provides abortion-minded women with the latest information on health violations and malpractice lawsuits, ensuring that they make more informed decisions
NEW! Knowing Your Conscience Rights Webcast 28 August
Moderate Exercise Tied to Lower Breast Cancer Risk
CDC Vital Signs: Walking Among Adults — United States, 2005 and 2010
Gunman Storms Family Research Council
The Heroes of Aurora, Colorado, A Dying Breed? Male Emasculization
Dangerous Experiment in Fetal Engineering to Prevent Intersex, Tomboys and Lesbians
Facebook Page Promotes Abortion, Attacks Child with Terminal Condition
Obama Administration: Trust Us on Detention
When It Concerns Prenatal Nutrition, Then Pro-Aborts Seem to 'Get It'
From Russia to the World – Pro-Life Pilgrimage Travels Across Europe and Beyond
FBI Told to Quit Harassing Pro-Life Advocate Over Free Speech
Dr. Horatio Storer and the Medical Roots of the Pro-Life Movement
Suicide and Homicide Rates,* by Age Group — United States, 2009
Free Enterprise and the Dignity of Human Life / Moral Capitalism: Defending the Free Market
Commentary: America Needs a Baby Boom
Joseph Moore's Moving Tribute to His Son Andrew After Being Struck by Car & Dying During Pro-Life Crossroads Walk
Ohio 'Mobile' Pregnancy Center Fleet Growing
Moms and Babies to Tell Congress About Pregnancy Centers
Exponentially Out Of Touch: Medical Officer for American Cancer Society Thinks Planned Parenthood Delivers Babies
Lancet Blames Homophobia For Growing HIV Epidemic… Seriously?
Texas Fraud Suit Against Planned Parenthood Moves Forward
Komen President Resigns, Still Funding Planned Parenthood
Commentary: Top 5 Reasons to DEFUND Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood Statistics from PPFA's 2009-2010 Annual Report…
Knowing Your Conscience Rights Webcast
Tuesday, August 28th from 9pm – 9:45pm EST for a MedSFLA National Webcast: Conscience Rights in America's Medical Schools.
Medical students at public colleges or universities have established constitutional rights to speak, associate, and exercise religious beliefs freely—rights that for too many are restricted, violated, or denied by universities. Compelled participation of students and faculty in advocacy of views and participation in procedures, both in and out of the classroom, that are contrary to their beliefs is unconstitutional.
Medical students have conscience rights to protect religious beliefs during med school, residency, and beyond, yet there remains so much confusion of what these rights are exactly.
That is why, MedSFLA is are offering a free, live webcast featuring Alliance Defending Freedom Attorney, Matt Bowman, on August 28th! Mr. Bowman is going lay out the case for your conscience rights in medical school, the protections these rights offer, and what to do if these rights are violated.
Make sure to join us Tuesday, August 28th at 9pm by either dialing in at 9:00pm by calling 206-402-0100 and entering access code 402116# or clicking this link to listen via the online stream.
Also, don't forget to submit your questions for Mr. Bowman before the webcast, by clicking here:
Moderate Exercise Tied to Lower Breast Cancer Risk
Women who exercise moderately may be less likely than their inactive peers to develop breast cancer after menopause, a study published Monday suggests.
Researchers found that of more than 3,000 women with and without breast cancer, those who'd exercised during their childbearing years were less likely to develop the cancer after menopause.
The same was true when women took up exercise after menopause.
And it did not take a vigorous workout; regular exercise at any intensity level was linked to a lower breast cancer risk, the researchers say.
The findings, reported in the journal Cancer, add to a number of past studies tying regular exercise to lower breast cancer odds.
But like those past studies, this latest one can only point to a correlation: It does not prove that exercise, itself, is what cut women's breast cancer risk.
Still, there are reasons to believe it can, said lead researcher Lauren McCullough, of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
One pos
sible way is indirectly, by reducing body fat, McCullough said in an interview. Excess body fat is related to higher levels of certain hormones, including estrogen, as well as substances known as growth factors, which can feed tumor development.
But exercise might also have direct effects, McCullough said — by boosting the immune system or the body's ability to clear cell-damaging "free radicals."
That is all speculation for now.
But, McCullough said, the findings do support the general health recommendation that adults stay active throughout their lives.
"What we can say is, exercise is good for you," she told Reuters Health. "We don't know what it's going to do for any one woman."
The study included 1,500 Long Island women with breast cancer and 1,550 cancer-free women the same age. All were interviewed about their lifetime exercise habits and other lifestyle factors, like smoking and drinking.
The researchers found a connection between exercise and breast cancer risk only among women who'd already gone through menopause.
Those who'd exercised for 10 to 19 hours a week in their "reproductive years" — the years between having their first child and going through menopause — were one-third less likely to have breast cancer than women who'd been sedentary during that time.
Women who'd started exercising after menopause also had a lower risk. If they averaged 9 to 17 hours a week, they were 30 percent less likely to have breast cancer than their inactive peers.
Of course, women who exercise can be different from sedentary women in many ways. So McCullough's team accounted for differences in education, income, smoking and certain other factors. Exercise was still linked to lower breast cancer risk.
Then the researchers took a closer look at body weight.
They found among relatively lighter women, exercise was linked to lower breast cancer. And for obese women, it may have mitigated the increased breast cancer risk tied to their excess pounds.
The study has a number of limitations. It relied on women's memories of their exercise habits over a lifetime, for one.
And any study like this can only look at broad patterns, McCullough said.
Exercisers as a whole were less likely than sedentary women to develop breast cancer. But no one can say what effect exercise might have on any one woman's risk of breast cancer — if it does have an effect at all.
In the U.S., the average woman has about a 1-in-8 chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime, and a 1-in-36 chance of dying from it, according to the American Cancer Society.
For now, McCullough said her findings support what's already recommended for good health. And they suggest that women might benefit even if they start exercising after menopause.
"It's never too late to start," she said "Our evidence suggests that if you start after menopause, you can still help yourself."
There was no link seen between exercise and breast cancer for the nearly 1,000 women in the study who developed breast cancer before menopause.
