“He who is silent in the face of evil, consents to it.”
New Mexico Hearing Sheds Light on Dangers of Full-term Abortions / New Mexico Closes Disciplinary Hearing over this Botched 35-Week Abortion
911: Apparent Botched IUD Procedure Causes Hemorrhage at FL Abortion Business
MI Abortionist Dies at Age 75
Reproductive Racism? Francis Galton Coined Term 'Eugenics'
Three Things That May Happen to You During an Abortion
I Am An Abortion Survivor: Giving Voice to the 491 Canadian Babies Born Alive, Left to Die
Pro-Woman Answers to Pro-Abortion Questions
Mississippi's Only Abortion Business Petitions Court to Stay Open / Last Mississippi Abortion Business Could Close in February
Five Abortion Workers Leave One Abortion Shop, Three Leave Another
MO Planned Parenthood Sends Abortion Client to Hospital the Day before Thanksgiving
Indy Planned Parenthood Tries to Hide Another Botched Abortion From 911
Tennessee: Abortions Decline 4 Percent New Figures Show
Ohio Abortions Decline to Historic Low, Largest Drop in 20 Years
Abortions Fall 5 Percent Nationwide, Biggest Drop in 10 Years
Mainstream Media Misleads on Reasons Behind Abortion Decline?
Does Abortion Reduce Welfare Costs?
It is Zero Truth that Abortion is Needed to Save Women's Lives… So, Let's Have Zero Tolerance on Misinforming Women — 1:51 minute video — (
Ten Reasons the Pro-Life Movement is Winning the Abortion Struggle
Abortion is a War on Women: Death, Infertility, Emotional Damage
How Is It That Abortions Are Legal at 35 Weeks of Pregnancy?
More Than 400 Women [We Know Of] Have Died From Legal Abortions Since 1973… 2009 National Abortion Data Summary
Published Abortion Studies ( 55 items )
Published Abortion – Breast Cancer Studies ( 34 items )
Published Abortion – Mental Health/Suicide Studies ( 25 items )
Abortion – Future PreTerm Delivery/Birth Link Studies ( 27 items )
Abortion – Later Child Autism Connection Studies ( 4 items )
Study Shows Abortion Linked to High Breast Cancer Risk (updated)
NEW! Oklahoma Court Strikes Down Two Pro-Life Laws
NEW! Hobby Lobby Not Included in Court Relief From HHS Mandate
Canada: 491 Babies Born Alive After Failed Abortions, Left to Die
Zero Truth in Ireland Politics: Video
Ireland Government Defeats Motion to Legalize Abortion / UPDATE: "Women Deserve Better Than This"
Spain: Pro-Lifers Collect 100K Signatures to Repeal Abortion Law
International Planned Parenthood Marks 60 Years, Pushes Abortion in Africa…
Women Do Not NEED Abortion
Women have the RIGHT TO KNOW about the Abortion – Breast Cancer CONNECTION
AND the Connection of Abortion to Subsequent Preterm Birth, Cerebral Palsy/ ASD, & More
Our Choices Expose our Values…
Refuse to Choose Abortion…
Genuine CHOICE Requires Real OPTIONS
Occupy the Womb (SBA List)
dedicated to the most complete & up-to-date scientific literature on abortion complications, especially in the area of mental health
Books, writings, documents, and other materials from the Anti-Life advocates, 1917 – Present
Fatherhood Begins in the Womb –
Truth Booth — A Window to the Womb —
Pregnancy Helplines: 888-4-OPTIONS, or 800-712-HELP
New Mexico Hearing Sheds Light on Dangers of Full-term Abortions
If one were to ask the average American if abortions at 35 weeks were legal in the U.S., most would say they were not. However, a disciplinary case playing out on Albuquerque, New Mexico, reveals that not only are these full term abortions legal in this state, but that they are extremely dangerous and conducted by abortionists that routinely ignore the standards of medical care in order to do these extremely lucrative abortions, some of which cost in excess of $10,000.
Shelley Sella, a late term abortionist who is a former associate of the notorious Kansas abortionist George Tiller, has been accused by the New Mexico Medical Board of violating the standard of patient care and gross negligence for conducting an abortion of a 35 week pre-born baby outside a hospital on a woman whose medical history included a previous Caesearian delivery.
The board says that Sella ignored the woman’s history, which should have disqualified her for the Induction Abortion method that Sella used. To make matters worse, Sella overused an uterine stimulant to increase the severity of the woman’s contractions until her uterus ruptured.
The case came to light after Tara Shaver of Project Defending Life obtained over a dozen 911 recordings through open records requests that revealed abortion-related emergencies were occurring at Albuquerque abortion clinics, at the rate of one every 10 weeks.
Shaver and Operation Rescue’s Cheryl Sullenger filed complaints with the Medical Board, which resulted in the case against Sella.
Ironically, while the open records act helped bring Sella’s negligence to their attention, the Board moved to ignore another state “sunshine law” that insures meetings such as today’s hearing are public. The meeting was closed at Sella’s request.
Sella currently works for Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque.
Representatives of Project Defend Life and Operation Rescue, who sought to attend the hearing, were turned away at the door.
To make matters worse, additional requests for 911 records have recently been denied under a new policy change that went into effect the same month that Sella was charged by the NMMB.
“It is obvious that there is an effort to protect abortionists in denying the public access to records and hearings that have heretofore been considered open to the public. That means there is something to hide, and that includes the barbaric practice of late-term and even full term abortions,” said Sullenger. “There is no legitimate reason for an abortion at 35 weeks. It’s inexcusable. In the worst case scenario, the baby should be birthed and allow nature to take its course. Full term abortions are akin to human rights abuses and are if fact outlawed in the majority of states.”
Sella, who worked as a late-term abortionist at Tiller’s Woman’s Health Care Services in Wichita, cancelled her Kansas medical license when another Tiller associate, Ann Kristin Neuhuas, was charged by the Board of Healing Arts for providing illegal late-term abortion referrals to Sella and other Tiller abortionists using phony mental health diagnoses. Neuhaus’ medical license was permanently revoked earlier this year.
