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Pregnancy Help Line Has New Phone Number, Still Saves Lives

A Pro-Life Reading List / Nine Pro-Life Books on Abortion Issues You May Want to Read

‘Cookies for Life’: 10-year-old Ex-Girl Scout Raises Thousands for Pro-Life with Home-Baked Cookies  /  Man Rides Bicycle 20 Miles Every Day to Protest Abortion


NEW! 40 Days for Life Campaign Helping Women Regretting Abortions

NEW! Maryland Settles With Pro-Life Girls Shackled, Strip Searched

Conceived in Incestuous Rape, 'But Not Defined by My DNA': Kristi's Story

Meet the Academics Who are Trying to Redefine Pedophilia as ‘Intergenerational Intimacy’

Homosexual Lobby Group Linked with Pro-Pedophile Groups Funded Mostly by Governments

Independent Researchers Challenge Another WHO Report

Day of Reckoning for Violence Against Women Act

Doctor Rejected by Kansas Medical Board



Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation Have Deep Ties to Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Policy Document: ReStructure Family / Encourage Homosexuality

Planned Parenthood Fraud Totals $100 Million in Tax Dollars  /  Planned Parenthood Guilty of Tens of Millions of $$$ in Fraud, Charge Whistleblowers & Report

Report: Planned Parenthood Groups Engage in Medicaid Fraud

Planned Parenthood Fired Staffer Who Put Women Over Money

Texas Defunds Planned Parenthood Despite Obama Administration Attacks

Nebraska Bill Cutting PP Funds Moves Forward

Komen Survey: Still Considering Defunding Planned Parenthood

'I Believe the Racial Components, the Racial Directives, Will be PP's Undoing'

The Tyranny of Planned Parenthood

Quick Facts about Planned Parenthood

For the Latest KOMEN-Planned Parenthood News, visit and

Pregnancy Help Line Has New Phone Number, Still Saves Lives
1(800) 712-HELP

Heartbeat International’s Option Line reaches and rescues as many lives as possible by connecting women who face unexpected pregnancies with the pregnancy help organization that can meet their needs.
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A Pro-Life Reading List

As pro-lifers, I think it’s important to be well informed. We should have a good idea of what exactly we’re fighting against, and have a good knowledge that will better equip us to fight it. That’s probably the reason why you’re reading anything on this website in the first place. The more we know about the issue, the more informed we are, the better we can explain it to the rest of our nation and our world. The following are a number of pro-life books that I’ve enjoyed and found very helpful.

Lime 5: Exploited by choice by Mark Crutcher – I actually only recently picked this up. Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics, compiles a really amazing amount of research that totally shatters the “safe, legal, rare” illusion. It uncovers a sampling of the medical malpractice, poor medical conditions, sexual assault, mutilation of women, cover ups, corrupt courts, lies, distorted statistics, and pain that has marked the abortion industry. It is probably the most horrific book I have ever read. I’m not easily scared or scandalized, but this book gave me nightmares. Every single page of this book documents gross injustice and immense pain. It is hard even to think of this book without weeping. This book reveals that abortion is truly a scourge and a horror to everyone it touches… there’s even a chapter that looks into the emotional toll the practice takes on clinic workers. Much of this book looks at the horrific injustice that accompanies abortion, things agreed on as evil and unjust by both sides of the issue. Definitely a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the abortion industry.

Unplanned: The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leader’s Eye-Opening Journey across the Life Line by Abby Johnson –  This book has been gaining a lot of attention. It recounts the story of pro-life activist Abby Johnson and her involvement with Planned Parenthood. She began volunteering for Planned Parenthood in college, and eventually climbed her way up to become the director of a clinic in Texas. After viewing an ultrasound-guided abortion, she was moved to quit her job and went over to the nearby Coalition for Life, run

by Shawn Carney. This book really inspired me with a lot of hope for the future of the Pro-life movement. It very clearly shows the hand of God acting to change hearts, as a fruit of the fervent prayers of the Pro-life community.

Grand Illusions: The Legacy of Planned Parenthood by George Grant – This is a very important book. It thoroughly documents the history of Planned Parenthood from their earliest days as a branch off of the eugenics movement. It is a very eye-opening read. I first read this several years ago, and it was a major inspiration for me to work in the Pro-life movement. Every American should read this book. Our tax dollars are going to fund this monster!

Three Approaches to Abortion: A Thoughtful and Compassionate Guide to Today’s Most Controversial Issue by Peter Kreeft – Dr. Peter Kreeft is one of my all time favorite authors, not just on topics surrounding the abortion issue. He is a professor of Philosophy at Boston College, and has written a huge number of books on a large variety of topics. This book is divided into three sections: an essay on the morality of abortion, a “Pro-life motivational map”, and a typical dialogue between a Pro-lifer and a Pro-choicer. The characters in the dialogue are taken from his amazing and beautiful novel An Ocean Full of Angels which I highly recommend as well. You can view the first section of the book, “The Apple Argument Against Abortion” here on his website . This book is a must-read for anyone wishing to rationally defend their position on abortion. It lays out very clear and convincing logical and philosophical arguments against abortion.

The Unaborted Socrates: A Dramatic Debate on the Issues Surrounding Abortion by Peter Kreeft – This book is also a must-read for Pro-life apologetics. The book is written in the form of a dialogue between Greek philosopher Socrates and several proponents of abortion. It portrays the Socrates, who has inexplicably landed in the 20th century, trying to figure out the abortion issue objectively and rationally. This book is solid-gold. It clearly deals with the issues surrounding abortion and brings the reader along step by step with the logical thought of Socrates. This book will definitely challenge you and equip you to more adequately defend the Pro-life position.

The Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by Bernard Nathanson – This is the memoir of the late Dr. Bernard Nathanson, an abortion doctor who performed over 75, 000 abortions before switching sides. He was the co-founder of NARAL and a major figure in the history of legalized abortion. This book documents the events in his life that led up to his practice of abortion and what led him to become Pro-life, as well as diving deeply into many of the issues surrounding abortion. I learned a lot reading this book, it is very informative. It is also very eloquently well-written, and (like Unplanned) is a very moving witness to hope. Bernard Nathanson was also the one who made the film The Silent Scream which details the abortion procedure and shows an ultrasound of an abortion.
[2Mar12, Matthias, Reprinted with permission from the LiveAction blog]



Nine Pro-Life Books on Abortion Issues You Should Read
I used to have quite the collection of pro-life books. I’ve been into this issue since I was a very young teenager. Now, I’ve thinned down my collection and have a few definite favorites. For anyone out there who’d like to increase their knowledge or expand their thinking on the issue, here are my reviews and recommendations.
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‘Cookies for Life’: 10-year-old Ex-Girl Scout Raises Thousands for Pro-Life with Home-Baked Cookies
When Grace, 10, found out that Girl Scouts is entangled with Planned Parenthood, not only did she decide to quit her troop, but as someone who loved to sell cookies, she decided to make and sell her own brand of cookie, but with a pro-life twist.

“The thing I enjoyed most about the girl scouts was selling cookies, and then I realized I could still sell cookies, I just had to bake them myself,” Grace told LifeSiteNews.

Several years ago, a significant number of Girl Scout councils nationwide admitted to partnering with Planned Parenthood (PP). When questioned about the affiliation on NBC’s “Today Show,” former Girl Scout CEO Kathy Cloninger admitted that Girl Scout Troops and Councils partnered with Planned Parenthood to provide “good” and “information-based” sex education. She never retracted this statement.

As recently as 2010, Girl Scouts was caught distributing an explicit PP sex guide at a Girl Scouts UN meeting. They also recently welcomed into their ranks boys who identify themselves as girls.

At first young Grace was going to call her project “Grace’s Cookies,” but when she decided that all money raised would go to fund an ultrasound machine for the local pro-life clinic, she knew she had to change the name. That’s when Cookies for Life was born.

“I find that what is so great about being pro-life is donating money to pro-life charities so women can see life. When women see life, women choose life,” said Grace.

Grace displays a pro-life award she received from Right to Life of Idaho.

The young entrepreneur started her project last year with a number of baking sessions and raised almost $600 to benefit an ultrasound machine project in her area. Now on her second year of baking, Grace plans to aid the Stanton Healthcare Center, a medical pro-life women’s centre in Boise, by helping them to pay for their new location, right next door to Planned Parenthood. Her goal of raising $700 has already been surpassed by $900, for a total of $1600.

“Grace is thrilled that she is able to sell cookies again and even more thrilled that this money is going to help save babies. Her face just lights up when you talk with her about it. You can’t help but to get involved because she is so excited about it,” said Anderson.

Word of Grace’s tasty cookies and pro-life convictions have begun to spread far and wide. Organizers for the upcoming Idaho Catholic Youth Convention have asked her to bake 2,800 cookies for the 1400 young people that are expected to attend the event and to share her convictions as a speaker at the conference. The money raised from this will also benefit the pro-life clinic.

Grace’s parents, believe that the Cookies for Life project has taken off because family, friends, and the local community have come together for a cause that everyone believes in and can get excited about…
[2 Mar 12, Peter Baklinski, Boise, ID,]  



Man Rides Bicycle Every Day 20 Miles to Protest Abortion
Today our national director, David Bereit, and I leave home at 4 a.m. to fly to Iowa, where not one but TWO Planned Parenthood sites are CLOSING after one or more 40 Days for Life campaigns.
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40 Days for Life Campaign Helping Women Regretting Abortions

When I was 19 years old, I heard five courageous women give testimonies about how their abortions hurt them. Their testimonies had a HUGE impact on me then — and they still do today.

Maryland Settles With Pro-Life Girls Shackled, Strip Searched

The Maryland Board of Public Works, which includes Governor Martin O’Malley as one of its three members, announced today that it will grant a $385,000 settlement with nine individuals who were illegally arrested and jailed by Maryland State Police.

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Conceived in Incestuous Rape, but ‘Not Defined by My DNA’: Kristi Incredible Story

If you think of yourself as ‘pro-life’ except in the case of rape and incest, you will have to look Kristi Hofferber in the eye and tell her that her mother should have aborted her. And it almost happened.
Kristi Hofferber

In an extraordinary and moving personal testimony published today by LifeSiteNews, Kristi explains that she grew up in a happy Christian home, her only complaint being a constant and growing sense of unease borne of the knowledge that she was adopted. This restlessness finally drove her to seek out the facts about her birth parents shortly before she turned 30.

She could not possibly have prepared herself for what she found out.

After telling her adopted parents that she wanted to know more about her biological parents, they sat her down and told her the horrifying facts of her conception: that her birth mother was repeatedly raped by her deranged incestuous father throughout her teenage years. Six pregnancies resulted; five of them ended in abortion. In the midst of these horrendous circumstances, Kristi alone was inexplicably spared, narrowly escaping the fate of her brothers and sisters.