According to McCullough, that may be because breast cancer earlier in life has different causes compared with after menopause — when most breast cancers occur.
[25 June 12, New York, Amy Norton, Reuters Health, Cancer, online June 25, 2012;]
CDC Vital Signs: Walking Among Adults — United States, 2005 and 2010
Regular physical activity helps with weight control; however, physical activity also provides many health benefits even without weight loss (1). Regular physical activity helps prevent early death and chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, depression, and some types of cancer (1,2). The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend ≥150 minutes/week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity (e.g., brisk walking), or of vigorous intensity (e.g., jogging) for at least 75 minutes per week, or an equivalent combination, in periods lasting at least 10 minutes each to gain substantial health benefits (3) for substantial health benefits. Walking is the most commonly reported physical activity by U.S. adults.
One third of U.S. adults, however, report no aerobic physical activity during their leisure time and less than half report levels of activity that meet the current aerobic physical activity guideline (4)…
Promotion of walking is a viable public health strategy to help adults meet physical activity guidelines and gain health benefits. This report summarizes the association between walking and meeting physical activity guidelines and examines changes in walking among U.S. adults using data from the 2005 and 2010 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).
Walking was defined as engaging in at least one bout of 10 minutes or more of transportation walking or leisure-time walking during the past 7 days…
Meeting the current aerobic physical activity guideline was defined as participating in ≥150 minutes of moderate-intensity equivalent aerobic activity per week. The guideline was assessed using responses to the NHIS adult core questionnaire on the usual frequency and duration of light- to moderate-intensity and of vigorous-intensity leisure-time aerobic physical activity…
From 2005 to 2010, the proportion of U.S. adults who reported walking increased significantly by 6.3 percentage points, from 55.7% to 62.0%. Among men, the increase was 7.4 percentage points, from 54.3% to 61.7%, and among women the increase was 5.2 percentage points, from 57.2% to 62.4% (Table 1). Among both sexes, the prevalence increase was significant in most subgroups. The mean time spent walking among walkers decreased significantly from approximately 15 minutes per day (105.5 minutes per week [CI = 103.2–107.8]) in 2005 to approximately 13 minutes per day (90.8 minutes per week [CI = 88.8–92.9]) in 2010.
The prevalence of meeting the aerobic physical activity guideline increased significantly from 42.1% in 2005 to 48.0% in 2010. In 2010, 59.5% of adults who walked met the guideline compared with 29.5% of those who did not walk…
Conclusions and Comments
The results in this report show an association between recent walking and meeting the aerobic physical activity guideline and suggest promotion of walking might be an effective strategy to increase physical activity. Significant increases in the percentage of U.S. adults who reported walking were seen in nearly all subgroups in 2010 compared with 2005. Importantly, in subgroups at risk for inactivity, such as adults with lower educational attainment (4), increases occurred. However, although the percentage of U.S. residents who walked increased from 2005 to 2010, average walking time among those who walked at least 10 minutes in the preceding 7 days decreased by about 2 minutes per day. The reason for this finding is unknown… Because walking or moving with assistance is possible for most persons, does not require special skills or facilities, and can serve multiple purposes, it represents a way many U.S. residents can achieve a more physically active lifestyle, regardless of sex, race/ethnicity, age, or education level.
Less than half of the adult population report getting enough aerobic physical activity for substantial health benefits, and nearly one third report being physically inactive (4)…
[For entire report —
[August 7, 2012 / 61(Early Release);1-7, CDC, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)]
Gunman Storms Family Research Council
[Ed. If this had been an abortion business, it would have been all over the airwaves all day long; since it was ONLY a conservative think tank, the media just yawned…]
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is treating a shooting at the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the Family Research Council (FRC) as an act of domestic terrorism, after a lone gunman shot a security guard there earlier today.
The gunman — 28-year-old Floyd Corkins of Herndon, Va., who reportedly posed as an intern and may have had more than one weapon — entered the group’s Chinatown office making statements about its conservative policy positions, then allegedly opened fire when a security guard asked him where he was going. The guard, Leo Johnson, was struck in the arm before he managed to wrestle the shooter to the ground and disarm him.
Witnesses told reporters that afterward, the gunman said, “Don’t shoot me, it was not about you, it was what this place stands for.”
At press time, Johnson was in stable condition, and the shooter was being questioned by the FBI.
“We don’t know enough about him or his circumstances to determine what his connection is to this group or his mental state, or what he was doing or thinking of doing,” Washington Field Office Assistant Chief James McJunkin told “So we’re going to try to sort this all out, pull the evidence together, do all the interviews we can.”
Focus on the Family President Jim Daly said the entire staff of Focus on the Family is praying for Johnson and everyone else at FRC.
“Senseless shootings like this are always tragic; but there’s an extra measure of sadness and disbelief when it hits so close to home. We are thankful that the heroic security guard who subdued his alleged shooter was not more seriously wounded,” he said.
“Early indications are that FRC may have been targeted for its biblical views on social-policy issues. That is a chilling thought. No person or group of any ideological stripe — left, right or center — should have to fear physical violence for passionately articulating and acting on their deeply help convictions in the realm of public policy. That is the very definition of terrorism.”
[15 Aug 2012, by Karla Dial,]
The Heroes of Aurora, Colorado
Mona Charen brings to light three truly moving stories from the theater shooting in Colorado earlier in July 2012.
Three young men stepped into the crossfire sacrificing themselves to protect the lives of their girlfriends: a true act of valor. But Charen asks the question, "Can we still call men heroes?"
Undoubtedly, the author reveres the men who so willingly gave their lives for others in that theater, but she also digs deeper into the problem that our culture seems to be suffering from: the emasculating of men.
Charen concludes that a society should not be surprised when heroes do not arise because "we've pretty thoroughly devalued the traits that have traditionally been considered manly virtues — protectiveness, responsibility, courage."
