UNFPA Earmarks $26 Million for Philippine De-Population Program
Japan's Birthrate
World Hunger?
WORLD HUNGER? Despite the hysteria of the 60s & 70s that millions would starve to death due to famine, the agricultural Green Revolution in the Third World more than adequately compensated for population growth. The “abandonment of failed experiments in socialism in favor of economic liberty wrought enormous advances” as well. In China from 1979-1984, “agriculture registered double-digit growth after Chinese peasants were liberated from Mao’s collectivization efforts”. It took a little over “ten years for the value of farm production to double over commune days…Once new varieties of wheat, developed by the father of the Green Revolution, Norman Borlaug, arrived in India in the mid-60s, wheat production in India shot up from 12.3 million tons in 1965 to 20 million tons in 1970.” The production of wheat continues to increase. In 1999, India harvested a record 73.5 million tons of wheat, up 11.5% from 1998. As Borlaug noted in 1997, India’s population had doubled since 1968, but wheat production tripled, and its overall economy is 9 times larger. [PRI Review, Nov-Dec04]
UNFPA EARMARKS $26 MILLION FOR PHILIPPINE DE-POPULATION PROGRAM — De-Population Movement Making Strides in Philippines – The Philippine Ambassador to the UN, Lauro Baja Jr., said the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has allotted the equivalent of US $26 million to fund “reproductive health projects” in the Philippines through 2009. In UNspeak, “reproductive health” is a standard euphemism for sterilization, artificial contraceptives and abortion. In many cases the euphemistic language popular with UN abortion-supporters is coupled with the jargon of the environmental movement that equates human population with environmental damage. Baja employed this kind of language in describing the allocation, saying it “aims to improve the reproductive health of the people through better population management and sustainable human development.” Baja said the UNFPA program will focus on reducing fertility, improving maternal health, promoting adolescent reproductive health, and preventing HIV-AIDS. Campaign Life Coalition’s International Affairs Officer, and long-time lobbyist at the UN, Samantha Singson said, “Having observed UN meetings for years now, we know that the terms used by Mr. Baja are often used as euphemisms for abortion and related activities. They are going to have to fight the constitution on this if they want to introduce abortion or anything like it in the Philippines.” Despite the Philippine constitution that protects human life from the moment of conception, the anti-life movement is making gains there. The de-classified US National Security Memorandum 200 – that outlined the plan to reduce the population in developing countries – included the Philippines as one of 13 countries targeted for de-population.
In August, Philippine Congressman Lagman introduced the “Reproductive Health Act” that calls for “the limitation of the number of children to an affordable two children per family.” It calls upon the government to “encourage two child family size to attain the desired population growth rate.” A similar policy in communist China has led to widespread infanticide, forced abortion and sterilization and a looming demographic disaster as fewer female children are being allowed to live. [NEW YORK, 10Feb05 (LifeSiteNews.com); Manila Bulletin Online: http://www.mb.com.ph/MTNN2005020928232.html]
JAPAN’S BIRTHRATE – Japan is expected to adopt the “Angel Plan” which includes increased paid leave for parents, reduced working hours, and workers must take at least 55% of paid leave every year. In 2004, the average number of children born to a Japanese woman during her lifetime fell to 1.29, down from 1.32 in 2003 and 1.5 in 1994, well below replacement level. Health ministry data indicates 22.8 million of Japan’s 127.1 million people are aged 65 or older. If not reversed, the country will lose 20% of its current population by 2050. [“More holidays mean more babies, gov’t officials believe”, AsiaNews.it, 22Dec04; PRI Review, Nov-Dec04]