“I was speechless!” Kristi relates. “It took all I had to keep my composure. I went from having about a dozen questions in my mind, to having hundreds.”

Even after learning the facts of her conception, Kristi says she felt driven to try to find out more, and perhaps even contact her birth mother. After making some inquiries on the internet she was able to make contact, and soon thereafter, to arrange an emotional reunion with her birth mother.

“My biological mother was very surprised that I had chosen to find her even after knowing the truth about my biological father,” writes Kristi. “This is when I let her know my faith and how I felt about who I was. He may share my DNA, but God created me. No matter the circumstance, it is of God’s will and purpose that I was conceived.  I do not want anything from my biological father, nor will I ever.”

Kristi says that at the end of the day, she is simply thankful that she is alive.

“I cringe when someone says they’re pro-life but they believe in exceptions for rape and incest,” Kristi told WND recently. “Then I step in and say, ‘Wait a minute. I was conceived in incest, and I’m just as human as you are.”

Kristi is saddened that most children conceived in circumstances similar to hers end up paying the ultimate price for the sins of their father.

“The option of abortion allowed him to punish my innocent brothers and sisters with death. This is wrong in so many ways. God has a plan for each and every child, including those of us conceived in incest and rape. To have abortion as a legal choice hurts everyone involved,” she said.

Kristi does not define herself by her biological DNA, but by the love of her birth mother and by the love that she knows God has for her.

“God is my father,” she says. “It doesn’t matter who my biological father is”.

“He may share my DNA, but God created me. No matter the circumstance, it is of God’s will and purpose that I was conceived.”

Kristi is a walking testimony that even in cases of rape and incest, each unborn child is created for a purpose. “As my story reveals, God can take something bad and make it an opportunity to do something miraculous.”

“I was given the gift of life in a difficult circumstance and believe that every child conceived deserves the same, without exception.”

Kristi is married to a Christian pastor. Kristi’s biological father, who terrorized her mother for decades, died last year.

[13Feb12, Peter Baklinski & J. Jalsevac,]




Meet the Academics Who are Trying to Redefine Pedophilia as ‘Intergenerational Intimacy’

The anger and disgust that most of us experienced when we learned of the allegations of sexual abuse of boys in the sports programs at Penn State and Syracuse University suggest that our cultural norms about the sexual abuse of minors are intact. Yet it was only a decade ago that a parallel movement had begun on some college campuses to redefine pedophilia as the more innocuous “intergenerational sexual intimacy.”

The publication of Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex promised readers a “radical, refreshing, and long overdue reassessment of how we think and act about children’s and teens’ sexuality.” The book was published by University of Minnesota Press in 2003 (with a foreword by Joycelyn Elders, who had been the U.S. Surgeon General in the Clinton administration), after which the author, Judith Levine, posted an interview on the university’s website decrying the fact that “there are people pushing a conservative religious agenda that would deny minors access to sexual expression,” and adding that “we do have to protect children from real dangers … but that doesn’t mean protecting some fantasy of their sexual innocence.”

This redefinition of childhood innocence as “fantasy” is key to the defining down of the deviance of pedophilia that permeated college campuses and beyond. Drawing upon the language of postmodern theory, those working to redefine pedophilia are first redefining childhood by claiming that “childhood” is not a biological given. Rather, it is socially constructed—an historically produced social object. Such deconstruction has resulted from the efforts of a powerful advocacy community supported by university-affiliated scholars and a large number of writers, researchers, and publishers who were willing to question what most of us view as taboo behavior…

… In 1990, the Journal of Homosexuality published a double issue devoted to adult-child sex titled “Inter-generational Intimacy.” David Thorstad, former president of New York’s Gay Activists Alliance and a founding member of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), writes that “boy love occurs in every neighborhood today.” The mov

ement continues but has gone underground since NAMBLA found itself embroiled in a $200 million wrongful death and civil rights lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Boston. The suit claims that the writings on NAMBLA’s website caused NAMBLA member Charles Jaynes to torture, rape, and murder a 10-year-old Boston boy.

Not so long ago, the postmodern pedophiles had help in defining down their deviance from the American Psychological Association. In 1998, the association published an article in its Psychological Bulletin that concluded that child sexual abuse does not cause harm. The authors recommended that pedophilia should instead be given a value-neutral term like “adult child sex.”  NAMBLA quickly posted the “good news” on its website, stating that “the current war on boy-lovers has no basis in science.”

It appears that a number of postmodern pedophiles have taken the advice to heart. For a while, we lived in a culture in which man-boy sex was not only tolerated, it was celebrated. And while the furor over the allegations at Penn State and Syracuse reveals that male pedophilia remains contested terrain for most, women-girl sex, because of the power of the women’s movement, scarcely registers on the cultural radar screen.

“The Vagina Monologues,” for example, is still part of the standard dramatic repertory in student productions on college campuses—including Penn State and Syracuse. The original play explores a young girl’s “coming of age,” beginning with a 13-year-old girl enjoying a sexual liaison with a 24-year-old woman. Later published versions of the play changed the age of the young girl from 13 to 16 years old, and the play continues to be performed. Last year’s February production at Syracuse was enhanced by inviting an “all-faculty” cast to perform the play on campus.

While the anger over the recent sex abuse allegations would suggest that the deviant label will remain for pedophilia, the reality remains that powerful advocates with access to university presses will continue their semantic and ideological campaign to define down this form of deviance.

