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Abortion Business Trying to Stop More Planned Parenthood Videos, Calls Pro-Lifers “Racketeers”

It’s been since late October that the last shocking expose’ video was released exposing how Planned Parenthood and the remaining abortion industry are selling the body parts of aborted babies.

Since then, the Senate has approved legislation that would defund Planned Parenthood…

NAF, a trade group for abortion business is attempting to stop the Center for Medical Progress from releasing any more videos and fighting in court to squelch its free speech.

In response to the attempt by the National Abortion Federation to censor additional videos, the Life Legal Defense Foundation, a pro-life legal group, filed an opposition brief to NAF’s motion for preliminary injunction against David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress.

NAF is suing for an injunction to prevent Daleiden from releasing the recordings and information he obtained at the NAF meetings on the false grounds that he is a “racketeer” who “committed fraud,” “snuck into” their completely secure, private meetings, “stole” NAF information, and repelled them with his constant questions about buying fetal tissue from aborted babies.

Life Legal’s opposition brief argues that, on the contrary, NAF welcomed Daleiden and the other investigators as dealers in body parts of aborted babies, that he conducted his investigation legally, and that the public has a right to know what Daleiden uncovered at the NAF meetings.

Daleiden’s declaration, filed with the opposition brief, gives a very different version of events than NAF has provided — and includes the evidence to back it up. He says that two of his investigators, posing as employees of BioMax, met NAF employees at an unrelated conference in September of 2013. The investigators explained BioMax’s plan to buy fetal tissue. Here’s what happened, as caught on tape:

“Less than four minutes into the conversation, [one NAF employee] invited the investigators, as representatives of BioMax, to attend and exhibit at the next NAF Annual Meeting… One investigator told her that BioMax planned to give clinics some of the fees that it received from researchers for providing fetal tissue–an action that would be plainly illegal. [The NAF employee] responded that their members would be very interested in learning about that and strongly encouraged them to exhibit at the NAF meeting….”

Daleiden and other investigators attended both the 2014 and 2015 NAF Annual Meetings at the invitation of NAF employees.

Catherine Short, Life Legal Defense Foundation’s Vice President and Daleiden’s lead counsel says, “NAF unwittingly rolled out the red carpet for BioMax because NAF believed they were illegal dealers in fetal tissue. Moreover, after David and the other investigators, acting for BioMax, pitched their business plan of buying aborted baby body parts to everyone they could, they were invited back.

“It’s time for the National Abortion Federation to admit the truth: they were completely taken in by a legitimate undercover investigation, and yes, they were uncovered.”

Meanwhile, CMP says NAF is clearly trying to infringe upon its First Amendment free speech rights in an attempt to prevent it from releasing additional undercover videos exposing the industry to sell aborted baby parts.

“The First Amendment liberties of freedom of speech and of the citizen press are under attack in the censorial lawsuit brought against CMP by the National Abortion Federation, Planned Parenthood’s allies and proxy group. The National Abortion Federation is a criminal enterprise and a key partner in Planned Parenthood’s late-term abortion and baby body parts business. NAF seeks a Preliminary Injunction gag-order to silence CMP from publishing the evidence of criminal activity between NAF and Planned Parenthood and to censor the video evidence already released,” the group said.

CMP continued:

In September 2013, the National Abortion Federation (“NAF”) became aware of a start-up company called BioMax Procurement Services, LLC, which offered to pay abortion clinics for fetal tissue. NAF representatives encouraged BioMax to attend and exhibit at NAF’s Annual Meeting in April 2014 in San Francisco. In response to a tentative e-mail inquiry from BioMax about pricing and availability of exhibit space at the next meeting, NAF responded by sending a prospectus containing what NAF now claims is its most secret information: the exact date, time, and location of its next Annual Meeting.

BioMax representatives attended the 2014 NAF Annual Meeting and told dozens of members and staff that its business plan was to pay abortion clinics for fetal tissue—and pay more than its competitors. From 2014 to 2015, it made the same proposal to abortion providers and clinic owners in several other venues. Consequently, BioMax became popular and respected in the abortion community.


CMP’s investigation uncovered extensive evidence in the abortion industry of willingness to engage in criminal practices, including the sale of fetal body parts for profit and the alteration of abortion methods to procure fetal body parts for research, as well as evidence of de-sensitization toward the highly developed human fetus by practitioners of late-term abortion.