The case highlights the dangerous nature of late-term abortions which are done using the Induction Method developed by Tiller in Kansas to avoid running afoul of the ban on partial birth abortions. The method has been adopted by nearly all late-term abortionists and involves injecting the baby’s heart with a drug that sends the baby into cariac arrest. Once no fetal heart tones can be detected, the woman is given drugs to send her into early labor. The baby is then delivered whole, or removed by dismemberment.
“What does this say about us as a nation when we can allow full term abortions, and in fact be so unaware that many of us do not even realize this practice is widespread and landing women in hospital emergency rooms across the nation?” asked Sullenger. “We hope this case
will spur national discussion on late-term abortions and raise awareness that this horrific procedure is allowed in several states. Once the public understands what is going on in clinics like Southwestern Women’s Options, they are very likely to demand an end to them.”
As of this writing, the hearing was expected to conclude on Thursday, with a ruling due in 60-90 days.
Sella’s Disciplinary Document —
[29 Nov 12, Operation Rescue staff, ALBUQUERQUE, Reprinted from Operation Rescue;]
New Mexico Closes Disciplinary Hearing over a Botched 35-Week Abortion
The New Mexico Medical Board has decided to close the disciplinary hearing of late-term abortionist Shelley Sella, who is accused of gross negligence for her actions during a botched 35 week abortion.
New Mexico has open meeting laws to insure public access to such proceedings. Sella petitioned to close the hearing.
“Women come to Albuquerque from all over the US seeking late-term abortions that are illegal elsewhere only to be placed in grave danger by the negligent incompetence of Shelley Sella,” said Cheryl Sullenger of Operation Rescue.
“Full term abortions are barbaric and dangerous acts that have no place in a civilized society. When you add in an abortionist that carelessly ignores serious health risk factors, you have a public health disaster,” she added.
“The New Mexico Medical Board is correct to institute disciplinary proceedings against Sella and we call on the Board to revoke Sella’s medical license in the interest of public safety. This closed-door hearing is worrisome and shuts the public out of a proceeding. That makes the entire process suspect, in our opinion.”
[29 Nov 12, Operation Rescue staff, Albuquerque,]
911: Botched IUD Procedure Causes Hemorrhage at FL Abortion Business
December 6, 2012 Alamonte Springs, FL – An ambulance rushed a woman to the hospital after she suffered a "possibly dangerous hemorrhage" after a botched IUD insertion at the All Women's Health Center, an abortion clinic in Altamonte Springs, Florida.
911 Hemorrhage After Botched IUD Insertion at FL Abortion Business
Sidewalk counselors on site took photos and video of the incident where the woman was wheeled from the clinic completely covered in a white sheet.
Operation Rescue recently obtained the 911 recording and Computer Aided Dispatch Transcript that confirmed the nature of the woman's injuries and produced a video that includes the emergency call recording.
Michele Herzog of Pro-Life Action Ministries, who witnessed the incident, told Operation Rescue that the clinic's security guard told her that the injured woman was "an employee that was pregnant and she started bleeding." That story was completely refuted by the 911 communications that stated specifically that the woman was a patient who was not pregnant and hemorrhaged during an attempt to insert an IUD.
An IUD, (Intrauterine Device), is a method of birth control that consists of a t-shaped object that is inserted into the uterus that prevents implantation of a growing human blastocyst, or baby at the earliest stage of development. IUDs are considered to cause very early abortions and are not a true contraceptive, because it causes the death of a growing human being. True contraceptives prevent the egg from being fertilized.
"In order to cause the heavy bleeding, it is likely that the IUD perforated the uterus. This is a very dangerous complication that would likely require emergency surgery to correct, according to our research," said Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue and Pro-Life Nation.
"This incident just further illustrates the dangers that lurk at our nation's abortion clinics. There is no such thing as a 'safe' abortion clinic. In our years of experience, we have never found one that follows the law."
[6 Dec 12]
Veteran MI Abortionist with Sordid History Dies at Age 75
Operation Rescue has just received word that abortionist Dr. Edwin C. Weathington, age 75, passed away on October 7, 2012 after a struggle with pancreatic cancer.
After obtaining his Michigan license in 1980, Dr. Weathington performed abortions at Women's Medical Center in Grand Rapids until the facility closed its doors in January 2012.
Typical of abortionists, Dr. Weathington demonstrated improper behavior both in professional relationships and business practice.
According to state documents, the MI Bureau of Health Services issued a $5,000 fine and six-month suspension of Dr. Weathington's medical license on June 16, 2000, after finding that Dr. Weathington had engaged in illicit relations with patients, a violation that is unfortunately more common amongst abortionists that is commonly known. He was later placed on probation in August 2002.
In 2011, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) found Dr. Worthington's clinic out of compliance with federal regulations regarding clinical laboratories. When the clinic failed to submit an acceptable plan of correction, the CMS instituted a daily $1,500 civil penalty fee against Women's Medical Center and Dr. Edwin Clark Worthington on Nov 15, 2011.
Eventually, the civil penalty, combined with Dr. Weathington's poor health, caused Women's Medical Center to shut its doors in January 2012.
Dr. Edwin Clark Weathington had a many talents and opportunities in life. After serving in the Armed Forces, Weathington married in September 1967, and went on to complete his B.S. in microbiology at Ohio State, and medical school at Toledo in 1976.
Rather than serve in a life-saving field of medicine or research, Dr. Weathington chose to provide abortions.
Along with it, he chose the inevitable path of depravity that such a career entails.
Dr. Weathington leaves behind his wife, two children, and eight grandchildren.
Thankfully, none of them are continuing Weathington's sad legacy as an abortionist.
We would encourage all our readers to pray for the salvation of Dr. Weathington's family, and the women that he affected during his abortion career. Just as saving babies from physical death is important, so also is saving souls from eternal death.
As we see from the closure of Women's Medical Center, we must continue to hold abortionists accountable for legal violations and professional misconduct, and hold state and federal agencies accountable for enforcing legal requirements and penalties.
Most importantly, however, we must hold ourselves accountable for our words and actions, and seek always to advance the cause of LIFE.
