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NEW! Abstinence Works: Facts

NEW! PARENTS: How Can We Help Our Teen Pursue Sexual Purity?

NEW! More Unmarried Couples Living Together

NEW! Safe Sex vs. Safe Driving: Why the Different Messages?

NEW! Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative: The Dollars Tell the Story

'Raising the Bar' Video Series Now on Facebook

30 Governors Have Applied for Abstinence-Education Funding for 2011

Governor Keeps 'Condom Education' Out of Schools

VA Parents Asked To Support Governor's Stand AGAINST Planned Parenthood SEX ED

Obama Administration Reveals All in Major Abstinence Study / Obama Administration Blocks Release of Pivotal HHS Abstinence Study

Findings from a National Survey of Adolescents and Their Parents

Encouraging the Abstinent Majority / CDC: Majority of Older Teens are Virgins

Reasons to Wait

HHS Dept Releases Funding for Abstinence Education Despite Fed Admin Plan to Eliminate Such Funding

Commentary: Save the Children, Say 'No' In Helena

Planned Parenthood's Worst Nightmares

Recall Effort Against Wisconsin Sex Ed Prosecutor Fails  

Importance of Peer Influences on Preteens

Fast Fact of the Month

Clinical Intervention Seminar on 12 August, Austin, TX

Abstinence Resources

NEW! Resource for Parents: Helping My Teen website

What They Didn't Tell You in Sex ED: A Must-Have Teaching Tool for Your Children

Abstinence Education Works! 

The American College of Pediatricians

Facts About Youth

Meet the Real General of the Sexual Revolution

The End of Courtship

UK Announces Plan to Push Radical Sex Agenda on Developing Nations

Abstinence WorksFACT #8 Contraception is never the answer for adolescents or unmarried adults.

No form of contraception is a suitable replacement for abstinence until marriage in sound health policy.  Yet among contraceptive-based sex education programs, the majority of discussion and teaching is focused on how to obtain and use contraceptives.

Perhaps the most attention in contraceptive-based sex education programs is given to condoms.  However, encouraging adolescents or unmarried adults to rely on condoms for protection represents gross negligence to scientific data on the dangers of latex contraception.

Condoms provide no protection against human papillomavirus.  HPV is transmitted by skin-to-skin contact, much of which is not protected by a condom.  In addition to painful side effects, HPV can also cause cervical cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.  There is also concern in the medical community regarding the lubricant Nonoxynol-9 found on some condoms.  Research suggests that the lubricant can actually make it more likely for a person to contract HIV/AIDS.

Other forms of contraception which are encouraged for use by adolescents and young adults by contraceptive-based sex education programs are considered dangerous, as well as Depo-Provera, an injectable contraceptive, which has been linked to significant loss of bone density, so much that the Food and Drug Administration has issued warnings about its use to young women.  Women using Depo-Provera are at least three times more likely to contract the STDs chlamydia and gonorrhea than women who are not using Depo-Provera.

The consequences of sexual activity go far beyond the physical outcomes of pregnancy, STDs and HIV/AIDS.  There are emotional, mental, spiritual, and social outcomes that are not affected by contraception use. 

For example, research has found 28% of U.S. high school students experienced severe depression, and the third leading cause of death for 15-to19-year-olds is suicide.

Researchers examining the data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, which surveyed nearly 19,000 teens in grades 7-12, found that "teens engaging in risky
behaviors are at increased odds for depression, suicidal ideation and suicide attempts."

FACT  #9
The majority of Americans support abstinence education.
Based on a survey created by Zogby International, parents disapprove or strongly disapprove of statements contained in contraceptive sex education by a margin of 5.4 to 1.  On the contrary, parents approve or strongly approve of abstinence education by a margin of 4.
[5Oct10, Abstinence Clearinghouse,]

FACT #10

Abstinence education is sound public health policy.

Only abstinence until marriage provides 100 percent protection against unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and emotional pain. Individuals who engage in pre-marital sexual activity are more likely to be depressed, to entertain suicidal thoughts, and to attempt suicide than individuals who do not engage in sexual activity before marriage. Given those facts, and the plethora of research outlined above, it is clear that abstinence education is sound public health policy.
Taken from Abstinence 101. [ Abstinence Clearinghouse,]



PARENTS: How Can We Help Our Teen Pursue Sexual Purity?