For remainder of article —
Dangerous Experiment in Fetal Engineering to Prevent Intersex, Tomboys and Lesbians
A new paper ["Prenatal Dexamethasone for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: An Ethics Canary in the Modern Medical Mine"] published in the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry uses extensive Freedom of Information Act findings to detail an extremely troubling off-label medical intervention employed in the U.S. on pregnant women to intentionally engineer the development of their fetuses for sex normalization purposes. [The paper is available for free download at: ]
The paper is authored by Alice Dreger, professor of clinical medical humanities and bioethics at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and is co-authored by Ellen Feder, associate professor of philosophy and religion at American University, and Anne Tamar-Mattis, executive director of Advocates for Informed Choice.
The pregnant women targeted are at risk for having a child born with the condition congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), an endocrinological condition that can result in female fetuses being born with intersex or more male-typical genitals and brains.
Women genetically identified as being at risk are given dexamethasone, a synthetic steroid, off-label starting as early as week five of the first trimester to try to “normalize” the development of those fetuses, which are female and CAH-affected. Because the drug must be administered before doctors can know if the fetus is female or CAH-affected, only one in eight of those exposed are the target type of fetus.
The off-label intervention does not prevent CAH; it aims only at sex normalization. Like Diethylstilbestrol (DES) [[ used in contraceptives – DNI]] — which is now known to have caused major fertility problems and fatal cancers among those exposed in utero — dexamethasone is a synthetic steroid. Dexamethasone is known — and in this case intended — to cross the placental barrier and change fetal development. Experts estimate the glucocorticoid dose reaching the fetus is 60 to 100 times what the body would normally experience.
The new report provides clear evidence that:
For more than 10 years, medical societies repeatedly but ultimately impotently expressed high alarm at use of this off-label intervention outside prospective clinical trials, because it is so high risk and because nearly 90 percent of those exposed cannot benefit.
Mothers offered the intervention have been told it “has been found safe for mother and child” but in fact there has never been any such scientific evidence.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has indicated it cannot stop advertising of this off-label use as “safe for mother and child” because the advertising is done by a clinician not affiliated with the drug maker.
A just-out report from Sweden in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism documents a nearly 20 percent “serious adverse event” rate among the children exposed in utero.
Clinician proponents of the intervention have been interested in whether the intervention can reduce rates of tomboyism, lesbianism and bisexuality, characteristics they have termed “behavioral masculinization.”
The National Institutes of Health has funded research to see if these attempts to prevent “behavioral masculinization” with prenatal dexamethasone are “successful.”
The United States’ systems designed to prevent another tragedy like DES and thalidomide — involving de facto experimentation on pregnant women and their fetuses — appear to be broken and ineffectual.
[COMMENT: Note: Full journal article copied at end. Yet another extraordinary effort, extensive documentation, and prices paid for cracking the government and private egg shells protecting unethical research for decades. If requested, I can send references from human embryology textbooks of similar bi
ological effects on embryos/fetuses of mothers who took DES (contraceptives). — DNI]
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry
2012, DOI: 10.1007/s11673-012-9384-9
Original Research: "Prenatal Dexamethasone for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: An Ethics Canary in the Modern Medical Mine"
Alice Dreger, Ellen K. Feder and Anne Tamar-Mattis
Online First™, 30 July 2012
The paper is available for free download at:
[2 Aug 2012, Faculty, Maria Paul, Chicago, ; August 3, 2012,, ; also posted at, at:]
Facebook Page Promotes Abortion, Attacks Child with Terminal Condition
Facebook has become a major communications network for people of all ages throughout the world. Created as a way to allow high school friends to keep in touch after heading to college, the social media site has erupted into a place where people are free to bully and free to create offensive, harmful pages…
Despite countless e-mails to Facebook to remove the page, Facebook refuses.
It doesn’t consider the page offensive or involved in hate speech…
For remainder of article —
[Nancy Flanders | Washington, DC | | 8/8/12 ]
Obama Administration: Trust Us on Detention
The Obama administration is pulling out all the stops in its defense of a provision in a federal law that critics say allows the unrestricted detention of Americans should Washington decide they are in "support" of any terror group or activity.
This from a government that previously has called those who support third-party presidential candidates, the Second Amendment or pro-life positions possible domestic terrorists.
If you're worried that your liberty is in play, you're in good company — so does the judge …
For entire 8 Aug 2012 article —
When it Comes to Prenatal Nutrition, FLOTUS Agrees it’s a Baby
First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS), Michelle Obama has a long track record of supporting abortion in all nine months of pregnancy.
According to Jill Stanek, RN, “in February 2004, Michelle Obama wrote a fundraising letter during her husband’s 2004 U.S. Senate campaign claiming the partial birth abortion ban 'is clearly unconstitutional' and 'a flawed law.'"
So why does her website “Let’s Move” espouse fetal nutrition? Why would she go so far as to even call "it" a baby when she has no problem terminating a child in his or her third trimester?
According to FLOTUS’ Let’s Move web site's, MyPlate Plan for Nursing Moms and Moms-to-Be, "When a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, she has special nutritional needs that can have a huge impact on the health of her baby. The Choose MyPlate Plan for Moms shows the foods and amounts that are right during pregnancy and when you are breastfeeding."
But if the fetus is not a baby and can be terminated at any point during the pregnancy, then why would FLOTUS care whether the fetus is receiving proper nutrition in the womb?
The only theory we are left with is that the first lady knows that proper nutrition prior, during and after pregnancy is important because the fetus is a living, growing, human being inside the mother. This is a common mixed message that those who advocate for abortion send and reason why their antiquated arguments, that the "fetus" is not a baby, no longer work.
[16 Aug 2012, Medical Students for Life e-report]
From Russia to the World – Pro-Life Pilgrimage Travels Across Europe and Beyond
Russia, the world’s first country to legalize abortion, has now become the springboard for an historic gesture in support of life. On June 15th, in the coastal city of Vladivostok, Eastern Russia, an unprecedented pro-life pilgrimage began, crossing from the Pacific to the Atlantic coasts.
The pilgrimage is the main event of “From Ocean to Ocean,” an international campaign organized by pro-life leaders all over the world.
It takes the form of a car rally, the route winding through Europe and passing through the territory of 23 countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Austria, Lichtenstein, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal.