[7 Dec 12, OR, Deborah Myers, Operation Rescue Staff, Grand Rapids, MI ]
REPRODUCTIVE RACISM? Francis Galton Coined Term 'Eugenics'
Listen to this quote from the man who coined the term 'Eugenics':
“I do not jo
in in the belief that the African is our equal in brain or in heart … and I believe that if we can, in any fair way, posses ourselves of his services, we have an equal right to utilize them to our advantage …”
Francis Galton, 1857 ( If this statement disturbs you, watch Maafa21 to find out who still believes this today — )
Maafa 21 – Black Genocide in 21st Century America —
Black Genocide in 21st Century America.
Maafa21 by Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics Inc.
Three Things That May Happen to You During an Abortion
When women consider abortion, it’s important that they’re aware of the hard stuff, too – not just the easy things that abortion clinic counselors often tell them. There are always two sides to every story, and it’s vital that women hear this other side.
Abortion is not just an easy procedure that takes care of all their problems. Abortion doesn’t just wipe the slate clean. Sure, there are a few women out there who will stick to that claim. But for the vast majority of women and girls, abortion is a difficult, heart-rending tragedy. From an article on the Huffington Post:
Abortion is a tragedy in and of itself, regardless of whether or not we, as individuals or as a society, feel that it is so.
It’s not an easy thing to end the life of a child, especially your own. It’s not an easy thing to pretend you were never a mother when you know, deep in your heart, that you still are. And abortion is even harder and more tragic for women when they are uninformed and when they’ve never been presented with the real truth and the real risks. I’m going to be blunt and to the point, so here goes.
1) You may lose your life or be permanently injured.
While the majority of women do not die from their abortions, it is definitely a risk that abortion clinics rarely admit. Abortion is not just a safe, simple procedure. Some abortionists are more concerned with efficiency and money than the lives of women, and it shows in the deaths of women under their care. The Real Choice blog tells the stories of hundreds of women and teens who died or were severely injured from their abortions – from causes such as cardiac arrest, bleeding, choking to death on vomit, and embolism. Ladies, abortion is not a walk in the park. You need to realize that you may die from this procedure.
There are many risks involved with teen abortion. To begin with death can occur because of teen abortion. It is reported that legal abortion is the fifth leading cause of maternal death in the United States. These deaths are caused by infection, embolism, hemorrhage, anesthesia, and undiagnosed ectopic pregnancies. The actual figure of deaths caused by legal abortion is probably much higher than reported since many of the maternal deaths reported are not recorded as being caused by legal abortion.
RU-486, an abortion drug (a medical abortion rather than a surgical abortion) also risks women’s lives. In 2009, it was reported that 29 women had died from the use of RU-486, nine more had had their lives endangered, and 120 had received blood transfusions, while over 200 were hospitalized. Despite FDA approval, this is not a safe drug for women, especially when abortion clinics continue to disregard the standard procedure for giving the drug to women and thus endanger their lives.
One of the most concerning things that women need to realize is that injuries and deaths at abortion clinics across the country are on the rise.
2) You may lose your motherhood entirely.
Some women believe that their abortions will allow them to postpone motherhood until they believe they are ready. However, all too often, these women never get another chance. In yet another example of nondisclosure by abortion clinics, women are rarely properly informed that an abortion – and especially multiple abortions – may cost them their fertility.
While this article first seems to almost deny the claim that women can lose their fertility in abortion, the end section admits the risks that are present and which all women should be aware of:
The most serious problems occur in those rare instances when a post-operative infection develops. But if a woman has had a significant number of abortions, scar tissue might develop at the top of the cervix or inside the uterus. If this interferes with later attempts to get pregnant, it is often possible to repair this medically. A woman who has had more than one abortion may also have a weakened cervix, due to repeated dilations during the earlier procedures; this could cause difficulty sustaining a pregnancy later on, as the cervix could dilate (open) prematurely. In many cases a weakened or incompetent cervix can be sutured closed for the duration of a pregnancy.
Additionally, an abortion can be an emotionally challenging experience for a woman, and this in turn might have an indirect effect on fertility, if she retreats from sexual contact out of feelings of guilt or conflict.
Women should not only be advised of risks that are common or widespread. They ought to be told all of the risks so that they are fully informed. No one can guarantee a woman or a girl that her abortion will not come at the price of her future fertility. Her abortion may take the life of her first, last, and only child.
Miscarriage is also a risk after an abortion. One expert explains the risks:
Yes, having an abortion during the first trimester does increase the chances of a miscarriage later, by about 400%. The literature is not telling you the truth. But in your case, since you had an abortion so late, it would be even higher. When they force open the cervix in order to do an abortion, they damage it. There will be many tiny tears in the flesh, and this weakens it so that it can’t hold the weight of a full term baby. And yes, this damage also happens in abortions done during the first trimester. Scarring on the surface of the uterus can also be a problem, because if the placenta is trying to grow over scars, it won’t be able to grow there, so this could restrict the size and effectiveness of the placenta. Placenta previa is also a risk. This is due to scarring as well. When they do a surgical abortion, they have to cut away the placenta, and they scrape the surface. This is why scars form.
3) You may pay – both literally and emotionally – to end the life of your child.
After abortion, many women experience post-traumatic stress disorder. (There is help for you if you’re in a spot like this.) Many realize, all too late, that their unborn children were unique, helpless individuals who needed a chance at life that only their mothers could have given them. Abortion clinics specialize in giving women inaccurate information about an unborn child’s development, often leaving out the true facts about when a baby’s heart begins to beat (22 days), when brain waves can be measured (about six weeks), and when a baby’s organs are present and functioning (eight weeks for all but the lungs; they follow at 11-12 weeks). At five weeks, all four heart chambers are functioning. At eight to ten weeks, a baby can suck her thumb.
One of the most surprising things about fetal development is that nothing significantly new happens after 12 weeks after conception – the child simply gets bigger and matures. Nearly
90 percent of abortions are done before the twelfth week, when the child is supposedly ‘blood clots’ (Mifeprex [mifepristone] pamphlet) or ‘pregnancy tissue’ (Planned Parenthood document).
