injections, dental injections, surgical procedures, drawing as well as injecting blood, and rehydration through IV tubes,” says Brody.
There are many indicators that punctures play a huge role in the spread of African HIV/AIDS. For example, during the 1990s HIV increased dramatically in Zimbabwe, even as condom use increased and sexually transmitted infections rapidly fell.
Or consider that in a review of nine African studies, HIV prevalence among in-patient children ranged from 8.2% to 63% – as many as three times the prevalence in women who’d given birth. If the kids didn’t get the virus from their mothers, whence its origin?
People differ on exactly how much of the HIV in Africa is spread vaginally – including the 3 scholars. Nevertheless, their findings readily belie the official figures. AIDS studies in Africa, Potterat says, are “First World researchers doing second rate science in Third World countries.”
There’s no one reason for the mass deception. In part, once a paradigm has been established it becomes much easier to justify than challenge. Potterat: “Only a handful [of researchers] are even looking at routes other than sex”. He also observes that grant donors seem only interested in the sex angle.
Brody also points out that for scientists to concede they were wrong would be “to admit they’re complicit in mass death. That’s hard to admit that to yourself, much less to other people.” True enough. But for the sake of millions in Africa and other underdeveloped areas threatened by massive new infections, we’d better admit it now.
[[14Apr05, (fumento[at], Michael Fumento is author of The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS, a senior fellow at Hudson Institute, and a nationally syndicated columnist with Scripps Howard News Service.2005]
HALF OF SEXUALLY ACTIVE TEENS WILL GET STD – Half of US teens who are sexually active will contract a sexually transmitted disease by the time they are 25, a study by the American Social Health Association (ASHA) revealed. The report, State of the Nation 2005: Challenges Facing STD Prevention in Youth, also highlighted that “overall incidence of STDs has increased dramatically in recent years.” ASHA President Dr. James Allen warned that many STDs – like Chlamydia, a leading cause of infertility in women – could go undetected because of mild symptoms.
The study also found that teens who watched the most television with sexual content – the average show that targets teens – were “twice as likely to initiate sexual intercourse” than teens who did not watch television.[Read the study:; RALEIGH, N.C., 6Apr05;; related:
US Gov’t Report Questions Condoms’ Ability To Stop STDs
Scientific Report Finds Condoms Inadequate For STD Risk Reduction
CONDOM RESISTANT STD HPV CAN INCREASE CERVICAL CANCER RISK 100 TIMES [American Journal of Epidemiology, 2002] Researchers from the University Medical Center of Utrecht looked at the more than 100 strains of HPV finding some strains increased cervical cancer risk by only 5 times while others increased it nearly 105 times.
HPV is recognized as the central cause of almost all (if not all) cervical cancer – which is the second most common cancer in women under age 35. HPV has reached epidemic proportions in the west with studies showing one quarter of women in North America infected. [; UTRECHT, Netherlands, 31Jul02 (; See the Abstract of the study from the Journal:; related: CONDOM-RESISTANT HPV IS LEADING US STD
WIDESPREAD CONDOM-PROOF STD SUSPECT IN PROSTATE CANCER CAUSE – British scientists are implicating the STD human papilloma virus (HPV) as a cause of prostate cancer in men. HPV is a known cause of cervical cancer in women, but, until now, was never associated with the increasingly prevalent cancer in men.
HPV is not preventable with condom use.
“ HPV causes cervical cancer in women and it is clear that men and women are exposed to the virus equally,” [London School of Medicine and Dentistry prof of medical oncology] Tim Oliver revealed [UK’s Telegraph]. “Yet there has not been much interest in HPV infection in men.”
Prof Oliver has found evidence that the virus is present in tissue samples from prostate cancers removed in the 1950s. He plans to determine if the same is true of prostate cancers taken from post mortem exams in men who died more recently. Professor Oliver said there is evidence that HPV may damage the prostate, setting up a pre-cancerous condition.
“The surest way to avoid transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, including HPV, is to refrain from genital contact,” the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) stated in 2/04, after the results of a study they commissioned revealed that condoms have little to no protective effect against HPV, the most prevalent and fastest-growing STD in the USA. [, 17Aug04, LONDON; related: HPV leading STI: Latest CDC Findings Report that Condoms Not Protective]
CDC REPORT: CONDOMS NOT PROTECTIVE AGAINST HPV – a CDC report on human papilloma virus (HPV), revealed that condoms are not reliable in preventing the spread of this infection. The CDC report revealed that HPV is the most common sexually-transmitted infection (STI/STD) in the USA; 20,000,000 Americans currently have the infection, and new infections occur at a staggering rate of 5.5 million infections per year.
The report also revealed that by age 50, at least 80 percent of women will have acquired genital HPV infection. HPV is responsible for 12,000 cases of invasive cervical cancer and 4000 US female deaths per year.
“HPV infection can occur in both male and female genital areas that are covered or protected by a latex condom,” the CDC findings warned. “The available scientific evidence is not sufficient to recommend condoms as a primary prevention strategy,” the report continued.
The report also revealed that “The surest way to avoid transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, including HPV, is to refrain from genital contact.”
Read the CDC HPV report at: [3Feb04, D.C.;]
WILL SAME-SEX ‘MARRIAGE’ LEAD TO A HEALTH CARE CRISIS? If homosexuals and their high risk health behaviors are covered, health care costs will force annual premiums to increase as much as $300-500.
One CA health care plan that services 700,000 members found that expenditures for same-sex couples were 17.1 percent higher than for heterosexual couples. And since CA law prohibits insurance companies from passing the increased costs onto the higher risk groups, every one of those 700,000 members was slapped with a higher premium.
The Human Rights Campaign estimates that drug and other health care expenditures for a single homosexual HIV/AIDS patient averages $10,000-12,000 per year. But those costs are expected to swell, as 14Apr New York Times reports that the average annual cost per person of just one AIDS drug ballooned from $1500 to $7800, prompting AIDS groups to lobby Congress for the importation of cheaper drugs.
The closer we move towards legalizing same-sex marriage & mandating coverage for homosexuals, the less access the elderly will have to healthcare and the more American families will be forced to forgo coverage altogether to join the more than 40 million Americans who currently have no healthcare coverage.
[14Apr USA Today; FRC, 14Apr04 related: Gay marriage debate moves into workplace;]