At this moment, the pilgrimage has reached Lithuania, having traversed well over 25,000 kilometers, 30 major cities, and 8 time-zones.
“All this distance we traveled in a specially designed cars with pro-life logos and slogans,” Igor Beloborodov, Russian coordinator for “From Ocean to Ocean”, told LifeSiteNews. “Despite bad weather… sometimes with no sleep and rest, we went to our goal. During this time, our car broke down three times, but with God’s help, we went further… In each city we were joined by more and more people.”
In the cities, the members of the pro-life team prayed for the family and the unborn, participated in TV and radio broadcasts, and conducted master classes for pro-life activists.
The “From Ocean to Ocean” website states that one of goals of the pilgrimage is “to support the countries with pro-life and pro-family legislation—Hungary and Poland, which face aggressive political pressure from the European Parliament and other anti-family institutions.”
According to Beloborodov, “From Ocean to Ocean” has met with support from numerous businessmen, and politicians, including European Parliament members Dr. Anna Záborská and Carlo Casini. Likewise, movie actors and singers have also shown their support, and when the pilgrimage reached Minsk, Russia, on July 18th, famous Russian singer Pelageya and her band gave a concert to celebrate the pilgrimage.
The pilgrimage will continue for months, as the [pilgrimage] makes its way to Fátima, Portugal, near the Atlantic Coast.
Hopefully, after Portugal, the [pilgrimage] will [come to] the U.S. in spring of 2013.
“The geography of the pilgrimage has expanded and encompassed the new continents,” Beloborodov said, explaining that they had initially planned to make the pilgrimage only in Europe, but applications for participation in the campaign have been filed by pro-life groups in the United States, Latin America, Africa, and Australia.
“This global action is joining pro-life activists worldwide,” Beloborodov declared. “This spiritual pro-life and pro-family campaign ‘From Ocean to Ocean’ is our International response to the culture of death.”
[Aug 09, 2012, Angela O’Brien, Lithuania, August 8, 2012 (
FBI Told to Quit Harassing Pro-Life Advocate Over Free Speech
A pro-life legal group has issued a letter to the FBI asking officials to quit harassing a peaceful pro-life advocate who is only expressing his First Amendment free speech rights by protesting outside abortion facilities.
The Life Legal Defense Foundation (LLDF) sent a letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) because they threatened and questioned pro-life advocate Andrew Moore at his home in Dallas, Texas on July 13. The FBI agents talked to Moore for over an hour about his peaceful free speech activities that take place on public sidewalks outside of Southwestern Abortion Clinic in Dallas. The letter demands that the FBI stop the harassment.
Although the FBI has no evidence Moore had ever violated any law, the agents referenced his wife and newborn son , commenting that he would not want to be separated from his family, and suggesting that a felony conviction could get Moore deported back to New Zealand, where he originally hails.
The agents also asked Moore about his employment, how he met his wife, who his friends are, where they attend church, why he has certain political views, and why he engages in particular activities in the community.
“The FBI agents used bullying tactics and intimidated Mr. Moore,” said Dana Cody, Executive Director of the Life Legal Defense Foundation. “It’s deplorable that they want to silence his constitutionally protected free speech rights.”
“When has it become the business of the government to invade a private citizen’s residence to ask him such personal questions?” Cody added. “It is clear that the FBI is not merely seeking to enforce federal law, but is conducting a witch hunt of anyone who is openly critical of the Obama administration’s pro-abortion position.”
“The Life Legal Defense Foundation is committed to exposing the FBI’s Gestapo tactics and will take immediate action in federal court if the agents’ unconstitutional actions persist,” Cody said.
The FBI agents also asked Moore questions about his mother-in-law, Jill Stanek, who is a pro-life speaker and blogger. Stanek previously wrote about the FBI visit with her son-in-law.
“On July 13 FBI agents Conrad Rodriguez and William Sivley paid a visit to my son-in-law, Andy Moore, at his home,” she said.
Agents Rodriguez and Sivley told Andy three red flags prompted their visit:
His use of a megaphone outside the mill, a one-time event on March 31, which he stopped and never repeated after police told him he was violating a noise ordinance.
A complaint by the clinic manager that Andy trespassed, which he did not. There was no evidence, yet police gave Andy a warning: “I asked the officer multiple times, ‘Why are you giving me this warning, as I did not trespass?’ All he would tell me was, ‘I’m giving you this warning.’ He did not answer my question.”
Unsubstantiated complaints that Andy may be too aggressive. “One of the agents told me it is acceptable to be aggressive, however there is a line. He gave examples of things which would cross the line, such as making threats of violence, or obstructing vehicle access – violations of the FACE act. I told him in no uncertain terms that I had never done anything like this and had not considered anything like this either.”
Dr. Horatio Storer and the Medical Roots of the Pro-Life Movement
Probably no single thing has done more to advance the pro-life cause in America than the sonogram. These pictures offer the clearest possible evidence that the unborn child is nothing more nor less than a little human being. But what the sonogram has made clear to any lay person, namely, that the unborn child is a little human being, has long been known by medical professionals and scientists.
In 1976, William L. Nyhan, M.D., Ph.D, who at one time served as Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of California, wrote in The Heredity Factor “When scientists could examine embryos under the microscope, they recognized that the processes of development constituted a continuum from fertilization through delivery. There is no magic moment at which an embryo suddenly becomes something different.”
The contribution to the American pro-life movement by such scientists is not nearly as well known as it should be. That contribution might best be described as an “open secret.” Certainly the pro-abortion mainstream media and academia deserves some of the blame for the lack of knowledge.
Instead, the dominant narrative has been one which depicts the conflict over legalized abortion as a conflict between the forces of science and enlightenment on the one hand and religious faith and superstition on the other. That narrative is untrue. It was precisely during, and because of the scientific advances of the 19th century that the American pro-life movement came into existence.
No person played a greater role in the formation of America’s pro-life movement than Dr. Horatio Storer. While many 19th century physicians considered abortion to be out-and-out murder, it was Storer who pushed hardest. In 1857, working with like-minded physicians, Storer began what became known as the “physicians’ crusade against abortion” first in Massachusetts, and then nationally, when he persuaded the American Medical Association to form a Committee on Criminal Abortion.