There is evidence that a mother’s connection to her child begins almost immediately and is basically beyond her control. Almost as soon as a child begins to exist, a psychological and biological relationship begins like no other. Multiple studies “demonstrate that a mother’s bond with her child (and the child’s attachment to her) begins during pregnancy and even at its early stages.” Experts conclude:
[T]he attachment between mother and child begins almost immediately after conception and the basis of maternal attachment is both psychological and physical, and this process, and the natural protective urges of maternal attachment, often form irrespective of whether the pregnancy was intended or wanted.
Simply put, abortion hurts a woman and takes the life of her defenseless child. Listen to the stories of other women, realize the risks, and please, choose life.
Want more info on abortion, the risks, and the realities? Check out this article, this site, and this awesome paper.
To view several imbedded links, view original article here — [5 Dec 12, Kristi Burton Brown, Live Action,]
I Am An Abortion Survivor: Giving Voice to the 491 Canadian Babies Born Alive, Left to Die
Children surviving abortions. Children surviving abortions and being left to die. Very seldom do many in our world think about these circumstances, because, frankly, it seems impossible and at the same time horrifying. And if these kinds of circumstances are considered, let’s be honest: most people think that failed abortions and children left to die after failed abortions are a rarity and something that doesn’t happen in a civilized nation. Yet people’s experiences, and now, even statistics, are reflecting otherwise.
On November 28, 2012, LifeSiteNews shared the horrifying news that Canada’s official statistics agency has confirmed that 491 babies died after they were born alive during abortions between 2000 and 2009.
According to Canada’s Criminal Code, a child is guaranteed legal protection when he “has completely proceeded, in a living state, from the body of its mother.” Yet of these 491 children who survived an abortion, how many are alive today? Sadly, not a one, it appears.
As Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer for Campaign Life Coalition has stated, “even those children protected under Canadian law are apparently being left to die.”
As difficult as it is to read these statistics, I would encourage you to read through them by visiting the LifeSiteNews article and to look at the coding for these births (links are embedded in the article), so that you can see the clear-cut data that reflects how these 491 lives were abortion survivors, not miscarriages or stillbirths, as so many would want to believe.
Although much of our world has the tendency to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to abortion and its atrocities, we know that there are many individuals in the world today who not only recognize the horror of these circumstances but also understand it on a deeply personal level, having lived through similar circumstances. We are abortion survivors.
As the survivor of a failed saline infusion abortion in 1977, I live each day knowing what should have happened to me. I should have been scalded to death while still in my biological mother’s womb. And after being left for dead after my delivery, I should have become just another statistic like those reported by Statistics Canada.
Yet I am alive today to share the truth about what happened to me and what happens to children like me, like these 491 abortion survivors in Canada. Yes, being an abortion survivor and living to tell about it is rare when you consider the overwhelming number of lives lost to abortion: over 100,000 lives lost through abortion in Canada and over 1.2 million lives lost in the United States every year.
Although we, as abortion survivors, are a small number in comparison to these overall numbers of lives lost, the truth is, there are far more abortion survivors than you might think.
Over the past five years, I have had contact with nearly 100 survivors, most of whom are from the U.S., but some of whom are also from Canada, Australia, Africa, and parts of Europe. And everywhere I go, even simply via the Internet, I encounter more survivors everyday. Although all of our experiences are unique, the tie that binds us is the truth about who we are and what we’ve overcome.
Just like these 491 children in Canada, we were meant to simply be another number, a statistic.
But we were, and we are, someone’s child, someone’s grandchild, someone’s cousin, someone’s niece or nephew, someone’s sibling, just as the 491 survivors in Canada are.
The fact that they were aborted and left to die may have rendered them lifeless and nameless, but it doesn’t take away the truth that they were a child who survived a terrible circumstance and suffered a terrible death. It doesn’t take away that they were someone’s family member and that whether it’s acknowledged openly or not, the abortion that was meant to end their life, and them being left to die, has left an indelible impact for generations to come.
As a survivor, I feel called to raise awareness to the reality of abortion in our world and to give a voice to children like these 491 Canadians. I have founded a new organization, The Abortion Survivors Network, to help connect survivors, to help facilitate healing, and to help educate the world about abortion and abortion survivors.
We will be implementing a number of dynamic programs and we are planning some major initiatives in the upcoming months, which we believe will continue to make an impact in our world. But we can’t do it alone.
Please help us by giving a voice to our 491 Canadian brothers and sisters who survived but ultimately lost their lives to abortion by sharing the truth about their lives with others. Help us to give them a face and a name by educating others about how abortion affects entire families and our communities for generations to come. Help us to educate the world about abortion and abortion survivors by sharing our stories and our network openly with others.
Although I grieve the loss of these 491 children deeply, I know that their lives and their passing were not in vain. Let us give them a voice, give them a face and a name, and let us each make a difference in the world because of and for them.
For more information about The Abortion Survivors Network, visit:,, www.twitter/abortsurvivors
[5 Dec 12, Melissa Ohden,,]
Q. What About Rape?
A. From our desire to save someone from suffering, it is normal to wish we could erase a painful memory such as rape. Unfortunately, the hard truth is that as much as we want to, we cannot. Abortion does NOT erase a memory.
Abortion is a second act of violence against a woman who is raped. At one of my lectures, a Vanderbilt medical student told other students that her "abortion was worse than the rape".
Both victims — the woman and her child — deserve our unconditional support.
Pregnancy is not a punishment. Julie Makimaa's mother ("Victory Over Violence", The American Feminist, vol.5, no.3) told her that she was the "only good thing to come out of the rape".
When someone asks about exceptions for rape and incest, we must think of how that makes those feel who were conceived through sexual assault. Well-meaning statements can hurt. As one Berkeley grad student said to her pro-choice peers, "I have a right to be here."
Can you imagine if we ranked the value of people based on the circumstances of their conception?
We don't discriminate based on parentage — that's not equality!
You are valuable no matter who your parents are, no matter the circumstances of your conception.
Could you look at someone conceived in violence and tell her she never should have been born?
Rebecca Kiessling, a young attorney and mother who was conceived through sexual assault, asks, "Did I deserve the death penalty?" People used to value a woman based on who her father or husband was. It is similarly medieval to value a child by the actions of her father. That way of thinking is patriarchal and anti-feminist, and it should have gone out with the Dark Ages.