Focus on the Family offers helpful suggestions and tips for having “the talk” with your child. Parents are the primary educators of their children because growing healthy, responsible children—an ongoing process—begins at home.
  What can we do as parents to help our teenager remain sexually pure?
  It all begins at home, and preferably as early as possible in a child's life. Children should be introduced to age-appropriate sex education and biblically based instruction in God's design for marriage and human sexuality while still very young. If this hasn't been the case in your household, just remember that it's never too late to begin. Here, as in so many other areas of life, an ounce of positive preparation and prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Your relationship with your teen is the key to the entire process. Psychologists tell us that there are strong connections between dysfunctional family relationships and all kinds of sexual problems.

The best place to start, then, is with creating an environment in which your child feels comfortable talking to you about the entire scope of his life-interests and concerns.

Within that context, healthy discussions about sex and sexuality can be encouraged to blossom and grow in a natural way.

Research shows that teens who have a close, warm relationship with their parents and whose parents clearly communicate their expectations regarding sexual behavior are less likely than others to engage in pre-marital sex.

If and when your child becomes involved in a relationship with a member of the opposite sex, it would be a good idea to take the same approach in monitoring it that Ronald Reagan adopted in his dealings with the Soviet Union — "trust but verify."

In other words, if you have a teenage son, let him know that you'll take him at his word when he says that he is remaining sexually pure and not engaging in any kind of inappropriate behavior with his girlfriend. But don't stop there.

Proceed to make it clear that you're going to help him avoid temptation by placing firm limits on the amount of time the two of them spend together. Specify that it's fine for him to go on supervised group dates and to invite his girlfriend over when you're home, but that you don't want him spending one-to-one time with her alone. This might mean that he won't be allowed to use the car without you or another adult along for the ride.

It would also be important to have a conversation with the girlfriend's (or, in the case of a daughter, the boyfriend's) parents.

Both mom and dad should take part in this discussion.

Perhaps you could invite the other couple out to dinner on the grounds that, since your kids are dating, you'd really like to get to know them. Ask them about their values and the type of guidelines they've established for their child regarding sexuality. If you don't like their response, then don't allow your teen to spend time at their house.

In addition to discussing sexual purity with your teenager, it would also be a good idea to talk about character discernment.

Make sure your child understands the critical qualities … to look for in a dating partner and eventual spouse… spend some time unpacking the essentials of the characteristics … — love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness and self-control.

Underscore the point that while physical attractiveness may initially draw us to a person of the opposite sex, the quality of that individual's character is going to be far more important in the long run.

For further help in this area, you may wish to consult Joe White's Book Pure Excitement: A Radical Righteous Approach to Sex, Love, and Dating (see below).

If you have further questions in this area or would like to discuss your concerns in greater depth with a member of our staff, feel free to call our Counseling Department at your convenience… Monday through Friday between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Mountain time at 800-A-FAMILY (800-232-6459).


Pure Excitement: A Radical Righteous Approach to Sex, Love, and Dating (book)
Bloom: A Girl's Guide to Growing Up (book)
Let's Walk the Talk! Girlfriend to Girlfriend on Faith, Friendships & Finding Real Love (book)
Boom: A Guy's Guide to Growing Up (book)

Teen-Aid — This group’s goal is to reduce the many adverse consequences of pre-marital sexual activity among teens by encouraging abstinence as a pre-marital lifestyle. Provide clinical services as well as counseling services.

The Center for Affirmative Parenting — This Web site offers resources, seminars, articles and a list of answers to hundreds of wide ranging parenting questions.

Focus on the Family Parenting Community — An online community of parents with kids of all ages who ask questions and contribute answers to others facing both frequent and unique parenting challenges.
[POSTED: OCT 12, 2010, see webpage for several imbedded links — ]



POSTED: SEP 28, 2010
The US Census Bureau has released data showing a 13% increase in the last year in opposite sex unmarried couples who live together. Demographers surmise that, since these couples are more likely to have one partner unemployed, this increase is due largely to the sluggish economy. Research shows, however, that whatever the reason, such an arrangement makes the success of any subsequent marriages less likely. [23 Sept 2010, AP,



POSTED: OCT 12, 2010

"Would you expect free beer and pot as the students leave a Mothers Against Drunk Driving assembly," a New Jersey pastor asks? Of course not, and neither should we provide birth control to teens. He urges adults, instead, to stress the demands of “respect for ourselves and others.”
[30 Sept 2010, ; POSTED: OCT 12, 2010,]


Planned Parenthood, which received $350 million in government funding in their latest annual report, will be getting $19 million more from the new federal Teen Pregnancy Pregnancy Initiative.

