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According to the National Center for Health Statistics, Vital and Health Statistics Division data for 1995:

  15-19 year olds 20-24 year olds
Pill 13% 33%
Condom 10.9% 16.7%
No Contraceptives 70.2% 36.6%
Never had intercourse 49.8% 12.1%

Of 9.7 million women using "coitis-dependent contraceptives"  [i.e. barrier birth control methods such as the condom] in the 3 months prior to the interview, about 33% — over 3 million — used them inconsistently. An even higher percentage of teens using these methods reported inconsistent use — 38%. The highest percentage of any group of women reporting inconsistent use was in the 20-24 year old group — almost 42%.

9% of sexually active teens under age 16 are using the pill; 33.6% of these teens use condoms.

Nearly 30% of all women who had intercourse in the 3 months prior to the interview and used the pill as the only contraceptive method, reported missing a pill at least once during the cycle. [Table 45]