We need comprehensive support for rape victims who become pregnant. Did you know that in most states, the rapist still has paternal rights and even if convicted can demand visitation from jail? Did you know that if the rape victim is poor and cannot prove the paternity of the father, she could have problesm collecting welfare benefits? We should ask women who conceive through rape how to help them in the long term, and help their children as well.
Abortion after rape is misdirected anger.
It does not punish the perpetrator of the crime. Incarcerated sexual offenders should not be allowed pornography, barbells, and early parole. We need harsh sentences for sexual assault without possibility of parole.
Q. What if she is a teen? What if she became pregnant due to incest?
A. Nonviolence, nondiscrimination, and justice for all are basic tenets of feminism. So what is the feminist response, the nonviolent response, to a violent situation? We must do all we can to protect ourselves and other women and girls from violence.
The best answer I ever heard came from a young woman who did not consider this as a matter of philosophy or theory, but through feminist principles in action.
After my lecture at a Midwestern university, a student pulled me aside. She told me that she was raped by her third cousin as a mere thirteen-year-old and had become pregnant. Her parents had helped her have the privacy she wanted during her pregnancy, and then she placed her son with two loving parents.
I asked her, why did she make the decision to have the child — when she was just a girl who had lived through what was arguably the worst of circumstances? She said she would never pass on the violence that was perpetrated against her to her own unborn child. Now, that is the strength of a woman. THAT is a feminist response.
Q. What about Statutory Rape?
A. By definition, every rape is non-consensual. Every rape is forced. There are no exceptions.
Every rape is wrong. That includes sexual assaults committed by acquaintances and family members as well as by strangers, statutory rape of minors, sexual assaults committed by or against one or more persons, sexual assaults of men and boys as well as women and girls, rape by coercion, rape employing physical force, rape employing alcohol or drugs such as Rohypnol, and rape by sex traffickers and "johns" (both domestic and international).
Every rape, every abortion, and every instance of human trafficking betrays our feminist principles of nonviolence, nondiscrimination, and justice for all.
Feminists for Life opposes all forms of violence against women and children — including abortion and rape.
Feminists for Life demands an end to violence and discrimination in every circumstance, and will continue to support efforts that prevent violence against women through resources, support, and education. We also support prosecution of those who commit acts of violence against women and children.
Feminists for Life urges consistency in our laws, focus on prevention, and provision of support for those who have experienced various forms of violence.
[The American Feminist, Serrin Foster, 2012,]
Mississippi's Only Abortion Business Petitions Court to Stay Open
Mississippi's only abortion shop will have to close unless a federal judge halts a new state law requiring its physicians to obtain admitting privileges to local hospitals, according to a court motion filed on Wednesday.In the motion, the Jackson Women’s Health Organization renewed its request for a federal judge to prevent state officials from enforcing a law which went into effect on July 1.
[ , US News and World Report ]
Last Mississippi Abortion Business Could Close in February
Five Abortion Workers Leave One Abortion Shop, Three Leave Another
Tis the season to be joyful and thankful.
As of this email, our ministry has helped THIRTY-EIGHT workers leave the abortion industry!!
Planned Parenthood Sends Abortion Client to Hospital the Day before Thanksgiving
A St. Louis Planned Parenthood patient was rushed to a nearby hospital after suffering serious abortion complications the day before Thanksgiving. Paramedics arrived at the abortion clinic at approximately 2:45 p.m. on November 21, 2012, and removed the patient from the building with her face covered with a cloth.
Mary Maschmeier of Defenders of the Unborn reported, “A counselor spoke to the brother of the injured woman and he said he thought she was going to be okay. We have made contact with him but have not received a returned call. We ask for your prayers for this woman and her family.”
This is the eighteenth medical emergency that Operation Rescue has documented at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics nationwide since January, 2011, including another botched abortion at this same St. Louis Planned Parenthood on February 12, 2011.
“The carnage continues at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, which are being artificially kept open through millions of dollars of local, state, and federal tax money. We are literally paying Planned Parenthood to hurt women,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and Pro-Life Na
“Abortion clinics do everything they can to conceal incidents like this. The eighteen abortion injuries we know about are just a snapshot through a keyhole. More must be done to protect women from the incompetent services of shoddy abortionists who man these clinics nationwide. Americans must come to understand that when a woman walks into a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, she is risking her health and her life.”
[27 Nov 12, St. Louis, MO, Operation,]
Planned Parenthood Tries to Hide Another Botched Abortion From 911
Planned Parenthood has botched another abortion on a woman, this time in Indianapolis, Indiana. After injuring the woman, staffers at the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic attempted to hide the failed abortion from emergency dispatchers.
An ambulance was called to transport a woman in the middle of a second-trimester abortion to the hospital from a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Indianapolis on November 2 after the abortion practitioner refused to continue the abortion. The emergency was classified a Priority E, which reserved for the most severe cases, according to information Operation Rescue provided LifeNews today.
Remainder of article —
Tennessee: Abortions Decline 4 Percent New Figures Show
The number of abortions in Tennessee has fallen four percent, mirroring the five percent decline seen in the new report issued last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Ohio Abortions Decline to Historic Low, Largest Drop in 20 Years
The number of abortions in Ohio have dropped to historic lows and the decline in the abortion numbers from 2010 to 2011, according to the state health department, is the biggest drop in 20 years. Abortions declined 12 percent in Ohio in the most recent year for which public data is available.
“A total of 24,764 induced pregnancy terminations were reported in Ohio for 2011, including 23,250 for Ohio residents (93.9%),” the health department reported. “The total number of abortions performed in Ohio has declined annually since 2000. There were 3,359 fewer reported terminations in 2011 compared to 2010, which represents a 12% decline in that period.”
Not only are the overall number of abortions dropping, but the number of abortions using the dangerous RU 486 abortion drug is on a downward trend as well…
Abortions Fall 5 Percent Nationwide, Biggest Drop in 10 Years
Abortion fell five percent nationwide in 2009, according to new information from the Centers for Disease Control, which tracks abortion figures nationwide.