According to Dr. Frederick N. Dyer author of The Physicians Crusade Against Abortion and Champion of Woman and the Unborn: Dr. Horatio Robinson Storer, Storer’s work resulted in a substantial reduction in the number abortions by the year 1900.
Besides changing attitudes and laws about abortion, in 1869 Dr. Storer founded the first gynecological clinic in the United States, the Gynaecological Society of Boston. Dyer writes: “Horatio Storer not only started the physicians’ crusade against abortion, he probably did more to found gynecology as a science and medical specialty than any other American physician.”
Now, documentation of this neglected chapter in the history of the pro-life movement is easily available in a single online resource: The website is an exhaustive collection of Storer’s writings, letters, journals, as well as the journals of The Gynaecological Society of Boston.
[26 July 2012,]
Suicide and Homicide Rates,* by Age Group — United States, 2009
In 2009, the age-adjusted suicide rate for the total population (11.8 per 100,000 population) was approximately twice as high as the age-adjusted homicide rate (5.5). Persons aged 18–24 years had the highest rate of homicide in 2009, whereas persons aged 45–54 years had the highest rate of suicide. The suicide rate was higher than the homicide rate among those aged ≥25 years, and this difference increased with age. For persons aged 25–44 years, the rate of suicide was nearly twice the rate of homicide, whereas for those aged ≥65 years, the rate of suicide wa
s nearly seven times the homicide rate.
Alternate Text: The figure above shows suicide and homicide rates, by age group, in the United States, during 2009. In 2009, the age-adjusted suicide rate for the total population (11.8 per 100,000 population) was approximately twice as high as the age-adjusted homicide rate (5.5). Persons aged 18-24 years had the highest rate of homicide in 2009, whereas persons aged 45-54 years had the highest rate of suicide. The suicide rate was higher than the homicide rate among those aged ≥25 years, and this difference increased with age. For persons aged 25-44 years, the rate of suicide was nearly twice the rate of homicide, whereas for those aged ≥65 years, the rate of suicide was nearly seven times the homicide rate.
[QuickStats: Suicide and Homicide Rates,* by Age Group — United States, 2009, CDC MMWR Weekly July 20, 2012 / 61(28);543; ; National Vital Statistics System mortality data. Available at ; US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Healthy people 2020. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services; 2012. Available at External Web Site Icon.]
Free Enterprise and the Dignity of Human Life / Moral Capitalism: Defending the Free Market
Respecting life “from womb to tomb” includes the long part in the middle. In this beautiful short video, Rev. Robert Sirico reminds us that free enterprise is the system best-suited to human flourishing.
[18 June 2012,]
America Needs a Baby Boom
Social security is about to go belly up, financially speaking. And at the head of this crisis is a demographic disproportion: there are simply too few young people coming into the workforce to support the increasing numbers of elderly baby boomers who are retiring.
In "What's Really Behind the Entitlement Crisis," (Wall Street Journal, July 12th), Ben Wattenberg explains that "never-born babies are the root cause of the 'social deficit' that plagues nations across the world and threatens to break the bank in many."
The math is simple. Birthrates have fallen so far and so fast that the thinning ranks of the young can no longer support the burgeoning numbers of retirees in country after country. Greece and Spain are already going over a demographic cliff, and there is not much they can do about it. Governments there and elsewhere can and do try to raise taxes or delay the age of retirement, but this will only delay by a few years the onset of the crisis. Ultimately and inevitably, there will be too few taxpayers to compensate for the deficit.
The problem, at root, is the birth dearth. There are a number of factors contributing to the strange barrenness of this generation of humans. According to Wattenberg, these include delayed marriages, wealth, divorce, legalized abortion, and accessible contraception.
Unfortunately, Wattenberg does not have much in the way of concrete policy proposals to offer. He does suggest that “the place to begin is by recognizing the problem, publicizing it, and trusting that humanity has been around for a long time and is not about to under-breed itself out of existence."
He criticizes the myth of overpopulation, noting the powerful downdraft this had on fertility. He says that it’s time for a new message, namely, that “The real danger for the future is too few births."
I would be more specific. It is clear that the myth of overpopulation has played a part, a big part, in driving down the birth rate. The vicious anti-people propaganda of the radical environmental movement has also played a part. When you teach young people that babies are vermin—as some of these groups do—you naturally discourage childbearing. When you teach them that the birth of a baby means the death of a whale, you encourage abortion. Children must be taught that they, and the children that they will one day have, are the ultimate resource, the one resource you cannot do without.
It is by now obvious to all countries with below-replacement birthrates that they have a serious problem. Most have tried to solve it by bribing parents with various kinds of governments subsidies. Their birthrates haven’t risen for the most part (with the exception of America, which we’ll get to in a moment). People are still avoiding having children. The programs are not lucrative enough to affect fertility behavior. Parents invest huge amounts of time, energy, and income on their children. A one-time baby bonus, or even a small monthly payment, hardly makes a dent in these costs.
So what has America done differently? The Republican-controlled Congress in 1994 passed a tax credit of $1,000 for each child under 16, and generously increased the per dependent deduction so that it is now $4,650. This means that young couples can actually lower their taxes by having more children, to the point where young couples of modest income pay virtually no income tax.
While this policy has kept America’s birthrate near replacement, this is not good enough. Young couples should also be sheltered from paying social security taxes, for example. Those who are willing to marry and have children should have their student loans forgiven. They should be exempted from state taxes, from sales tax, from any and all manner of taxation.
After all, they are investing in the future of America in the most fundamental way: by investing in the future generation.
[Weekly Briefing, 30 July 2012, Steven W. Mosher and Elizabeth Crnkovich]
July 21, 2012 (LifeSiteNews,com) – LifeSiteNews received this item from Crossroads Pro-Life president Jim Nolan as given to him by Andrew Moore’s father to do as Crossroads wished to honor Andrew. The exceptionally dedicated young pro-lifer was killed in an accident early Friday morning while walking with other members of the Crossroads team.