The new funding stream focuses not on abstinence and marriage promotion, but on contraceptive education. Jeanne Monahan, Center for Human Dignity director, commented, ""I was troubled just to see in these grants that we're supposed to be very open to abstinence education and abstinence-centered programs — [and yet] Planned Parenthood got a pretty hefty chunk of money."

Monahan, who used to work in the Office of the Secretary in the Department of Health and Human Services, tells OneNewsNow that Planned Parenthood is pushing for children as young as ten years old to have comprehensive sex education — which she says her group would describe as "anti-abstinence and anti-family."
"It's promoting, in their words, all sorts of different kinds of sex with a variety of different partners," she laments, "and not at all…preserving the idea that marriage is the only appropriate and healthy place for a sexual relationship."
Monahan says Planned Parenthood benefits from many funding streams in the government.  In fact, according to the group's latest financial records in 2007, it received $350 million in local, state, and federal funding, and performed more than 300,000 abortions.
[POSTED: OCT 12, 2010,






Raising the Bar Video Series Now on Facebook
So often people want to know what it means to raise the bar. 

We believe that if we share testimonies of people who are abstaining and remaining sexually pure, these stories will inspire and encourage young people everywhere.

Please watch our brand new "Raising The Bar Series" videos on the National Abstinence Clearinghouse Facebook page.  You are not alone!



30 Governors Have Applied for Abstinence-Education Funding for 2011

The National Abstinence Education Association (NAEA) just released its report on which states applied for Title V abstinence-education funding.  An encouraging three out of every five governors elected to apply for Title V abstinence education by the Aug. 30 deadline.

Prior to the deadline, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services held back the results of a pivotal abstinence study, which featured results contrary to the Obama administration’s policy of “zeroing out” all abstinence-education funding.

As a result of public pressure, the taxpayer-funded survey –“The National Survey of Adolescents and Their Parents” – was released in time for wavering governors to re-apply for critical funding for their states’ abstinence programs, which end on Sept. 30.

States that participated in the 2009 Title V abstinence-only education program were:

Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma,  Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington and West Virginia.

Of those states, only five states elected NOT to reapply:
Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada and Oklahoma

Compared to 2009, there were eight new states that applied for the FY2011 funding:
Delaware, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Virginia

The state chapters of Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice were outraged after learning that Republican Govs. Bob McDonnell of Virginia and Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota opted to forego the government-preferred Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) funding for the abstinence-only funding option.

Victoria Cobb, president of The Family Foundation of Virginia, did not mince words when defending McDonnell’s decision.

“Despite the rhetoric from the economic loser in this decision – Planned Parenthood – recent studies have shown that abstinence education effectively helps teens postpone risky sexual behavior,” Cobb said.

Planned Parenthood of Virginia would have been a substantial recipient of PREP funds.

Tom Pritchard, executive director of the Minnesota Family Council, equally defended Pawlenty’s decision. He told the Star Tribune, “It’s better to spend no money on sex education if it’s going to have a condom message. You are pouring fuel on the fire.”

The pro-abortion groups were not the only ones that went after the governors. Liberal, sex groups like Sexuality Information Education Council of the U.S (SIECUS) – a fringe, Kinsey-rooted policy organization –fought against Title V funding and lobbied the Obama Administration to zero out abstinence funding.

The Huffington Post, a liberal website, also tried besmirch the governors for opposing President Obama’s “comprehensive sex education” program.

Bruce Gordon, communications director for Pawlenty, said, “The governor has consistently prioritized abstinence amongst family planning options.”

Stacey Johnson, spokesperson for McDonnell, the McDonnell’s decision was consistent with his past support of abstinence-only education, as proven when he opposed the decision of his predecessor, Gov. Tim Kaine, of eliminating the funding.

Chad Hills, CitizenLink’s abstinence and sexual health analyst, applauds the 30 governors who listened to put sound public policy over politics.

