Abortionist Robert Alexander appeared before the Michigan Board of Medicine today for a final hearing on charges of gross negligence and incompetence after he was caught operating a squalid abortion facility in Muskegon that rivaled conditions found at Kermit Gosnell’s Philadelphia “House of Horror.”
Despite the fact that an administrative judge found that Alexander, who suffers from mental illness, was not fit to practice medicine and recommended his permanent license revocation, the Board voted to suspend Alexander’s license for 6 months and 1 day. The also told Alexander that he would have to re-apply to have his license reinstated, at which time he would be required to pay a fine of $75,000.
If Alexander does not reapply for licensing, his license would not be automatically renewed after his suspension and he would continue to be barred from practicing in Michigan.
It was Operation Rescue’s complaint, founded on a former employee’s testimony, which served as the basis for the disciplinary action.
[November, 19, 2014, Cheryl Sullenger, Lansing, MI ]
Continue reading — http://www.operationrescue.org/archives/michigan-board-suspends-license-of-michigan-gosnell-for-six-months-one-day/ ]
Wednesday, Nov.19th, the Michigan State Board of Medicine Disciplinary Subcommittee suspended Robert Alexander’s license for six months and a day and told him he would need to pay a $75,000 fine if he wants to get it back. The state said he would have to file a petition with the Board if he wanted to reinstate his license and that it wouldn’t be automatic. Activist Lynn Mills was present at the hearing and we are thankful for facts she passed on to us for this CPLS report.
Wednesday’s action taken against Robert Alexander may mean that his decades-long house-of- horrors abortion practice may be ended. We can only hope and pray that he will never be able to come up with the $75,000 fine he must pay to initiate the review of his license—and that even then his petition will be denied.
Wednesday’s suspension followed a finding (thanks to a more recent allegation filed by Operation Rescue, based on evidence given by a clinic staff member) that Alexander was negligent and incompetent in how he operated his Women’s Medical Services Clinic, located at 863 E. Apple Ave. in Muskegon, which was shut down in December 2012.
However, Shade appears to have been on a mission to protect Alexander all along: he once worked to have this disreputable abortionist regain his medical license, and not only ignored our 2006 allegations—but even ignored the 2009 allegations filed by Dr. Engel—allegations that showed Alexander to be a danger (not only of course to the unborn) but to women as well!
Literally for decades Alexander’s abortion practice has been the subject of much conflict and controversy beginning with his 1991 conviction for illegally selling prescription drugs that resulted in a two-year jail term and the revocation of his medical license. However it is this very same Dr. Shade who intervened on behalf of Alexander to have his license reinstated.
The evidence CPLS supplied to the Michigan Board in 2006 consisting of 18 notarized affidavits, photos and video, showed exactly the same conditions that the City of Muskegon discovered in December 2012 that resulted in the Fire Marshal’s decision to shut down that house of horrors. If our allegations had been taken seriously in 2006 Alexander’s dangerous medical practice may have been halted long before now!!
In the aftermath of the Dec. 2012 shut-down of Alexander’s Muskegon mill, he was hired for a brief time to kill the unborn at the Summit clinic in Detroit. But it appears, no doubt because of the bad publicity connected with Alexander, that even Summit let him go. However, Alexander is nothing, if not persistent! Thanks to the investigative research of activist Lynn Mills, Alexander gained employment for a time at the Detroit Department of Health Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic—but once the State filed charges of negligence against him he was fired from that position.
See transcription below of Dr. Shade’s denial of our CPLS 2006 allegation—with original document below it. This is followed by the allegation form we filed. As you can see, Dr. Shade is pro-abortion and accuses CPLS of simply waging an ideologically based campaign to “discredit” Alexander. Well, 6 years later in 2012 our allegations were proven RIGHT and his Muskegon death mill (photo at left) shut down based on the very same allegations we made in 2006!
Transcription of Shade’s denial of our 2006 allegation:
“Abortion is legal in the state of Michigan. Whether or not any given individuals agree
with this is a personal matter between that person and his or her conscience. It does not
change the law as it stands. There is no violation of the State Health Code. This file
reflects an active campaign to discredit and prevent a physician from practicing because
he chooses to follow his own conscience and the law and perform medical abortions.”
[ http://woodtv.com/2014/11/19/state-suspends-abortion-doctors-license/ ]