NAF has spun this investigative journalistic endeavor into an eleven-count complaint containing allegations ranging from racketeering and fraud to trespass. Despite months of rhetoric about CMP’s putative “fraud” and “crime spree,” however, for its preliminary injunction motion, NAF relies on only two claims: breach of contract and violation of California Penal Code § 632.

Plaintiff cannot show a likelihood of success on these claims, nor can it show a threat of irreparable injury on the basis of the actions of third parties unrelated to Defendants who are strangers to this lawsuit. Moreover, NAF’s requested relief is both unsupported by the evidence and contrary to the public policy against restraining publication of matters of enormous public interest.

The National Abortion Federation and Planned Parenthood continue to trample on the First Amendment freedoms of the American people even as these two halves of the abortion industry are under state and federal investigation for their criminal sale of baby body parts.

The arguments on NAF’s Preliminary Injunction gag order will be heard in the San Francisco Northern Federal District Court of California on December 18.

The expose’ videos catching Planned Parenthood officials selling the body parts of aborted babies have shocked the nation. Here is a list of all eleven:

In the first video: Dr. Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood commented on baby-crushing: “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”

In the second video: Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Mary Gatter joked, “I want a Lamborghini” as she negotiated the best price for baby parts.

In the third video: Holly O’Donnell, a former Stem Express employee who worked inside a Planned Parenthood clinic, detailed first-hand the unspeakable atrocities and how she fainted in horror over handling baby legs.

In the fourth video: Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Savita Ginde stated, “We don’t want to do just a flat-fee (per baby) of like, $200. A per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.” She also laughed while looking at a plate of fetal kidneys that were “good to go.”

In the fifth video: Melissa Farrell of Planned Parenthood-Gulf Coast in Houston boasted of Planned Parenthood’s skill in obtaining “intact fetal cadavers” and how her “research” department “contributes so much to the bottom line of our organization here, you know we’re one of the largest affiliates, our Research Department is the largest in the United States.”

In the sixth video: Holly O’Donnell described technicians taking fetal parts without patient consent: “There were times when they would just take what they wanted. And these mothers don’t know. And there’s no way they would know.”

In the seventh and perhaps most disturbing video: Holly O’Donnell described the harvesting, or “procurement,” of organs from a nearly intact late-term fetus aborted at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte’s Alameda clinic in San Jose, CA. “‘You want to see something kind of cool,’” O’Donnell says her supervisor asked her. “And she just taps the heart, and it starts beating. And I’m sitting here and I’m looking at this fetus, and its heart is beating, and I don’t know what to think.”

In the eighth video: StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer admits Planned Parenthood sells “a lot of” fully intact aborted babies.

The ninth video: catches a Planned Parenthood medical director discussing how the abortion company sells fully intact aborted babies — including one who “just fell out” of the womb.

The 10th video: catches the nation’s biggest abortion business selling specific body parts — including the heart, eyes and “gonads” of unborn babies.The video also shows the shocking ways in which Planned Parenthood officials admit that they are breaking federal law by selling aborted baby body parts for profit.

Unreleased Videos: Unreleased videos from CMP show Deb Vanderhei of Planned Parenthood caught on tape talking about how Planned Parenthood abortion business affiliates may “want to increase revenue [from selling baby parts] but we can’t stop them…” Another video has a woman talking about the “financial incentives” of selling aborted baby body parts.

The 11th video: catches a texas Planned Parenthood abortionist planning to sell the intact heads of aborted babies for research. Amna Dermish is caught on tape describing an illegal partial-birth abortion procedure to terminate living, late-term unborn babies which she hopes will yield intact fetal heads for brain harvesting.

The full, unedited videos have confirmed that revelations that some aborted baby remains sold by Planned Parenthood go to biotech companies for the purpose of creating “humanized” mice. Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood has been exposed as having sold body parts from aborted babies for as much as 15 years.

The federal law that technically prohibits the sale of aborted babies and their body parts was written by a pro-abortion Congressman decades ago and essentially spells out a process by which sellers of aborted baby body parts can meet certain criteria that allows the sales to be legal. That’s why a Colorado congressman has introduced legislation to totally ban the sales of aborted baby body parts.

[8 Dec 2015, Ertelt, ]