“It’s encouraging to know that several governors realize the importance of upholding the highest expected standard for sexuality within their public and private schools,” Hills said.

“However, I was surprised that the governor of Indiana rejected these funds. Parents and teens support the message of abstinence, and citizens are encouraged to thank the governors who opted to make their decisions based on principle and the will of the people –not on political correctness.”
[September 16, 2010, Posted by Catherine Snow, ]





Governor Keeps 'Condom Education' Out of Schools
The governor of Minnesota has rejected a federal grant under the new healthcare law that would fund sex education promoting use of contraceptives. Governor Tim Pawlenty declined to apply for the $850,000 that would go towards a program offering "comprehensive" sex education to Minnesota's public schools. Instead, he approved an application for abstinence-only funding that would require the state to provide a matching amount.  [ , OneNewsNow; ALL Pro-Life Today, 7 Sept 2010]




In the face of intense pressure from the Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia, American Life League is asking parents to support Gov. Bob McDonnell’s continued stand against Planned Parenthood-style sex education.
Judie Brown, president of American Life League, responded to news that Planned Parenthood is conducting a systematic campaign to pressure states to reject Title V abstinence education funding and is instead pushing funding for the new “Personal Responsibility Education Program” (PREP), intended to indoctrinate youth with what Planned Parenthood terms “comprehensive, medically accurate sex education.’” She stated,

“While American Life League has long known that any type of classroom education dealing with human sexuality is bound to fail, the current push by Planned Parenthood is among the most hypocritical steps the organization has ever taken. As purveyors of porn, Planned Parenthood operatives would not know a sound chastity education program if their lives depended upon it."
Parents in Helena, Montana, recently got a close-up look at Planned Parenthood-style “comprehensive” sex education and turned out in droves to oppose it.

“Parents across the country are recognizing and rejecting the insanity peddled by Planned Parenthood as ‘education,’” said Rita Diller, national director of American Life League’s Stop Planned Parenthood International (STOPP) project. “We urge Gov. McDonnell to stand strong against pressure from an organization that profits from the sexualization of children.”
A column in Tuesday’s Washington Post highlighted Planned Parenthood’s efforts to pressure Gov. McDonnell to embrace its failed “comprehensive” sex education.
The column quotes Stacey Johnson, spokesperson for Gov. McDonnell, saying the state has until Aug. 30 to decide which grants it will apply for.

“It is important that Virginians who understand that education about sexual matters belongs in the home chime in immediately to support Gov. McDonnell for holding the line against requesting the PREP funding that would likely end up in Planned Parenthood’s coffers,” American Life League told supporters in its Wednesday STOPP Report.
Contact Gov. McDonnell’s office by sending an e-mail via his web site (, by phoning his office at 804-786-2211, or by faxing 804-371-6351.


American Life League: Planned Parenthood pressures Gov. McDonnell to ditch abstinence education (17 August 2010)

Washington Post: Planned Parenthood urges McDonnell to accept federal money for sex education (17 August 2010)
[For Immediate Release, 18 August 2010, Katie Walker, Washington, DC,]

Obama Admin Relents, Posts Pro-Abstinence Education Study After Complaints: Obama Administration Reveals All in Major Abstinence Study

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has now released the full results of a government study that will give behavioral scientists insight into how parental attitudes and social norms are key to promoting abstinence before marriage, rather than sex ed programs.

Recently the HHS had been criticized for its delayed release of the full results of the study, as only an executive summary of the study’s final conclusions were available.

Lisa Rue, Ph.D., a specialist in adolescent behavior, had complained that without the full data of the study, experts such as herself had less material to help teach adolescents to abstain from sexual activity, which would in turn reduce the epidemic spread of venereal disease and the incidence of teenage pregnancy.

"We have to know cultural norms and values before we ever do any kind of research, or develop initiatives," Rue said in a newspaper editorial. "If you ignore that, you're ignoring a premise, a key premise in evaluation science and research."

On Monday, received from the HHS a copy of the full study, which can now be accessed via a link on the HHS website.

The 196-page report entitled “National Survey of Adolescents and Their Parents: Attitudes and Opinions About Sex and Abstinence” was funded by the HHS’s Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and conducted by researchers with the Cambridge, Mass.-based Abt Associates.