Anne Hendershott is Distinguished Visiting Professor at The King’s College, New York, NY.  She is the author of The Politics of Deviance (Encounter Books).
[4 Jan 2012, Anne Hendershott,;]




Homosexual Lobby Group Linked with Pro-Pedophile Groups Funded Mostly by Governments

The finding is significant, since non-governmental organizations (NGOs) accredited to the United Nations must show actual people or non-profits, such as foundations, fund them… For remainder of article, visit link below.

[6 Jan 2012, Austin Ruse,



Independent Researchers Challenge Another WHO Report

A new study by an independent group of researchers shows that the World Health Organization (WHO) has significantly underestimated malaria mortality figures in its 2011 Malaria Report. This is another blow to the credibility of the top global health organization in just two years.

A paper published in The Lancet medical journal this month by researchers from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington in Seattle found that 1.238 million deaths worldwide were directly attributable to malaria – almost twice the 655,000 deaths reported by WHO.

The report also delivered surprising news about the real causes of global child mortality. Malaria mortality was 1.3 times more than the reported WHO figure for children younger than 5 years in Africa; 8.1 times higher for those aged 5 years or older in Africa and 1.8 times higher for all ages outside of Africa.  The IHME team estimated 24% of child deaths in Africa to be attributable to malaria compared with 16% quoted in the WHO report for 2008.

Compiling data from 105 countries using modern methodological tools, IHME found that malaria deaths in 2010 in individuals aged 5 years or older were 524,000 compared to the WHO figure of 91,000, almost 6 times higher. Overall, 433,000 more deaths in those aged 5 or above occurred due to malaria in 2010 than quoted by the WHO. The researchers say these numbers could be even higher if more corrections were made to misclassified data and if malaria was counted as an aggravating factor for other causes of death.

That malaria mortality has been underestimated has significant policy implications. It means that organizations like UNICEF should scale up their funds to child survival programs to reduce the large number of child deaths from malaria in Africa. It means that WHO and others should increase their engagement in malaria control and prevention programs. It also means that the UN agencies should pay much closer attention to their data collection and use.

This is not the first time that independent researchers acted as watchdogs on the UN’s use of poor statistics. Slightly more than a year ago, the same journal published a credible report by the same group of researchers exposing the inflated maternal mortality figures reported by UN agencies. The statistics used by the WHO and UNICEF were deemed erroneous and the methodology badly flawed. And yet such statistics have been cited by policy makers to push for more funding for reproductive health measures – including abortion – instead of mortality-reducing programs aimed at the main causes of maternal death.

In the past few years, independent monitoring of international bodies and the information they disseminate has discovered serious discrepancies.

One of the most recent initiatives is the establishment of WECARE, the World Expert Consortium for Abortion Research and Education, bringing together credentialed scientists in the area of abortion-research to present objective information about health effects of abortion. Most recently, they have published a comprehensive critical analysis of a widely cited Guttmacher study claiming abortion is safer than childbirth.
[Feb 23, 2012, Lucia Muchova, DC,]

Day of Reckoning for Violence Against Women Act

The re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on February 2 on a straight party-line vote. That proves again that the feminists control the Democratic Party, and also is a refreshing indication that Republicans are no longer intimidated by feminist demands.  

VAWA was originally passed by Congress in 1994, with Bill Clinton pushing the law as a payoff to the feminists for supporting his election as President. Joe Biden claims credit as a major sponsor and likes to say it is the legislation of which he is most proud.

In its 17 years of operation, it has done little or no good for real victims of domestic violence, while its funds have been used to fill feminist coffers and to lobby for feminist objectives and laws. Although eve

ry spending bill should be subject to rigorous auditing procedures in order to curb waste and fraud, VAWA has somehow ducked accountability for the nearly a billion dollars a year it doles out to radical feminist organizations…

…The feminists have so broadened the definition of domestic violence that it doesn't have to be violent and can be whatever a woman alleges. Definitions of domestic violence include vague and overbroad concepts such as emotional distress, harassment, annoyance, or merely unpleasant speech.

Feminist recipients of VAWA's handouts use the money to train legislators, judges and prosecutors in feminist ideology and goals…

…VAWA should be completely revised to provide meaningful definitions of domestic violence that are specific enough to identify real victims, to stop the over-criminalization of minor partner discord, to emphasize counseling rather than incarceration, to assure that training programs for prosecutors and judges are objective, to assure accountability by tracking the large flow of taxpayers' money, to respect fathers' rights, to inspect shelters to evaluate success and fairness, and to develop programs to address the common problem of mutual partner abuse.

If VAWA is not reformed to respect constitutional rights, it will turn out to be a major embarrassment to all Members of Congress who vote for it.
[Feb. 8, 2012 by Phyllis Schlafly]




Doctor Rejected by Kansas Medical Board

The doctor will/won't see you now – KCTV 5 —

It’s a random act of journalism! Click above for a video worth watching. KCTV5 skewers the Kansas Medical Board for denying former Army Lt. Colonel Terrence Lakin a license to practice in that state. Lakin has a very clean medical record after 18 years practice around the world with the military. He’s the conscientious objector who laid down his career, was court martialed and jailed for questioning the validity of Obama as commander in chief. Colorado and Maryland do not find this a problem with respect to Dr. Lakin’s medical licensure, but Kansas does.