Since 1969, CDC has conducted abortion surveillance to document the number and characteristics of women obtaining legal induced abortions in the United States. However, because the data doesn’t include numbers from all 50 states, most pro-life groups consider the data incomplete.
Mainstream Media Misleads on Reasons Behind Abortion Decline
Last week, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released abortion statistics for calendar year 2009.
The news was good for pro-lifers as the CDC statistics indicate the number of abortions decreased by approximately 5 percent between 2008 and 2009. Overall, the abortion rate has been declining fairly steadily since the early 1990s, but has leveled off somewhat during the current decade. Furthermore, some research indicates that the incidence of abortion increases when the economy slows down. As such, this reported decline in the abortion rate was somewhat unexpected.
Unsurprisingly, most of the mainstream-media coverage of the abortion decline was quick to credit contraception use. The Associated Press story on the abortion decline cited two professors and a Guttmacher Institute analyst. They each credited contraception use, even though they were unable to provide any actual evidence of increased contraception use in 2009. Perhaps unsurprisingly, no one representing a pro-life group was quoted or cited in the article.
Sarah Kliff, writing for the Washington Post’s Wonkblog offered some more-thoughtful commentary.
She combs through some research and argues that the decline is due to the fact that women are more likely to use long-acting contraceptives such as IUDs which tend to be more effective. There is some evidence that women have become more likely to use long-acting contraceptives. However, it is unlikely there was a dramatic increase in long-acting contraceptive use in 2009. Furthermore, data from the National Center for Health Statistics indicate that even though the use of long-acting contraceptives has increased since 1995, the percentage of pregnancies that are unintended has actually increased slightly.
To be honest, there is no obvious reason for the abortion decline. A closer look at the data indicates the decline was fairly consistent as 36 of the 45 states reporting data saw their abortion numbers fall between 2008 and 2009. Additionally, the abortion decline was fairly similar across geographic regions. In, fact, the percentage decrease in “red” states carried by George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004 was similar to the percentage decrease in “blue” states carried by his Democratic counterparts. However, one potential factor is a shift in public opinion.
The CDC data indicate that the percentage of pregnancies resulting in abortion fell slightly in 2009. Furthermore, according to Gallup, 2009 was the first year that a majority of Americans self-described as “pro-life.” Unsurprisingly, this fact has been all but ignored by the mainstream media. Note: Dr. Michael New is a political science professor at the University of Michigan–Dearborn and holds a Ph.D. from Stanford University. He is a fellow at Witherspoon Institute in Princeton, New Jersey.
[Michael New, Ph.D. | Washington, DC | | 11/27/12,]
Does Abortion Reduce Welfare Costs?
…One good example of this principle is the ongoing effort by population control groups to flood Africa with condoms in an attempt to stem the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Condom manufacturers refuse to publicize their high failure rate, however, and so African nations where more condoms are used have much higher rates of HIV/AIDS than those nations whose people widely reject their use.2
Another example of this lack of foresight is the claim that, when the State pays for a poor woman’s abortion, it saves a lot of money by avoiding the costs of a delivery and another child added to the welfare system. In fact, this is one of the most persuasive arguments offered by pro‑abortionists in support of Medicaid funding of abortion.
In support of this belief, pro-aborti
onists grossly exaggerate the costs incurred by a child on welfare. They began using this tactic in their battle against the Hyde Amendment, which banned most federal funding of abortion. Senator Charles H. Percy (R‑Ill.) testified, “If we can avoid a $100,000 cost for a $200 [abortion] investment ― and make a humanitarian investment at the same time ― what sense does it make to say, `We cannot afford $200 for this expenditure [for an abortion]?’”3
Leaders of the pro-abortion movement sometimes accidentally reveal the naked racism behind these comments. Notorious California abortionist Edward Allred said, “When a sullen Black woman of 17 or 18 can decide to have a baby and get welfare and food stamps and become a burden to all of us, it’s time to stop. In parts of South Los Angeles, having babies for welfare is the only industry these people have.”4
Of course none of this is new, and abortion is not the only weapon targeting poor women in the United States in the name of cost-cutting. Donald Kimelman of the Philadelphia Inquirer revealed the true goal of our domestic population controllers in a 1990 article ominously entitled “Poverty and Norplant: Can Contraception Reduce the Underclass?” He wrote:
As we read these two stories [about Norplant and Black poverty], we asked ourselves: Dare we mention them in the same breath? To do so might be considered deplorably insensitive, perhaps raising the specter of eugenics. But it would be worse to avoid drawing the logical conclusion that foolproof contraception could be invaluable in breaking the cycle of inner city poverty ― one of America’s greatest challenges.
Kimelman went on to suggest that welfare mothers could be implanted with Norplant for free and perhaps receive increased welfare benefits as a reward.5 And speaking of unintended consequences, Norplant was later banned by the FDA for the harm it caused women, resulting in a massive class action lawsuit against Norplant’s producer.
It seems reasonable to ask why, if Kimelman was truly concerned about poverty in general, did he not also recommend the use of Norplant for poor White women?
Others asked this same question. Vanessa Williams, president of the Philadelphia chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists, called Kimelman’s article, “A tacit endorsement of slow genocide.”6 Four days after Kimelman’s article, Inquirer columnist Steve Lopez sarcastically suggested that contraception would not reduce the underclass quite as fast as “just shooting them.” The Inquirer quickly apologized for Kimelman’s article after a wave of complaints. But the racist and eugenicist thinking of many of those who want to “help” poor women had been exposed once again.
For Remainder of article AND 12 ENDNOTES — go to link below:
[Brian Clowes, Nov 27, 2012, ;]
Ten Reasons the Pro-Life Movement is Winning the Abortion Struggle
This does not mean that you can relax or take anything for granted. Just the opposite, in fact.
The closer we get to victory, the harder the other side will fight to keep abortion legal and the more hostile they will become.
Still, we now know the key weaknesses of the abortion movement … as well as the pro-life dynamics that the other side can do nothing to stop. So be of good cheer and stout heart! We have the devil of abortion on the ropes.