Andrew Moore: 1991 – 2012.
Millions of fathers have had to come to grips with the tragic, untimely deaths of a beloved child. I am no different, and no different in wanting my son remembered for the unique and good man that he was. Here are a few pieces of his story.
Andrew, our beloved son, was hit by a car while walking along an Indiana highway with Crossroads, a pro-life group that sponsors college students on walks across America each summer. He died instantly. In this modern world, we’d reflexively add that he died doing what he loved – a somewhat true but strangely self-focused way to see it.
What Andrew loved was not, exactly, the pro-life movement. In fact, I can safely say he pretty much hated praying in front of the local abortion mill, and had a very hard time making himself say anything to the people as they walked by.
He hated the occasional mockery and confrontations. He hated being there alone most mornings. There was none of that peculiar self-righteousness that is the hallmark of the secular protests us residents of the San Francisco Bay Area see, the patting of oneself on the back for sticking it to the man while hooting it up for the cameras. Andrew’s mostly solitary protests were not a party, and were hardly even a protest. There was no man to stick it to – only women faced with a terrible ‘choice’.
What Andrew did
love was the Truth. Decades of deconstruction, of Orwellian ‘critical thinking’, have succeeded in painting the love of Truth as some sort of disorder, as naïve and simplistic – Andrew, by some mysterious grace, was immune to this poison.
While he might have been naïve and simplistic about many things, his intellect, by another mysterious grace, was profound and mature far beyond his years. His love of Truth lead him to a love of God, to a love of neighbor, to Thomas Aquinas College – and to untold lonely hours spent in front of Planned Parenthood. And to the walk that resulted in his being taken from us.
Once Andrew understood the truth, he saw no way he could escape spending hours praying on the sidewalk. Nor – and this is critically important – helping out at all the crisis pregnancy support groups in the area.
He is well known and well loved by the people at Concord Birth Right and at the Gabriel Project, as he always showed up to help whenever they needed him. He knew that success was not defined by simply talking a women out of getting an abortion – success meant that he – and all of us – stepped up to help, to love that woman and her baby unconditionally and materially for the rest of their lives.
But on a much deeper level, he understood that embracing the truth meant, ultimately, embracing the Cross. There is a heavy price to pay for loving people. We will fail, and we will be ridiculed, and we will be spat upon by those we try to help. But that is nothing compared to the suffering when we succeed, when we will the good of the other for the sake of the other. The pain we then feel, if we are so blessed, is the slow death of ourselves.
Some people have called Andrew a martyr. I can understand why, but it makes me very uncomfortable. In the popular imagination, a martyr gets dragged in front of a firing squad or thrown to the lions. Since Andrew’s death was nothing so dramatic, calling him a martyr risks making his sacrifice merely hyperbolic and therefore easily dismissed. At the same time, martyrdom is the correct and traditional way to describe the process of dying to one’s self for the sake of God through the selfless love of others. Understood in that way, Andrew’s life was a martyrdom, and I cannot feel he was cheated in any way by how short it was. For the rest of us, his death remains a tragedy and a mystery.
May God have mercy on his soul, and consol the inconsolable.
Joseph Moore
July 21, 2012
— with Denis Herbert, Ir Carla Souza Rodrigues, Seamus O'neill, Rosemary Drumgoole, David Drumgoole and Child Unborn.
Ohio 'Mobile' Pregnancy Center Fleet Growing
ICU Mobile based in Akron is a pioneer of the mobile pregnancy center ministry. It has mobilized a fleet of pregnancy care centers on wheels, to go to women facing unplanned pregnancies rather than wait for women to come to them. Each vehicle is outfitted for pregnancy testing, and carries ultrasound equipment to show mothers their child. Statistics indicate that an ultrasound influences many women considering abortion to choose life for their babies. Michael Homula, executive director of ICU Mobile notes, "Of the women we serve, 87.8% of those considering abortion change their mind and choose life."
ICU Mobile now has 28 fleet affiliates throughout the USA and one international affiliate. It hopes to deploy 12 more mobile pregnancy centers by the end of 2012. Over 90 additional pregnancy help centers and other organizations are considering adding vehicles.
[Rt to Life of Greater Cincinnati News Brief, Summer 2012]
Moms and Babies to Tell Congress About Pregnancy Centers
Women who received support from pregnancy help centers and rejected abortion are bringing their children to meet with U.S. lawmakers as part of Heartbeat’s Babies Go to Congress campaign tomorrow.
Exponentially Out Of Touch: Medical Officer for American Cancer Society Thinks Planned Parenthood Delivers Babies
July 30, 2012, Randall K. O’Bannon, Ph.D., National Right to Life Education and Research Director
Over the years, the American Cancer Society has done a great deal of good, funding programs and research that is believed to have saved millions of lives. But even the most intelligent people dedicated to the noblest of causes can occasionally have a blind spot, an area where what they think they know just isn’t so, and that can lead to some embarrassing, and in some cases, tragic mistakes.
Sadly, that appears to be the case with Dr. Otis W. Brawley, the Chief Medical Officer for the American Cancer Society.
A letter was sent, raising questions about the relationship between the American Cancer Society and Planned Parenthood. His amazing response was passed along to us and others.
Brawley employed many of the usual justifications and rationalizations private grantors give for sending money Planned Parenthood’s way – that they money didn’t go for abortion, that the organization respects everyone’s “personal beliefs,” etc. That’s S.O.P. But then he goes on to make a claim that is as bizarre as it is erroneous.
Brawley says that the “limited number” of Cancer Control grants given to Planned Parenthood were just to implement smoking cessation programs for patients and pregnant women. He says that “This program was specifically designed to improve the health of the unborn fetus and the child once born.” Then Brawley adds this whopper: “The grants had the potential to do much good as Planned Parenthood delivers more children than any other medical practice in the U.S.” (emphasis added).
Look over the service reports for the past ten, twenty, or even thirty years and you’ll find millions of abortions, but statistics on live births are sorely lacking. That isn’t what Planned Parenthoods do.