The medical board questioned Lakin not on his medical credentials, but this birther issue, and rejected him on that basis.
Lakin will not be able to practice with his brother in Wichita Kansas (where the infamous George Tiller killed late term unborn babies). However a neurologist who did brain surgery on the wrong patient, inflicting permanent damage has been accepted, according to KCTV5.





Ford Foundation’s Ties to Planned Parenthood Run Deep

Earlier this year I discussed some interesting ties between Planned Parenthood and the Rockefeller Foundation, and why it came as no surprise that the Foundation pushed to legalize abortion in Uruguay. The Ford Foundation was another advocate for the decriminalization of abortion there as well, but this shouldn’t come as much of a shock, either.

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Planned Parenthood Policy Document: Restructure Family; Encourage Homosexuality

New "Hooking Kids on Sex II" video by A.L.L. reveals Planned Parenthood policy proposal also included forced abortions and China-style federal regulation of family size in U.S.A.

After just four days on YouTube, "Hooking Kids on Sex" exceeded 200,000 views. Then, an ex-intern of Planned Parenthood got the white-hot investigative report by American Life League on Planned Parenthood sex education blocked by YouTube. Now, ALL has responded with "Hooked on Sex II." At four minutes in, the revised video reveals a 1969 Planned Parenthood internal document that proposes an official policy of "restructure the family," "forced abortions," "encourage increased homosexuality," and "avoid marriage."

"Even people who thought they knew better were shocked by how Planned Parenthood promotes sex to youngsters," said Paul Rondeau, executive director at American Life League. "Activists alleged that because Joe Camel was a cartoon character, he must be banned to protect kids from smoking. Today, Planned Parenthood cartoons outright tell children to have sex and show them how. These cartoons for ten-year-olds are so sexually explicit that YouTube restricted our first video about them to adult viewing only."

Both "Hooking Kids on Sex" I and II show that Planned Parenthood uses pornographic illustrations, contests, workshops, and even cartoons to encourage sexual activity at very early ages when sexual addiction can start. They also document "no pants sex parties" sponsored by Planned Parenthood with free sex kits and free sex toys for college students.

"Obamacare is structured to guarantee that Planned Parenthood will put this in K-12 schools," Rondeau continued. "So, of course, Planned Parenthood will now deny its strategy is to restructure the family by changing how children view sex."

ALL says the abortion giant used Faerman's claim as a ploy to disrupt the viral explosion of the ALL Report. The revised video is posted on private servers in addition to YouTube so that "Planned Parenthood cannot create disruptions with unsubstantiated claims." Further, ALL has engaged legal counsel and says the new video will not be taken down without a court order.

The new video report, "Hooking Kids on Sex II," is at and an embeddable permalink at
[STAFFORD, Va., Feb. 28, 2012 /Christian Newswire/]

Planned Parenthood Fraud Totals $100 Million in Tax Dollars
Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, has described 2011 as “the most difficult year in [Planned Parenthood’s] history.” Well, welcome to 2012.

The Alliance Defense Fund, in conjunction with the Susan B. Anthony List, released its summary report on publicly available federal and state audits that identify waste, abuse, and potential fraud by Planned Parenthood and state family planning programs and reveal systemic misuse of nearly $100 million taxpayer dollars. Remainder of article —

Planned Parenthood Guilty of Tens of Millions of $$$ in Fraud, Charge Whistleblowers & Report

The Congressional investigation into Planned Parenthood that touched off the controversy over Susan G. Komen’s funding of the abortion giant may soon expand into a series of national hearings in the nation’s capital and court cases around the country that could expose hundreds of millions of dollars of financial impropriety, critics say.

Karen Reynolds, a decade-long employee of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (PPGC) in Texas, has filed a lawsuit claiming 12 Planned Parenthood mills in Texas and Louisiana bilked the government by billing medical agencies for services that were unnecessary or that were never actually provided. “Fraud is fraud,” said Reynolds’ attorne

y, Mike Love.

Her allegations are part of a cascade of negative publicity drawing attention to the dubious or possibly illegal accounting practices of roughly 20 percent of Planned Parenthood’s national affiliates.

Responding to the new allegations of wrongdoing, Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn has written a letter to House Speaker John Boehner calling for a “full-scale series of congressional hearings to expose the damage Planned Parenthood has caused to our nation.”

The Tennessee Republican cited a recent 23-page report issued by the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) that found upwards of $99 million in waste or possible fraud, including the illegal taxpayer funding of abortion and abortion-related procedures.

“There have been 38 federal HHS Office of Inspector General audits of state family planning programs, of which Planned Parenthood gets the lion’s share, between 1995 and 2009,” Steven Aden, vice president for human life issues and senior council at ADF told on a conference call last week. “These have discovered between $88-99 million in waste, abuse, and potential waste and fraud.”

“Two of those federal audits, in New York and New Jersey, specifically identified Planned Parenthood and only Planned Parenthood as a source of overbilling in the family planning program,” he said.

Only seven of the nation’s 79 Planned Parenthood affiliates had been officially investigated, as far as the ADF knows, he said. The 10 known audits took place in California, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and Washington state – mostly Democratic states that favor legalized abortion.

Yet those investigations uncovered numerous instances of financially questionable practices including wrongly billing Medicaid for medications provided as part of an abortion in violation of the Hyde Amendment, overbilling for prescription drugs, dispensing prescription drugs – including oral contraceptives – without a prescription, double-billing, charging for medically unnecessary services, falsely claiming some services were provided for family planning, and several instances of unsigned or missing documentation. The ADF report identifies 12 types of potential fraud, in all.

