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Women with persistent chlamydial infection are at increased risk for developing cervical cancer.

A report from Finland concerns Chlamydia and its relationship to cervical cancer. In the article, the finding that cervical cancer is caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) is reinforced, but the role of Chlamydia is reviewed.

HPV is recognized as the cause of cervical cancer. Still, the number of people who actually contract cervical cancer is a small fraction of those who have HPV. Further research needs to be done to find other factors that contribute to the malignant change, such as the possible link to Chlamydia. The chlamydia trachomatis organism can be sub-typed. The storage of serum samples dating back decades enabled the Finns to perform DNA-based tests now that were not available at the time of sample collection.

The principal finding was that chlamydia trachomatis sub-types G and D were most strongly correlated to eventual cervical cancer in the presence of HPV. This finding does not mandate a change in diagnosis or treatment at this point. The results cannot be generalized to other populations. Furthermore, the study must be replicated or confirmed with other research.

What remains clear is that there are very high rates of disease without symptoms, all spread by sexual intercourse with more than one person.

The fact that there are no symptoms, no highly effective prevention, and poor ability to diagnose the diseases in men leads to one inevitable conclusion: 


Abstinence until marriage and chastity within marriage are the only healthy choices, and the only manner in which to curtail the nationwide infestation of [STDs] [JAMA, 3Jan01; 8Jan01 by John Diggs, MD; Abstinence Clearinghouse E-Mail Update 24Jan01]

An additional recent report states that women with persistent chlamydial infection are at increased risk for developing cervical cancer. [Reuters Health, 17Dec03; 24Dec03, Abstinence Clearinghouse]




The human papillomavirus (HPV), an infectious disease of the skin and inner membranes, is considered one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the world and a necessary agent of cervical cancer.

Research now shows that Chlamydia increases this risk.

New research on the effect of STDs on cervical cancer demonstrates that an infection with both HPV and Chlamydia extends HPV persistence in females.

Jeff Korte, Ph.D., principal investigator of a National Cancer Institute funded study and assistant professor at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), tracked HPV infections in 68 women with existing STDs to analyze the impact of genital infections over a two-year period. Korte found that HPV infections lasted longer if Chlamydia also was present. "HPV persistence is one of the most important risk factors for cervical cancer", said Korte.

"If an HPV infection persists longer, it is more likely to be accompanied by a serious lesion and progress to cancer".

[“Researcher Finds Link Between Chlamydia And Cervical Cancer,” Medical News Today, 03-15-08,; POSTED: MAR 15, 2008,]