Kill babies, yes. But help babies be born? Brawley must have Planned Parenthood confused with some other organization.
Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, performing about 330,000 abortions a year, more than a quarter of the nation’s total. By contrast, it recorded only 31,908 prenatal visits in 2010 and did just 841 adoption referrals nationwide. It reported no births in 2010, or in 2009, or 2008, or 2007…
Planned Parenthood isn’t about parenthood and shows little concern for the “health of the unborn fetus.” Most of the unborn children of those mothers who come into Planned Parenthood looking for “services” for pregnant women never get a chance to be born.
Brawley says that “The program under which the grants were funded has now expired, and there are no plans to award any more such grants at this time.”
Let’s hope that Brawley and the American Cancer Society do a little bit better research the next time grants like this are considered and decide to put their money towards more life affirming, rather than life destroying, activities.
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Lancet Blames Homophobia For Growing HIV Epidemic… Seriously?
Despite overwhelming medical evidence that AIDS is exponentially growing among homosexuals because of behavioral risks, the widely read medical journal Lancet is telling the medical community that “homophobia is a key driver” of the growing epidemic. And the Lancet is calling for the decriminalization of homosexual behavior and the removal of any stigma and discrimination attached to homosexuality.
In a new series of papers, “HIV in Men Who Have Sex with Men”, Lancet delves deeply into the root causes of the HIV pandemic among homosexuals, analyzing the biological, behavioral, and structural risks that affect men having sex with men.
The series was presented at a symposium during the AIDS 2012 conference last week in Washington D.C. presented by Professor Chris Beyrer from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
The findings of the papers are contradictory. On the one hand the papers conclude the problem is homophobia but the evidence of the paper demonstrates the problem is behavior. In fact, active homosexuals are eighteen times more likely to become infected with HIV than the general population. In addition, the papers detail how homosexual lifestyles are correlated with a host of other STDs and health risks, including substance abuse and depression.
Huge progress has been made in reducing the spread of HIV, especially in the developed world especially. But new infections of HIV occur predominantly among men having sex with men.
According to the paper, the risk of becoming infected with HIV for a man having sex with another man is 1.4%. The Lancet papers highlight the known factors that compound the problem. A major complication is the biological risk associated with anal sex, since HIV is a gut-tropic virus. A second risk is that homosexuals possess what health experts call “sexual role versatility,” that is the ability of being both the receptive and insertive partner of the virus. An additional risk is the propensity of homosexuals to lead a promiscuous lifestyle that exposes them to further risks. These three factors combine to increases the speed and efficacy with which HIV continues to spread among homosexuals.
These biological and behavioral risks are so high that even if all active homosexuals were provided the best health services available today their infection rates would only go down 25% over the next 10 yrs.
The novelty of the series of papers is highlighting non-medical, non-scientific notions such as homophobia. The health experts claim that homophobia is a key driver of the HIV pandemic among homosexuals, especially black homosexuals. But while the experts cite data showing how laws and culture can be barriers to access HIV services and information, there is no data showing that the expansion of special rights to persons on the basis of their sexual and identity preferences has had any effect on their HIV infection rate, or overall health.
The health experts nevertheless affirm that stigma and discrimination through laws, culture, “hegemonic masculinity,” and especially religious traditions, are killing young men.
[Aug 02, 2012, Stefano Gennarini, J.D., DC, August 3, C-FAM,
Quick Facts about Planned Parenthood
CDC & Prevention numbers: A black child is 2.33 more times likely to be killed in the womb than a white child
Related Resources:
** PP Resources —
** 2011 Report on Planned Parenthood Facilities in the United StateS — 8 page report
Texas Fraud Suit Against Planned Parenthood Moves Forward
The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is proceeding with a lawsuit saying Planned Parenthood affiliates in Texas defrauded taxpayers, after a federal judge dismissed the abortion seller’s plea to dismiss the case late last week.
The court said there is enough evidence that Planned Parenthood may have made false claims for reimbursement under government programs for unnecessary procedures and services never provided to proceed with the case.
According to the ACLJ, “This is a major victory, as this case to hold Planned Parenthood accountable moves forward to trial. At stake are literally hundreds of millions of dollars, and it is a case that could have a substantial impact on one of Planned Parenthood’s largest affiliates in Texas.”
ACLJ is representing former Planned Parenthood employee Karen Reynolds in the suit, which was filed Aug. 10. Reynolds spent a decade working as a health center assistant at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Lufkin, from October 1999 through February 2009.
Reynolds alleges that during that time, corporate directors instructed employees to “maximize revenues by increasing ‘pay-per-visits’ for patients who were eligible for medical services charged to government programs,” including Medicaid.
According to court documents, Planned Parenthood claims there is nothing fraudulent about a policy to maximize revenues.
“The court didn’t buy that argument and held that if our client’s allegations are proven, it would show that Planned Parenthood engaged in a ‘fraudulent scheme to maximize revenues’ in violation of federal law ‘on a regular if not daily basis’ over the course of at least 10 years,” said ACLJ Senior Counsel Edward White.
“Planned Parenthood corporate officers directed employees at the clinics to boost up their revenues by charging for services that were not provided to people who generally into the government-type programs or were not medically necessary.”
Liberty Institute spokesman Jonathan Saenz told Citizenlink this lawsuit will help shed light on whether taxpayer dollars are being spent the right way.
“I think it’s extremely significant that it’s moving forward,” Saenz said. “For quite a long time there’s been concern over whether Planned Parenthood is charging people accurately. Hopefully, we will get some answers.”
White said Planned Parenthood is expected to try once again to have the case thrown out, but a trial is likely to take place next spring.
Read the court order allowing the case to proceed —
[August 15, 2012, Bethany Monk,]
Komen President Resigns, Still Funding Planned Parenthood
With rally attendance and financial support down across the country because it has resumed funding the Planned Parenthood abortion business, the Komen for the Cure group saw its president resign and it’s founder taking over.
As the Wall St. Journal reports:
Susan G. Komen for the Cure shook up its top ranks Wednesday, announcing the resignation of its pres
ident and creating a new figurehead role for its founder, even as it looked to fill other senior positions in the wake of a controversial decision involving Planned Parenthood.