The survey examined 1,000 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18 and their “most knowledgeable parent,” and examined the impact of parent attitudes, parent communication with adolescents, and peer attitudes on adolescents’ choosing to have pre-marital sex or to abstain.  

The report had several findings that appeared to controvert conventional wisdom on teen attitudes and sex education. For example, the report found that “adolescents and parents generally oppose pre-marital sex,” adding that adolescents have slightly more permissive views than their parents.

The report found that approximately 70 percent of parents were morally opposed to their teens having premarital sex, while just over 60 percent of teens agreed that only married persons should have sex.

The report also indicated that parental and social attitudes toward sex and abstinence were far more influential than classroom education, even when abstinence-based. Conservative attitudes of parents and peers toward sexual intercourse, reported the researchers, were broadly associated with an adolescent’s choice to abstain from sexual intercourse.

While sex education, including abstinence-based, increased levels of communication about sex between adolescents and their parents, the study found that such communication made no measurable difference on adolescent’s sexual attitudes. Such communication between teens and their peers were broadly associated with “less conservative adolescent attitudes."

Minority, religious, and low-income households exhibited more conservative views in general about sex and abstinence, according to the report. While black adolescents were more liberal than their p

arents on sex, Hispanic teens tended to agree with their conservative parents, as did those who attended religious services frequently.

Click here to read the full study —
Previous coverage: Obama Administration Stonewalls Full Release of Major Abstinence Study
[August 23, 2010, Peter J. Smith, D.C.,]



Obama Administration Blocks Release of Pivotal HHS Abstinence Study
Posted by Catherine Snow

Comment: Check out this disturbing article – how very disappointing!  The majority of parents and youth in this country favor the abstinence until marriage message yet those opposed to it will go to any lengths to silence them.

The Obama administration is, once again, entangled in controversy over sex education.
Yet this time, it is not about what the administration is trying to implement, but about what it is withholding – and apparently for political reasons.

A taxpayer-funded study that indicates parental and adolescent support of abstinence education is not being released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as it does not support the administration’s objective – or that of vocal “safe sex” activists – of eliminating all abstinence-education funding.

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), a division of HHS, funded a survey of 1,000 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18 and their parents, in order to measure parent-adolescent communication and adolescent attitudes toward sex and abstinence.

The American Public Health Association’s (APHA) website reveals the only is results of the survey:

    “Adjusting for all other factors in the model, parent and peer factors are more consistently associated with differences in adolescent attitudes about sex and abstinence than are measures of adolescent exposure to sex and abstinence topics in a class or program.

    Additionally, parent attitudes are more important in influencing adolescent views than the level of parent communication with their adolescent.”

The executive summary revealed that:

    * 70 percent of parents agreed with the statement: “It is against your values for your adolescents to have sexual intercourse before marriage.
    * 70 percent of parents agreed with the statement: “Having sexual intercourse is something only married people should do.”
    * Adolescents had similar responses for the two questions.

During an APHA conference, researcher Lisa Rue, Ph.D., who specializes in adolescent behavior, was intrigued by the study and requested the full report. She was summarily denied access.

Rue then resorted to submitting a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, which was also denied because it was “pre-decisional and deliberative” – even though it was presented in public twice.

“We have to know cultural norms and values before we ever do any kind of research, or develop initiatives,” Rue said. “If you ignore that, you’re ignoring a premise, a key premise in evaluation science and research.”

Rue wrote an op-ed piece in her local newspaper, demanding the report be released.

Chad Hills, a social policy analyst with CitizenLink, said it is unfortunate that HHS has chosen not to release this valuable study to researchers – or to the public.

“This information would better inform policymakers concerning the standard which a majority of the public wants them to uphold in public education,” he said. “If they are not fully informed, how can they establish good policies?”

Hills also said that social science research demonstrates that the healthiest, highest expected standard for sexual behavior is within the context of a lifelong marriage.

“To undermine this standard by promoting casual sex is to undermine the stability of the family and, ultimately society,” he said.

Read more about the Obama Administration’s sex education programs.

