by APFLI | Mar 24, 2005 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
America’s Health Burden from Sexual Activity As part of an analysis of the burden of disease and injury in the USA, researchers identified/quantified the incidence of adverse health events, deaths, and disability adjusted life years (DALY) attributed to sexual...
by APFLI | Feb 27, 2005 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
A group of physicians has presented to Canadian Parliamentarians scientific evidence that homosexual marriage is a health risk to Canadians. The heavily referenced brief titled “Gay Marriage and Homosexuality, Some Medical Comments” warns that the new law...
by APFLI | Feb 22, 2005 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
Just a few days away from the celebration of World AIDS Day 2004, the prestigious medical magazine The Lancet published a document signed by experts from 36 countries who for the first time recognize that abstinence and fidelity are key to stopping thespread of AIDS....
by APFLI | Feb 20, 2005 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
Resistant Gonorrhea on the Rise Rare Chlamydial STD Appearing in the USA In Hawaii, the proportion of cases of gonorrhea that are resistant to Cipro increased nearly 7-fold 1997-2000 [medical journal Sexually Transmitted Diseases]: from less than 1.5% in 1996...
by APFLI | Feb 20, 2005 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
The UNAIDS 2004 report highlights the global and regional estimates on HIV/AIDS and new trends in the epidemic. “The prevalence is still rising in some countries such as Madagascar and Swaziland, and is declining nationwide in Uganda,” primarily because of...
by APFLI | Jan 5, 2005 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
DIAGNOSES OF HIV/AIDS — 32 States, 2000-2003 – An estimated 850,000–950,000 persons in the USA are living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), including 180,000–280,000 who do not know they are infected During 2000-2003, HIV/AIDS was...
by APFLI | Jan 1, 2005 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
“An experimental drug in the form of a vaginal gel is being tested on female monkeys to prevent the HIV virus from gaining access to the body. The drug works by preventing the virus from penetrating a woman’s cells. “In many parts of the world, the...
by APFLI | Oct 20, 2004 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
Depo Provera Increases Chance of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea Women who use the injected contraceptive Depo-Provera have a higher rate of sexually transmitted diseases, U.S. researchers [National Institutes of Health, UNC, and Johns Hopkins Univ in Baltimore] reported. This...
by APFLI | Aug 2, 2004 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
In 1996 the number of Americans with a new STI/year was estimated to be about 12 million. This number was recently revised to 18.9 million in 2000,1 a significant increase. Adolescents and young adults are disproportionately affected. Nearly half (48%) of new STI...
by APFLI | Aug 2, 2004 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
A generation ago, one in 10 of new AIDS patients in the United States was a woman. Its now one in four. Worldwide, women made up nearly half of the adults living with HIV/AIDS in 2003, up from 41 percent in 1997. In sub-Saharan Africa which has the worlds highest...
by APFLI | Mar 11, 2004 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
AIDS IN AFRICA – Another study claims that "dominant organizations such as UNAIDS have grossly inflated the role of sexual activity in the spread of AIDS in Africa, consistently claiming that 90% of new cases are caused by sexual transmission. The new...
by APFLI | Mar 11, 2004 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
LEADING CONTRIBUTORS TO DEATH & DISABILITY WORLDWIDE IN 1999 Findings: 1) "unsafe" sexual behavior is the 3rd greatest contributor to worldwide death & disability 2) HIV and other STDs were the 2nd and 18th leading causes of worldwide death and...
by APFLI | Mar 3, 2004 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
HPV LINKED TO MOUTH CANCER Scientists have uncovered evidence that STD human papilloma virus (HPV), transmitted through oral contact can cause mouth cancer. Researchers had suspected that HPV, which is linked to ~95% of all Cervical Cancer could also be...
by APFLI | Feb 14, 2004 | STDs, STIs, HIV - Archive
Drug-Resistant HIV Strains Found In One Of Every 10 Newly Infected European Patients… according to a study released at the Int’l AIDS Society's 2nd Conference on HIV Pathogenesis/ Treatment in Paris. David van de Vijver of the University Med Ctr...