A common practice was “unbundling,” in which services provided as part of an abortion procedure were billed separately, as though they were unrelated services.

“In New York alone during one four year period,” the report states, “it appeared that hundreds of thousands of abortion-related claims were billed illegally to Medicaid.” (Emphasis in original.)

A 2008 New York audit found 102 of 119 sample cases improperly received such reimbursement – including funds that paid for 27 abortions. An audit the previous year found nearly half of New York’s 100 sampled cases involved a laboratory being reimbursed for abortion-related services, for which it should not have received any money.

A June 2008 audit in New Jersey found several clinics, “especially Planned Parenthood providers,” billed all their services as family planning, allowing 90 percent of their costs to be reimbursed by the federal government.

“Thus, Planned Parenthood’s primary motivation appears not to be to provide quality healthcare to patients who seek family planning services, but rather to enhance its profits,” ADF reports.

Two federal whistleblower lawsuits in California and Texas charge even more affiliates with Medicaid fraud in the tens of millions of dollars.

Karen Reynolds of Lufkin, Texas, worked more than 10 years at Planned Parenthood. In her court complaint, she charges PPGC with “billing for medical services not rendered, billing for for unwarranted medical services, billing for services not covered by Medicaid, and creating false information in medical records which was material to billing for medical services.”

Reynolds quotes a PPGC memo that stated, “If the client [getting an abortion] is getting on birth control make this the focus of the visit and put a note in the chief complaints that the client had a surgical or medical abortion ‘x’ weeks ago.”

Another former Planned Parenthood employee, P. Victor Gonzalez, who was chief financial officer for Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles, claimed in a 2010 lawsuit that PPLA paid “$225,695.65 for Ortho Tri-Cyclen birth control pills, yet billed the government $918,084 – for a profit of $692,388.35.”  These and other actions, which he said deliberately violated the False Claims Act (FCA), amounted to $100 million in financial impropriety.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, told the audits coupled with the whistleblowers’ inside accounts “reveal a pattern of gross financial mismanagement” at the nation’s largest abortion provider.  Yet “after 40 years of receiving taxpayer funds, not one oversight hearing of Planned Parenthood has occurred,” she said. “Now is the time for such scrutiny on behalf of its most important benefactors, the American taxpayers, and on behalf of the young women that it claims to serve.”

Instead of submitting itself to an inspection, she said Planned Parenthood had struck a “posture of entitlement” and waged “campaigns to destroy those who ask questions.”

Aden said, “Americans deserve to know if their hard-earned tax money is being funneled to groups that are misusing it.”

“Planned Parenthood has to play by the same rules as everyone else,” he said. “It is not entitled to a dime of taxpayer funds, especially if it is committing Medicaid fraud.”

“This is part of ADF and our allied organizations…effort to encourage the House Oversight Committee to hold public hearings hearings, to have Planned Parenthood’s national officers testify and be held accountable for the financial mismanagement that one-in-five of their affiliates has been implicated in.”

Thus far, less than ten percent of Planned Parenthood’s 79 national affiliates had been audited; eight other affiliates are implicated in ongoing lawsuits that allege financial malfeasance.

When asked whether a similar pattern would be found if the remaining 90 percent of affiliates were audited, Dannenfelser told, “It’s the responsibility of the Oversight Committee to do just that, to find the audits – and if they’re not available, to do the audits.”
[16Feb12, Ben Johnson, LUFKIN, TEXAS,]

Report: Planned Parenthood Groups Engage in Medicaid Fraud

A report released today by two leading pro-life organizations alleges more Planned Parenthood affiliates have engaged in fraud than the ones that have already become public knowledge and part of an investigation of the abortion business by Congress.

Today the Alliance Defense Fund and the Susan B. Anthony List released a new report to Congress identifying waste, abuse, and potential fraud by Planned Parenthood. ADF attorneys prepared the report to aid Congress in its investigation of the nation’s leading abortion business.

The report alleges that millions of dollars of waste, abuse, and potential fraud have been revealed in state and federal audits across the country. It identifies twelve types of potential fraud being committed by Planned Parenthood affiliates nationwide, including fraudulent billi

ng and reimbursement by Title XIX agencies for medications and/or services provided in connection with an abortion, illegal under federal law.

The billing violations include billing in excess of actual acquisition cost or other statutorily approved cost of contraceptives and Plan B products as well as inappropriately billing for services that were not medically necessary, billing for multiple initial prenatal care visits, and incorrectly billing initial, follow-up, and postpartum services.

Planned Parenthood Fired Staffer Who Put Women Over Money
Sue Thayer, a former Planned Parenthood staffer from Storm Lake, Iowa, wrote an opinion column that appeared in the Washington Times last week about how she was fired from the Planned Parenthood abortion business. She said the firing, which took place last year, came when she refused to put making money ahead of women’s health interests.

Thayer said the Planned Parenthood practice of telemed abortions is ultimately what led to her letting go. So-called webcam abortions are when Planned Parenthood violates FDA guidelines and prevents women from having an in-person meeting with the abortion practitioner prior to getting and using the dangerous RU 486 abortion drug that has killed dozens of women worldwide and injured thousands in the United States alone.

Instead, women are given instructions via video conference — something Thayer objected to as a Planned Parenthood director, as she explains:

Telemed abortion is the practice by which an abortion doctor from a remote location simply presses a button, which opens a drawer containing the dangerous abortion pill, after a brief teleconference call with the woman.

