IF YOU ARE WONDERING WHY the USA seems so involved in the population control of many Third World nations, read the entire National Security Study Memorandum, NSSM-200: www.hli.org/nssm-200.pdf, and a 2004 retrospective on the memo: www.hli.org/Kissinger%20Report%202004.pdf.
ADMINISTRATION ASKED TO END DECADES OLD US FOREIGN-TARGETED POPULATION CONTROL POLICY– The rarely-spoken of foreign-targeted US population control policy, NSSM 200, was given special public exposure at a Human Life International (HLI) press conference.
HLI addressed the 3-decades-old population control policy that was drawn up based on a 1974 memorandum by Henry Kissinger, US Secretary of State during the administration of President Richard Nixon.
Kissinger's National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) was a confidential document until declassified in the early 1990's and is still unknown to most Americans who would highly likely never have supported such a policy.
The plan called for collusion among the U.S. government, the United Nations and non-governmental organizations such as International Planned Parenthood Federation. According to NSSM 200: "Throughout the implementation of the [population control] process, we have to make sure to hide our tracks and disguise our programs as altruistic… hiding the fact that we want access to their natural resources."
The International Data Base (IDB) is a resource for accurate current and historic demographic information on most countries of the world.
HLI called upon the Bush Administration to formally rescind the Kissinger population control policy and withdraw related funding from the United Nations.
NSSM 200, and the US population control policy which came from it, especially targeted thirteen countries for depopulation, countries which, if allowed to increase sufficiently in population, were seen to be able to challenge US economic superiority.
Billions of US taxpayer dollars have since gone into funding population control in countries around the globe.
HLI explains in a release that NSSM 200 justified the radical population control methods it implemented by claiming it would: 1) prevent developing nations from becoming politically powerful; 2) protect U.S. investments in these countries; 3) maintain U.S. access to these countries' natural resources; 4) limit the number of young people in these countries, who are more likely to challenge existing social and political norms.
The press conference was held at the National Press Club in Washington DC, and featured leaders from several of the 13 nations targeted by NSSM 200. These leaders discussed the repercussions their countries had experienced as a result of the secret population control agenda contained in the memo.
"Recent articles in Newsweek and Parade magazines demonstrate that the 'need' for population control is nothing more than an over-hyped myth. The time has come for U.S. government policy to formally acknowledge this same basic truth," said T. J. Euteneuer, president of HLI. "For the past 30 years, billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars have gone to fund population control programs- this, too, must come to an end."
[8Dec04, LifeSiteNews.com] See LifeSite's NSSM 200 page: http://www.lifesite.net/waronfamily/nssm200/index.html
[Previous LifeSiteNews.com reports:
Read the National Security Study Memorandum, NSSM-200: www.hli.org/nssm-200.pdf, and a 2004 retrospective on the memo: www.hli.org/Kissinger%20Report%202004.pdf.
NSSM 200
National Security Study Memorandum 200
Blueprint for world de-population and western domination
NSSM 200 – blueprint for de-population – Interim Newspaper – July 1998
Excerpt – The population-control ideology and the means to achieve it can be found in a U.S. executive-level government document entitled National Security Study Memora
ndum 200 (NSSM 200), published in 1974 and declassified in 1989. Although this plan of action was to be activated in developing countries, it was designed as a two-edged sword that could be swung with equal determination in both developed and developing countries alike.
The document was signed by Henry Kissinger and directed to the secretaries of defense, agriculture and central intelligence, the deputy secretary of state, and the administrator of the Agency for International Development, with a copy to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The focus of the study was the "international political and economic implications of population growth."
The UN, the IMF, the World Bank and abortion – Interim Newspaper – January 1999
Excerpt – The official policy of the U.S. regarding population control in foreign policy is spelled out in NSSM 200. The Memorandum became the official guide to U.S. foreign policy on Nov. 26, 1975 and has not been replaced since.
NSSM 200, subtitled "Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests," warned that increasing populations in developing countries threatened U.S. strategic, economic, and military interests.
Official, Now De-Classified Documents
The following articles can be located at http://www.lifesite.net/waronfamily/nssm200/index.html and are all in Adobe Acrobat format and require the free Acrobat reader for viewing. Acrobat has been used to maintain the format of the original documents. As well, acrobat allows easier navigation through the documents and easier printing of selected pages from the documents.
NSSM 200 cover letter
NSSM 200 document – 1974 (123 pages)
National Security decision memorandum 314
First Progress Report – 1976 (23 pages)
See also The Inherent Racism of Population Control (this is also available at this website)