And here are ten signs that point to our eventual victory:
Sign 1: The survivors
Sign 2: The flow of conversions
Sign 3: I regret my abortion
Sign 4: Few doctors … fewer mills
Sign 5: Legal evidence mounts
Sign 6: Abortion research
Sign 7: No more arguments
Sign 8: Even in politics…
Sign 9: Legislation galore
Sign 10: Corruption uncovered
A key reason we are winning is that abortion destroys itself.
The evil inner workings of abortion are being exposed for all to see … and as more and more crimes become visible, the abortion movement loses supporters.
These crimes include medical malpractice, sexual abuse, injury and death that routinely occur in so-called “safe and legal” abortion clinics, doctors not sterilizing instruments, “anesthesiologists” who have no training in anesthesia, “abortions” committed on women who were not pregnant, falsifying medical records, and much more.
What’s more, the abortion industry creates a safe haven for sexual predators.
Details are available at
Beyond the abuse of the patients, abortion shops are rampant with violations of OSHA standards and other employment laws. A long list of details can be seen at
What all this means is that the abortion industry is highly vulnerable to negative public opinion and to legal action having nothing to do directly with the legality of abortions.
Abortion shops can be closed – and are closing – and abortionists being jailed for reasons having nothing to do with what people think about abortion … but rather for reasons related to malpractice, abuse, and other illegal activity.
For entire article, visit
Abortion is a War on Women: Death, Infertility, Emotional Damage
When women consider abortion, it’s important that they’re aware of the hard stuff, too – not just the easy things that abortion clinic counselors often tell them. There are always two sides to every story, and it’s vital that women hear this other side.
How is It That Abortions Are Legal at 35 Weeks of Pregnancy?
If one was to ask the average American if abortions at 35 weeks were legal in the U.S., most would say they were not.
More Than 400 Women [We Know Of] Have Died From Legal Abortions Since 1973… 2009 National Abortion Data Summary
Abortion numbers, rates, and ratios for 2009 have been released by the government’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC), indicating significantly fewer abortions than found in the previous year’s rep
And while the decrease is most welcomed, the abortion industry likes to act as if women no longer died from abortion once it became legal. In fact, CDC reports that twelve more women died in 2008, the most recent year for which the CDC had data, and more than 400 women have died from legal abortion since 1973.
The number of abortions reported for 2009 (784,507) is 41,057 fewer than it was for 2008 (825,564) and the abortion rate (15.1 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44) and ratio (241.6 abortions for every 1,000 live births) are the lowest reported by the CDC since the advent of legal abortion in 1973.
While it is clear that there have been real declines in recent years, absolute numbers from the CDC should be taken with several shakers of salt. Since 1998, the CDC has not included any data from California, the nation’s most populated state, or New Hampshire, in its totals. And at least one other state has usually been missing from the data set (this year it’s two–Delaware, where there were 4,603 abortions performed in 2008, and Maryland, which has not reported since 2007.)
While the CDC relies on reports from state health departments, surveys done by the Guttmacher Institute found about 400,000 more abortions per year by contacting abortionists directly. Most recent figures from Guttmacher have estimated that there are just over 1.2 million abortions a year.
While missing several hundred thousand abortions, numbers from the CDC still roughly track those from Guttmacher, so trends and demographics are still very much worth considering.
In 1980, for example, the CDC reported that 29.2% of all abortions were to young women aged 19 or younger. By stark contrast in 2009, the CDC puts that percentage at 16%, indicating that older women are having many more of the abortions and illustrating the impact of parental involvement laws.
The introduction of the chemical abortifacient RU-486 (mifepristone) in 2000 has also clearly had an impact. Among those states listing “medical” abortion on their reporting forms, 17.4% of all abortions were performed by chemical means in 2009.
The percentage of abortions performed at less than 8 weeks gestation (the official limit for RU-486 abortions is 7 weeks after a woman’s last menstrual period, though this is often ignored) has risen from 58.3% in 2000 to 65.5% in 2009. The percentage has increased every year, with those performed at six weeks or less climbing 47.2% during that same period.
Conversely, second and third trimester abortions were down. Among states reporting gestational age to the CDC, 8.1% of all abortions were performed after 13 weeks in 2009, and just 1.3% at 21 weeks or more.
But bear in mind while the percentage may be low, the absolute number may not be. For example, 8.1% of 784,507 would be 63,545. If projected of the larger 1,212,400 figure reported by Guttmacher for 2008, that would be 98,204 babies aborted after 13 weeks!
Because states define and report race and ethnicity in different ways, it is difficult to get a precise handle on such figures from the CDC, which reports different numbers for different data sets for the same year. Though they vary from table to table, Hispanics account for about 20% of abortions in the CDC’s 2009 report, while blacks account for somewhere between 35.4% and 39.8%.
To get another idea of abortion’s disproportionate impact on minorities, consider the disparity in abortion rates. While the abortion rate was 8.4 per 1,000 for white women, it was 20.2 for Hispanic women, more than double.
For black women, it was 29 per thousand, more than three times what it was for white women.
Unmarried women, not surprisingly, continue to account for most abortions, though the percentage reported by the CDC for 2009 (85%) is the highest seen in some time.
Though it surprises some people, CDC figures continue to show what previous CDC reports and surveys from Guttmacher show: that most women having abortions have already given birth to at least one child.
According to the CDC, 59.9% of those having an abortion have already had at least one previous live birth. About a quarter (26.6%) had previously born one child, while a third (33.3%) had given birth to two children or more before having their abortions.
Among states reporting such data, 44.6% of women had at least one previous abortion in the CDC’s 2009 report. Two previous abortions were reported by 11.4%, with 8.1% reporting three or more.
While the absence of California and other states somewhat skews the data, affecting not only totals but things like minority and ethnic distribution, numbers from the CDC do give us a useful sketch of the state of abortion in America.
We’ll contrast that portrait with the picture painted by previous reports in our next installment to see what this latest data tells us about the possible meaning and causes of such trends. Note: Randall O’Bannon, Ph.D., is the director of education and research for the National Right to Life Committee.
[Randy O'Bannon Ph.D. | Washington, DC | | 11/27/12,]
Study Shows Abortion Linked to High Breast Cancer Risk
A study in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention shows abortion increases the risk of breast cancer for women.