Telemed abortion doesn’t only result in the death of an unborn child; it strips women of their dignity by denying them the courtesy of an in-person visit from a doctor concerned for their health and well-being. It risks their lives by sending them away with no support and a drug that has led to massive bleeding and hemorrhaging, infection and even death.

So what does Planned Parenthood, the “trusted friend of women,” love so much about telemed abortions? Low overhead costs.

My superiors justified telemed abortions, lauding the financial benefits of not having to worry about or pay for specialized equipment, staff and a traveling physician – all required with surgical abortions.

When I expressed my concerns, I was “let go,” supposedly because of “downsizing.”

The final veil had been lifted and Planned Parenthood’s big lie was exposed: Planned Parenthood is not about helping women access health care. Instead, it is about making money. And abortion is its moneymaker. Telemed abortion is its mega moneymaker.

According to their own recently released 2009-10 annual report, Planned Parenthood performed more than 329,000 abortions [].

Conservatively estimating that each abortion costs $450, abortion services brought in $148 million of Planned Parenthood’s overall $320 million in clinic revenue, representing 46 percent of its operating budget.

Read the rest of this eye-opening article here [] and find out more about Sue Thayer []
[Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 2/6/12,]




Texas Defunds Planned Parenthood Despite Obama Admin Attacks

The state of Texas is defying attacks form the Obama administration in the form of threats to revoke federal funding if the state cuts of its funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion business.

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott and state lawmakers have directed the Texas Health and Human Services commissioner to sign a rule yesterday that officially bans Planned Parenthood and other abortion businesses from participating in the Texas’ Women’s Health Program.

In December, the Obama Administration refused to renew funding for Texas’ Women’s Health Program (WHP) because of new state rules that disqualify abortion business affiliates from participation in the program. The WHP encompasses Medicaid family planning services for low income women. The program started through authorizing legislation in 2005 and was renewed in the recent 82nd Legislative Session with new pro-life rules. [24 Feb 12,]

Nebraska Bill Cutting Planned Parenthood Funds Moves Ahead

The Nebraska state legislature on Tuesday that would strike state taxpayer funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion business moved ahead yesterday following a national debate over the Komen breast cancer charity potentially cutting funding.

Komen Survey: Still Considering De-Funding Planned Parenthood

Susan G. Komen for the Cure recently emailed me a link to a survey, which reveals some interesting clues to Komen’s thought process.  

The survey is only available to those who received an email, but I took plenty of screenshots.  The questions indicate that, while Planned Parenthood rejoices that they’ve won the battle, Susan G. Komen is still weighing its options.

For starters, Komen is finally doing what it should have done long ago: measuring support for Planned Parenthood… [visit to see the survey and the requests for feedback]

But what I found most interesting were the requests for feedback on proposed statements.  

For each, they asked “How believable is this statement?” “Does this statement make you more or less favorable toward Susan G. Komen for the Cure?” and “Based on this statement, how much more or less likely are you to donate to Susan G. Komen for the Cure?”
The statements indicate that they are weighing several options.
[17Feb12, Kelsey Hazzard, ]

'I Believe the Racial Components, the Racial Directives, Will be PP's Undoing'
Molotov Mitchell of Illuminati Pictures has captured part of the stage in the developing controversy over the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Foundation's decision to stop donating to the nation's biggest abortion industry player, Planned Parenthood.

The Komen Foundation said in February it wasn't going to donate to organizations that are under investigation for their activities. Planned Parenthood is under investigation in several venues. Komen later issued a statement changing course again, saying it would give to the abortion business again.

The movie was noted in an Examiner report on the blowup between the breast cancer-fighting organization and Planned Parenthood.

"Planned Parenthood has been also under scrutiny by some members of the African-American community because of the high proportion of aborti

ons being performed on Black women," the report said. "Film maker Molotov Mitchell, who recently produced a film … has alleged that Planned Parenthood from its inception, under the direction of Margaret Sander (sic), targeted Black and minority women. It has also been targeted by The National Black Catholic Congress."

Mitchell earlier told WND the film explores the black genocide pursued by Planned Parenthood in an entirely different light.

"If it is indeed true that the black community is being targeted for extinction today, this is like major political thriller stuff," he said.

He noted Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger's views of race, her work on the Negro Project and mounting evidence that abortion centers are disproportionately distributed among black and minority communities as evidence of an underlying conspiracy. At one time, Mitchell points out, civil-rights leaders were at the forefront of sounding the alarm over abortion's "racist" agenda.

He said today that ultimately the "racial components, the racial directives of Planned Parenthood will be its undoing. And the more that people become aware that Planned Parenthood is racist, and racially driven to exterminate the Black population and has always been driven since their founding, Planned Parenthood finally will be done."

He continued, "There's nothing more radioactive than the word racist. It's fortunate for pro-lifers that Planned Parenthood has such a huge Achilles heel in that they are racist from their origins to the present."

Officials with Planned Parenthood did not respond to messages requesting comment.

In published website statements the abortion company has said officials are "alarmed and saddened" that the Komen Foundation would "have succumbed to political pressure."

"Anti-choice [sic] groups in America have repeatedly threatened the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation for partnering with Planned Parenthood … and news articles suggest that the Komen Foundation ultimately succumbed to these pressures," the PP group stated.

Planned Parenthood supporters rallied to attack Komen, from trying to block permits for its parades to accusing Komen of abandoning women's health interests.

