Websites Demonstrate Adult & Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Successes
Adult Stem Cell Research Treats Spinal Cord Injury Patient
Adult Stem Cell Research Shows Good Long-Term Results, Study Says
UK Allows Human Embryos to be Created with 2 Mothers, 1 Father (3 Parent Cells Involved)
First Human “Clones” Made Without the Use of Sperm
Illinois Governor Invites Missouri Embryonic Stem Cell Research Companies to Change States
Adult Stem Cells Treat Cystic Fibrosis…
** With patient’s own cells, heart vessels and tissue show mending
** Cord Blood – Premier Stem Cell Source
ADULT STEM CELL RESEARCH TREATS SPINAL CORD INJURY PATIENT [Cythotherapy, (2005) Vol 7. No. 4, 368-373]. This was reported before but now has been published. Female paraplegic from an accident over 19 years ago. Scientists [Korea] report using surgery/umbilical cord blood stem cells infusion to restore feeling/mobility to her. Stunning results: motor activity was noticed -day 7; she was able to maintain an upright position -day 13. Fifteen days after surgery, she could elevate both lower legs about 1 cm. “The patient could move her hips and feel her hip skin on day 15 On day 25 after transplantation her feet responded to stimulation 41 days after [stem cell] transplantation” testing “also showed regeneration of the spinal cord at the injured site” and below it. The scientists conclude the transplant “could be a good treatment method” for paraplegic patients. The authors note that the lamenectomy the patient received might have offered some benefit. The fact that the patient has a very old injury makes the results more dramatic. [28Sept05,; Wesley Smith, Pro-Life News Report 27Sept05]
ADULT STEM CELL RESEARCH SHOWS GOOD LONG-TERM RESULTS — Clinical trials of treatments of patients using adult stem cells shows positive results, but doctors have not known whether patients will continue showing progress long-term. A new study of blood cancer patients who had stem cell transplants are nearly as healthy as their peers 10 years later.
Researchers at Fred Hutchinson Research Cancer Center examined 137 patients a decade after their procedures.
Reporting their results in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, the researchers say they were “largely indistinguishable” from the general population.
The finding is important because more than 45,000 receive the adult stem cell transplants each year. No one has benefited from embryonic stem cells, which have caused tumors, convulsions, and patients to reject the cells when inserted.
This study looked at patients who had received haematopoietic cell transplants (HCTs) to replace diseased blood-forming cells produced in the bone marrow, according to the BBC.
Dr. Karen Syrjala, who led the study, said, “Ten years after HCT, the 137 survivors were indistinguishable from case-matched controls in many areas of health and psychosocial functioning.”
The researchers also found that the 10 percent of transplant recipients who suffered relapse were in remission by the time of the study. “The fact that patients can relapse and still have healthy, full lives 10 years later and look like everyone else who has gone through a transplant without relapse is really good news,” Syrjala said.
All of the patients received the adult stem cell transplants between March 1987 and March 1990… [ September 19, 2005, Seattle, WA]
UK ALLOWS HUMAN EMBRYOS TO BE CREATED WITH 2 MOTHERS & ONE FATHER The UKs Human Fertilization/Embryology Authority has reversed a ban preventing scientists from creating embryonic children derived from the combined ova of two women with the sperm from a single father.
The need to combine the ova from two women is argued to be a necessary means to prevent mitochondrial disease like muscular dystrophy being passed from a woman who carries the genetic trait to her offspring. By inserting the non-nuclear portion of the ovum from a woman free of the disease into the ovum of a woman who carries the disease, scientists argue they can prevent its transmission. Newcastle University Professor Doug Turnbull and Newcastle Fertility Centre scientific director Dr Mary Herbert are spearheading the controversial procedure.
US scientists claimed to have used a similar procedure to ensure 15 children born to mothers with mitochondrial disease were born without the disease in 2001.
Comment on Reproductive Ethics spokesman Josephine Quintavalle said, This shows once again that the HFEA does not have any regard for public consultation and the views of the public, according to a BBC report. It is undesirable to create children in this way. It will shock the world. This is playing around with early human life. [, 9Sept05, London,]
FIRST HUMAN CLONES CREATED WITHOUT USE OF SPERM The Roslin Institute, which also created Dolly the sheep, reported creating the first embryonic Humans without the use of sperm from the genetic material of the mother alone.
The group said they stimulated an egg to divide without the use of human sperm, to a stage of development where they hope they can mine cells for experimental research purposes. At the moment we have not managed to get stem cells from these embryos but that continues to be our ambition, Dr Paul De Sousa said [British Associations Festival of Science, Dublin, BBC]. UK law allows the creation of cloned embryos for so-called therapeutic use the tiny humans can be used in scientific research, but not implanted into a womans uterus and allowed to mature into a viable baby.
Parthenotes the name given the cloned embryos after the Greek word Parthenogenesis when created in animals like monkeys often result in abnormal development.
The Roslin scientists said their eggs are derived from donor women who are undergoing sterilization. The decision may appear to be self-contradictory, but advocates of human cloning for experimental research commonly maintain that cloning human beings and cloning human embryos are qualitatively different activities.
The fact remains however that reproductive cloning allows cloned human embryos to live until birth and beyond whereas therapeutic cloning requires that cloned human embryos be killed for experimentation prior to birth.
While also condemning reproductive cloning, Renato Martino [former representative, United Nations] said in 2002 that therapeutic cloning is an even more serious offense against human dignity & the right to life, since it involves human beings (embryos) who are created in order to be destroyed.
He said therapeutic cloning must be prohibited also, calling it an exploitation of human beings, sought by certain scientific and industrial circles, and pushed forward by underlying economic interests. [, 9Sept05, DUBLIN] Related :
Creator of Dolly Granted License to Clone Humans For Experimentation
Organization Says British Approved Huma
n Cloning Violat
es Nuremberg Code
UN Approves Declaration Banning all Human Cloning
Feminist Revolutionary Warns of Exploitation of Women with Cloning Research
Cloning Doctor to ask Women to Donate Ova for Experiments
BBC coverage:
ADULT STEM CELLS TREAT CYSTIC FIBROSIS researchers [Pittsburgh, PA & LA] have coaxed adult stem cells from bone marrow to differentiate into the type of cells that line the lungs and other air passages (these are the cells that malfunction in cystic fibrosis). [, 21Dec04; Rt to Life of Greater Cincinnati, 8/05]
IL GOV INVITES MO EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH COMPANIES — Illinois Gov Blagojevich is telling Missouri embryonic stem cell research companies: If MO gives you problems, move north. Missouri lawmakers may pass a ban on all forms of human cloning. Last month, after the Illinois state legislature wouldn’t authorize state taxpayer dollars for unproven embryonic stem cell research, Blagojevich used an Executive Order to insert $10 million in funding into the state budget.[, 30Aug05]