Read an Aug. 2 editorial by Dr. Lisa Rue, in the Times Call.- Correct link:

Read the Research summary (see below) —

Related posts:
   1. Montana School Board Invites Pro-Family Expert to Speak on Sex Ed
   2. Abstinence Education Works
   3. Abstinence Money Goes by the Wayside
   4. HHS to Use Tax Dollars to Promote Gay Sex, Abstinence-Only Education Programs
   5. Why Abstinence? It’s Right and It Works



Findings from a National Survey of Adolescents and Their Parents

The Administration for Children and Families (DHHS) funded a survey to examine current attitudes of adolescents and their parents regarding abstinence knowledge and attitudes. Abt Associates conducted this public opinion survey of a nationally representative matched sample of 1000 adolescents (ages 12 to 18) and their parents in 2008.

Overall, parents expressed more conservative attitudes regarding permissible sexual behavior than did the adolescents; for example, 11% of parents said it would be okay for an adolescent to have intercourse before leaving high school as compared with 33% of adolescents. [ed. vast percentage of parents and adolescents NOT okay with high school intercourse]

Similar differences were found in parent and adolescent opinions about sexual intercourse if birth control was used or if the adolescent had been dating the same person for over a year.

Social and cultural norms significantly predict adolescent and parent attitudes with more permissive views expressed both by and about males than females, and significantly different views by race and ethnicity.

Multivariate analyses were conducted using a conceptual model based on the literature that explored three main pathways of influence (parents, peers, exposure to information about sex and abstinence in a class or program) on parent-adolescent communication and adolescent attitudes.

Adjusting for all other factors in the model, parent and peer factors are more consistently associated with differences in adolescent attitudes about sex and abstinence

than are measures of adolescent exposure to sex and abstinence topics in a class or program.

Additionally, parent attitudes are more important in influencing adolescent views than the level of parent communication with their adolescent. [Ed.: parental attitudes are expressed through their value system and their example to their children]

Learning Objectives:
Describe findings from a national survey of adolescent-parent pairs on attitudes re: sex and abstinence Discuss implications of multivariate analyses based on conceptual model developed from literature

[November 10, 2009, American Public Health Assoc., ;
Deborah K. Walker, EdD , Domestic Health Division, Abt Associates Inc., Cambridge, MA
Lauren Olsho, PhD , Health Division, Abt Associates Inc., Cambridge, MA
Jessica Cohen, MS MPH , Health Division, Abt Associates Inc., Cambridge, MA
Gretchen Locke, MA , Health Division, Abt Associates Inc., Cambridge, MA]
[18 August 2010;]
Keywords: Adolescent Health, Sexual Behavior



Encouraging the Abstinent Majority
Charles A. Donovan, a senior research fellow in the DeVos Center on Religion and Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation, recently released an article that documents the success of abstinence education programs.
Using statistical information from the National Survey of Family Growth, Mr. Donovan pointed out that 58 percent of never-married females ages 15-19 had not had sex even once (a 20 percent increase since 1988) and boys showed a 16 percent increase in abstinence.
With such findings, we see that abstinence education is making progress. Leslee Unruh of the National Abstinence Clearinghouse stated, "Financial Supporters of abstinence programs should be encouraged with these results and know that their continued support is yielding immeasurable results in the lives of children, America's greatest resource!"
[2 July 2010, e-news,]



Very encouraging data from the new CDC survey (2006-2008) [] shows that the majority of never-married teens over 14—58% of girls and 57% of boys—have NOT had sexual intercourse. The most frequent reason given?: “Against religion or morals.”

When asked about these results during a recent interview, Abstinence Clearinghouse Executive Director, Kimberly Martinez, stated, “This study says that the number one reason teens indicate they choose to wait is because its ‘against religion or morals.’ This tells us that teens at their core hold strong to their values and beliefs – that character and integrity DO mean something. I believe this shows us that youth need and want more than an ineffective condom message – they want a message of sexual integrity, which they get from abstinence education.”
[ , JUL 20, 2010,]



Submitted by Youth

I'd rather say no to my boyfriend than "Yes, I'm pregnant" to my parents.
• I don't want the reputation of being someone that people date because they expect to have sex.
• Sexual relationships are a lot harder to break up even when you know you should.
• I want my first experience to be a good one with someone who won't laugh at me, reject me, or tell lies about me, and who I know will always be there tomorrow.

See the full list at…

[JUL 07, 2010]





HHS Dept Releases Funding for Abstinence Education Despite Obama Plan
The Department Health and Human Services has released the federal funding for abstinence education that groups fought for in Congress after Obama made a request to eliminate it.

