HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVISTS AGAIN PUT AGENDA OVER PUBLIC HEALTH In another example of the gay agenda’s threat to undermine sound public health policy, the Red Cross is coming under pressure to reverse its policy of refusing to accept blood from men who have sex with other men because of the risk of HIV infection. Now the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced rules prohibiting men who have had sex with other men within the past five years from making anonymous donations to sperm banks. Predictably, gay activists claim that the policy is “discriminatory” and evidence of “bigotry” towards homosexuals. However, a spokesman for the FDA defended the new rules, pointing out that laboratory testing is not foolproof: “For that reason, we routinely exclude populations where sound scientific evidence shows that there could be a risk to the person receiving the donation.” In fact, this has been the de facto policy followed by most sperm banks for more than a decade. We applaud the FDA for refusing to put the demands of homosexual activists above the nation’s health. [FRC, Washington Update, 25May04]