Abortion site closures are picking up again with five abortion facilities shutting down in the past five weeks.
This brings the total of abortion facilities that have closed or halted abortions to 21 so far in 2015. However, a more accurate number will not be available until the end of the year when Operation Rescue conducts its annual national assessment of abortion facilities.
Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue predicts that there will be a noticeable impact due to these closures.
“When abortion numbers come out for 2015, we expect that abortions will have decreased in each state where abortion clinics have closed,” said Newman. “When there is no abortion business marketing their grisly product to vulnerable women, we have found that ladies find other ways of managing life challenges other than taking the lives of their babies. In other words, when abortion clinics close, lives are saved.”
The newly closed abortion shops are:
Ocala Women’s Center in Ocala, Florida; Albany Medical-Surgical Center (FPA) in Chicago, Illinois;
Appleton Health Center Planned Parenthood in Appleton, Wisconsin; Summit Women’s Center in Bridgeport, Connecticut;
and Amethyst Health Center in Manassas, Virginia.
[November 3, 2015, Washington, DC, http://www.operationrescue.org/archives/five-abortion-clinics-shut-down-in-five-weeks/ ]