Searches were under way to find a president, chief executive and chief operating officer, a post that has been vacant since late 2009, said Nancy G. Brinker, who is the founder and current CEO of the nation’s largest breast-cancer charity. She said she would assume a new role after top leadership positions were filled. The departure of President Elizabeth Thompson will take effect Sept. 7…
Two Komen board members, Brenda Lauderback and Linda Law, also are leaving, officials said Wednesday.
Binker told the WSJ that the resignations have nothing to do with the controversy surrounding its ties with Planned Parenthood. Brinker is still apologizing for the decision, which it went back on, to cut funding to the abortion business.
“I apologized to everyone. I think we all made mistakes and we addressed them and we’re through that and we’re moving on,” she told WSJ.
Eric Ferrero, vice president for communications of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, praised Komen saying its leaders “have made profound contributions to women’s health” and that “we are proud to continue” working with the breast cancer charity.
Komen affiliates are seeing huge drops in support — in terms of the number of walkers participating in events and the amount of donations coming in — following its decision to re-establish funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion business.
[Ertelt | Washington, DC, 8/8/12,]
1. PLANNED PARENTHOOD IS WAGING A WAR ON WOMEN. While Planned Parenthood projects a huge smokescreen by accusing those who oppose abortion and PP of waging a war on women, PP leads the war on women!
More than 30 studies in just over the last decade show the devastating impact of abortion on women's health and life expectancy. A few highlights in the long list include:
Compared to women who give birth, women who aborted had a 62% higher risk of death from all causes, which persisted for at least 8 years. (Southern Medical Journal, 2002)
Suicide rates among aborting women were 6 times higher compared to women who gave birth. (European Journal of Public Health, 2005)
Deaths from abortion are grossly understated. Researchers in Finland found that linking death certificates to medical records showed that the death rate associated with abortion is three times higher than that associated with childbirth. (Paediatric Perinatal Epidemiology, 2004)
[NOTE: this record-based type of study is not possible in the USA because abortion is not required to be listed on death certificates.]
65% of American women studied experienced multiple symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which they attributed to their abortions. (Medical Science Monitor, 2004)
An ongoing survey of women in New Zealand found that women were 30 percent more likely to experience substance abuse, suicidal thoughts, anxiety disorder, and major depression after abortion than after other pregnancy outcomes. (British Journal of Psychiatry, 2008)
Abortion advocates try to keep these and many, many more worldwide studies covered up, because abortion is a multi-million dollar business (Planned Parenthood profits have been over one Billion dollars the last few years).
Abortion Hurts Women.
2. THE BABIES. Planned Parenthood commits more abortions than any single organization in the nation or in the world. In the U.S., a tiny, innocent human being endures a grisly death by abortion in a Planned Parenthood facility every 95 seconds. While national abortion numbers have declined and stabilized, Planned Parenthood's abortion numbers continue to soar. Since 1970, approximately 7 million innocent human lives have been taken by Planned Parenthood abortions in the U.S.
These children would have grown to become American workers to support Social Security, consumers to purchase products, teachers, musicians, engineers, clergy, mentors, and friends.
3. PLANNED PARENTHOOD ENCOURAGES PROMISCUITY. Its perverse, pornographic media, in the form of teen websites. trainings, brochures, and other materials tempts and titillates hormone-high teens to try sexual activity. "There is no right or wrong way to have sex" and "when you are ready is the right time to begin having sex" are common comments presented to our tweens and teens by PP. Planned Parenthood pushes its "comprehensive sex education" (CSA) from birth, encouraging parents to talk about having sex to their children and to others in front of their children from the earliest ages, stripping them of modesty and innocence, and creating a culture of corrupted sexuality within their house. The 'sex-crazed' abortion advocates in Planned Parenthood continually drive a wedge between parents and children by fighting abstinence education laws and parental consent for abortion laws, while spearheading laws that take away or minimalize parental rights.
4. PLANNED PARENTHOOD IS THE VISIBLE HEAD OF THE CULTURE OF DEATH. Planned Parenthood has built a billion dollar business revolving around abortion, abortifacient birth control, and promotion of 'anything goes' sex. It is the preeminent force in organizing the abortion promoters of death to defend and spread abortion, perverse sex instruction, and chemical birth control worldwide. PP continues to defend every form of abortion through all nine months, and fought to keep partial birth abortion legal.
In partial birth abortion, a late-term baby (7-9 months gestation) is delivered except for the his/her head, scissors are thrust into the neck to sever the spinal cord, and then the delivery is completed when the baby is dead.
5. TAXPAYERS SHOULD NOT BE FORCED TO PAY FOR PLANNED PARENTHOOD'S LUCRATIVE WAR ON WOMEN, SEX BUSINESS, & DESTRUCTION OF OUR PREBORN BABIES. Planned Parenthood receives at least a third of its Billion dollar business income from taxpayer dollars. Yet poll after poll shows the majority of Americans don't agree with Planned Parenthood's agenda.
Planned Parenthood would not exist without government funding. The blood of the millions of children PP has killed is real. It is time to defund Planned Parenthood now!
[adapted from American Life League flyer "Top Five Reasons to Defund Planned Parenthood", APFLI, 2012]
Planned Parenthood Statistics from PPFA's 2009-2010 Annual Report
A PP CEO's average earning is $158,000 per year
22 PP CEOs earned in excess of $200,000 per year
In 2009-2010, PP reports aborting 329,455 pre-born babies through surgical or medication (RU 486, mifepristone) abortions, slightly down from 332,278 the year before. It is estimated that these abortions generated ~$154 Million for the abortion giant.
Only 841 PP customers were referred to adoption agencies; 31,098 received prenatal care
PP received $487.4 Million in tax dollars in 2009-2010; this is an increase from the previous year — $363.2 Million
PP's total budget for 2009-2010 was $1.04 Billion, with excess revenue over expenses (i.e. profit) of $1
8.5 Million for this technically "non-profit" organization
[Rt to Life of Greater Cincinnati News Brief, Summer 2012]