C. Yanhua of the First Peoples’ Hospital of Kunming in Yunnan province and his colleagues found the abortion-breast cancer association after comparing data from 263 cases of breast cancer and 457 controls without the disease. Their analysis covers the years 2009-2011.
Hobby Lobby Not Included in Court Relief From HHS Mandate
A federal court recently issued the fourth reprieve from a government mandate requiring most businesses offer contraceptives and possible abortion-inducing drugs under their respective insurance plans, forcing the owners of the fifth business — the largest and first non-Catholic to sue over the mandate —to violate their religious conscience.
Hobby Lobby, owned by an Evangelical family, filed a lawsuit against the Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate on Sept. 12. On Nov. 19, a U.S. district court judge in Oklahoma rejected the store’s request for temporary relief from the mandate ruling that the owners’ religious beliefs were only “indirectly” burdened by the HHS mandate. A couple days later, Hobby Lobby filed an appeal to the 10th Circuit seeking relief from the mandate.
A ruling on the appeal has not yet been issued.
[5 Dec 12, Bethany Monk ,]
Oklahoma Court Strikes Down Two Pro-Life Laws
The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled against state laws requiring pregnant women receive an ultrasound at least an hour before their abortion and that restrict the use of certain possible abortion-inducing drugs.
The state Supreme Court, in separate decisions, said the laws violated a 1992 U.S. Supreme Court case. The court also determined that lower court judges were correct in their decisions
to halt the laws.
The Legislature passed the law requiring an ultrasound in 2010. District Judge Bryan Dixon struck down this law in March.
The other law, which required doctors to prohibit the use of off-label uses of possible abortion-inducing drugs, was passed in 2011. District Judge Donald Worthington rejected this law in May.
“The state of Oklahoma has a good argument to make if they decide to appeal one of both of these decisions to the U.S. Supreme Court,” said Denise Burke, vice president for legal affairs at Americans United for Life (AUL), a pro-life legal firm in Washington D.C. “The state can make a very forceful argument that the Oklahoma Supreme Court misapplied U.S. Supreme Court precedent and ignored the Higher Court’s directive that state’s should be given broader discretion in regulation abortion in the interest of women’s health.”
[December 5, 2012, Bethany Monk,]
Canada: 491 Babies Born Alive After Failed Abortions, Left to Die
Figures from Statistics Canada, a federal government agency, show 491 babies were born alive following botched abortions during the period from 2000-2009 and left to die afterwards. The numbers have pro-life advocates up in arms.
Andre Schutten, legal counsel for ARPA Canada, noticed the numbers and blogged about them recently.
It is Zero Truth that Abortion is Needed to Save Women's Lives… So, Let's Have Zero Tolerance on Misinforming Women — 1:51 minute video — (
Ireland Government Defeats Motion to Legalize Abortion
Motions to essentially legalize abortion in Ireland, following the death of a pregnant Indian woman named Savita, have been defeated.
Sinn Fein and Gerry Adams tabled a motion in the Irish Parliament (the Dáil) today calling for immediate changes to abortion laws and urging legislation supporting abortion in the Irish Republic.
Remainder of article —
UPDATE: "Women Deserve Better Than This"
'Women deserve better than this. So do unborn babies' says Caroline Simons at Pro Life Vigil
Yesterday evening's vigil in front of the Dáil (Irish Parliament) sent a clear message to majority government party Fine Gael not to betray their pro-life promise to protect women in pregnancy and ensure that the duty of care to the baby is also upheld, the Pro Life Campaign has said.
One of the speakers at the vigil, Pro Life Campaign legal adviser Caroline Simons said that “the way in which the debate is being stage managed and railroaded through the Dail is deeply disturbing and undemocratic”.
“Women deserve better than this. So do unborn babies,” she added.
Those attending the vigil, she said were there because they “passionately care about protecting the lives of expectant mothers and their unborn babies”.
She said the vigil sent a clear message to those in Government who sought to legalise abortion that “there was nothing liberal or compassionate about abortion” and that “any reassurance that legislation for abortion will be restrictive is false”.
Ms Simons said: “Once the principle is conceded that every human life has an inherent unrepeatable value, there is no going back. What has happened in other countries proves that there is no such thing as restrictive abortion.
She added: “In Britain, abortion was introduced on narrow grounds, but is now legal up to birth. Babies who survive the abortion procedure and can breathe unaided are simply left to die. Just last week it was reported in Canada that 491 babies who survived abortion between 2000 and 2009 were left in a corner to die after receiving no medical care or attention.
“That is the true barbaric picture of legalised abortion.
“Let us state it very clearly. The X case judgement of 1992 heard no medical evidence and set no time limits for abortion. Any legislation on foot of it will result in wide ranging abortion.”
Ms Simons said that some people had hijacked the current debate “to blur the distinction between necessary medical treatment and abortion – purely to introduce an abortion regime into Ireland”.
She said that Ireland, without abortion, was “a world leader in protecting the lives of pregnant women”.
“It is a disgrace that those pushing for abortion have gone out of their way to misrepresent the true picture about Ireland’s outstanding record in safeguarding the lives of expectant mothers,” Ms Simons said.
She continued: “We are here today to demand an honest and fair debate where caricatures and name calling are put to one side so that a mature and reasoned debate can take place. Politicians, media and each one of us has a duty to make sure this happens.
“Together, we will make sure that the public are fully informed about what is going on and we will ensure that the confusion that exists at present is responded to and that clarity is brought to the debate.”
[5 Dec 12,, News Release]
Spain: Pro-Lifers Collect 100K Signatures to Repeal Abortion Law
In Spain, pro-life campaigners have collected more than 100,000 signatures to repeal an abortion law that has been exploited by the abortion industry there to do hundreds of thousands of abortionss.
International Planned Parenthood Marks 60 Years, Pushes Abortion in Africa
At the end of this week, International Planned Parenthood Federation is celebrating its 60th anniversary in South Africa, where the abortion giant and billionaire Melinda Gates have their sights set on targeting women and girls with injectable contraceptives that double the rate of contracting HIV. In April, Gates launched her 10-year plan to lend her voice (and millions of dollars) to ostensibly eliminate the controversy that surrounds contraception.