 But Mitchell said the racism of Planned Parenthood is a "skeleton in the closet" that the abortion business would not want publicized. So pro-life activists need to expose it, he said.

Noting there's no defense for racism, he said, "I really believe the [movie's] approach is the most effective approach that we can utilize at this juncture. We have to present the facts and allow people to connect the dots."

Planned Parenthood critics constantly note the high number of abortion centers in minority and black communities and their relative scarcity in affluent and white suburbs.

But the racism is evident even in recent incidents.

It was just a few years ago that Planned Parenthood was caught on tape agreeing to take a donation for an abortion that would destroy an unborn black child specifically.

It was uncovered through the work of Lila Rose, then editor of the Los Angeles-based Advocate and now chief of Live Action, which goes undercover to document the activities of abortion providers.

In a taped interview, an Idaho official for Planned Parenthood said it was "understandable" that a donor would want to contribute to abortions targeting blacks so that his own, presumably white, child would have less competition in college.

The conversation:

Actor: I want to specify that abortion to help a minority group, would that be possible?

Planned Parenthood: Absolutely.

Actor: Like the black community for example?

Planned Parenthood: Certainly.

Actor: The abortion – I can give money specifically for a black baby, that would be the purpose?

Planned Parenthood: Absolutely. If you wanted to designate that your gift be used to help an African-American woman in need, then we would certainly make sure that the gift was earmarked for that purpose.

Actor: Great, because I really faced trouble with affirmative action, and I don't want my kids to be disadvantaged against black kids. I just had a baby; I want to put it in his name.

Planned Parenthood: Yes, absolutely.

Actor: And we don't, you know we just think, the less black kids out there the better.

Planned Parenthood: (Laughs) Understandable, understandable.

Actor: Right. I want to protect my son, so he can get into college.

Planned Parenthood: All right. Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I've had a donor call and make this kind of request, so I'm excited, and want to make sure I don't leave anything out.

At that time, Day Gardner, president of the National Black Pro-Life Union, said, "African-Americans are having abortions at a hugely disproportionate rate according to their population, and Planned Parenthood has no shame whatsoever in accepting money that specifically targets our community."

The audio was posted on YouTube, which later censored it.

Sanger supported eugenics through birth control to cull people she considered unfit from the population. In 1921, she said eugenics is "the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems."

At one point, Sanger lamented "the ever increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all." Another time, Sanger wrote, "We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population."

The National Black Catholic Congress also has weighed in on the issue, challenging its members to choose the cause of death most costly to the black community, since 1973.

"Think about it for a minute. Is it heart disease – 2,266,789 deaths since 1973, cancer – 1,638,350, or accidents – 370,723? It is AIDS – 203,695, or violent crimes – 306,313? There is one possibility that is often overlooked. It happens 1,452 times a day in our community. It has taken over 13 million Black lives within the last 30 years. It has taken 1/3 of our present population. What is it? ABORTION!"

The group continued, "The CDC reports that of the approximately 4,000 abortions that are performed daily in the United States, 1,452 of them are performed on African American women and their pre-born children. This means that although African Americans represent only 12 percent of the population in the United States, they account for 35 percent of the abortions," the report said.

And he said his work is not a call to violence.

"I'm not espousing the murder of anybody," Mitchell told WND. "The film is not a call to arms; it's a political thriller. The topic of black genocide, the cover-up, the conspiracy – we were shooting for (pun intended) great art, great entertainment."
[16Feb12, World Net Daily]

The Tyranny of Planned Parenthood

Be aware  – Planned Parenthood has launched an unceasing, brutish, and over-reaching attack against the pro-life community. We're again facing an all-out assault from the pro-abortion forces.

Planned Parenthood and their following of pro-abortion lobbyists and politicians have entered into a period of unrestricted attacks against the pro-life cause.

After rallying pro-abortion Hollywood celebrities and anti-life supporters to
publicly shake down the Komen Foundation for initially doing the right thing, Planned Parenthood is now linking arms with the Obama Administration in promoting its decision to force pro-life Americans and religious employers to pay for insurance that provides abortion-inducing drugs – essentially strong-arming churches and pro-life Americans to violate their deeply held beliefs.

We cannot allow our First Amendment conscience rights to be violated. Clearly, Planned Parenthood continues to pull strings in the pro-abortion Obama Administration to effectively destroy our freedom of conscience. They've already got your tax dollars. And if they get their way again, they'd use the government's powerful hand to punish pro-life Americans for defending unborn life.

We're not surprised that the Obama Administration plans to force religious employers and pro-life Americans to pay for insurance coverage that provides abortion-inducing drugs. In 2010, Planned Parenthood received $487.4 million dollars from the government to subsidize its mammoth abortion business. This blank check was written with your tax money to basically use as the abortion mega-provider pleases. This is truly breathtaking.

AUL has been at the center of the fight to de-fund Planned Parenthood, and our recent groundbreaking exposé – The Case for Investigating Planned Parenthood – helped trigger the unprecedented Congressional investigation against the abortion behemoth.

[21 Feb 12, Americans United for Life e-letter]

Quick Facts about Planned Parenthood
CDC & Prevention numbers: A black child is 2.33 more times likely to be killed in the womb than a white child


Related Resources:  
**PP Resources
**National Freedom of Information Coalition
**Freedom of Information Clearinghouse
Public Citizen Litigation Group
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**Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
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**Federal FOI Act Letter Generator—