The funding is one of the few silver linings of the pro-abortion health care bill Obama signed.

In May, Obama announced he would zero out all funding for abstinence education and replace it with $178 million to “prevent teen pregnancy."

The National Abstinence Education Association and others fought the request and members of Congress eventually voted to restore some of the funding.

“The bipartisan vote among members of Congress that provided for the continuation of this funding, demonstrates an understanding of the common sense approach that Abstinence Education provides and that a majority of Americans support," said Valerie Huber, the director of the group.

Members of Congress originally began funding abstinence education during the 1990s and Title V abstinence funding was recently extended under the health care bill.

This funding is provided to states yearly until 2014 and the program will be implemented through the Administration for Children and Families, which is currently accepting applications from U.S. states and territories for funding requests. [August 9, 2010, Pro-Life News Update, Washington, DC]





Commentary: Save the Children, Say 'No' In Helena
There is growing debate in the Helena, Montana school district over plans to include Human Sexuality education as part of the health curriculum in grades K-12. Emotions are running high as parents are vehemently objecting to this plan and educators seem intent on implementing it.

While everyone is entitled to their opinion, it just so happens that, in this case, all the data demonstrate that the parents are, indeed, correct to oppose these programs.

To understand the problem with these classroom programs, we need to review the three stages of the human sexual maturation process.

The first phase of this development starts at birth and continues until a child is approximately 5-years-old. The fact that I say “approximately” points out one of the major influences in this entire discussion. No two children mature exactly the same. Each takes his or her own time.

Because children mature at widely differing rates, one child may be ready for a great deal of information at 11-years-old or earlier, while another child, even in the same family, might not be ready for the same information until he or she is 14-years-old or older.

The first phase of development is characterized by children being interested in a number of things, including body parts. It is a time when children find their eyes and ears and elbows and genitals. All of this is normal and the child normally passes out of this stage at around five years of age.
The second phase of human sexual maturation begins at about the age of six and lasts until puberty. Once again, the exact timing will differ by child.

During this second phase, the child’s sexual thoughts and actions are naturally suppressed. Popes in the Catholic Church have referred to this period as the “age of innocence,” while scientists call it the “sexual latency period.”

Most educators will tell you that this is the age when children are most able to be educated. They are like a sponge, soaking up math and science and languages and anything else that piques their interest. They want to know why the sky is blue; why the grass is green; how do airplanes fly; and a host of other things. They do not want to know about sex. At this stage in their lives, it is just not important to them.

Then, at puberty, they enter the third phase of development and their sexual interest reemerges. Now, they do become interested in all things sexual. However, there is a significant difference.

Boys primarily have a physical sex drive. They are generally interested in having physical sex.

Girls, on the other hand, are interested in romance. Their sex drive is normally centered around the heart and around love.

In his 1985 treatise, "A Psychoanalytic Look at Today’s Sex Education," Melvin Anchell, M.D., A.S.P.P. points out that:

…there are many cultural and personal achievements attained through the redirection of sexual energies during latency, but the most important achievement of all is the development of the capacity for compassion. It is this ability to feel compassion that truly separates man from all other creatures.

The second most important achievement resulting from the redirection of sexual energies during latency is the strengthening of mental barriers that control perverse sexual impulses … These mental barriers are inborn and are present at birth. However, to be effective in later life, they must be strengthened during latency.

The sex teachings given to the 6- to 12-year-old students keep sexual impulses stirred up, disrupting sexual growth, as well as personal and cultural achievements.

A partial summary of adverse effects due to the sex educators' interferences during latency is that they: 1) Make the 6- to 12-year-old student less educable; 2) can block the development of compassion; 3) weaken the mental barriers controlling base sexual instincts, thereby making the child vulnerable to perversions in later life.

In other words, kids who are inundated with human sexuality courses will find their overall academic performance suffering, while they grapple with self-control and compassion issues.

As the Helena school board considers the problems posed by classroom sex education, we ask them to note that school classrooms group children by the same chronological age, but they will each be at varying stages of mental maturity. It is impossible to design a classroom sex education course that is appropriate for all of the children in the class.

Twenty-five years ago Dr. Anchell warned of what will happen as classroom sex education programs proliferate. Look around at today’s society. We are seeing the results of years of unbridled sex education in the schools.

Let’s not make the matter worse in Helena. Protect the children, say no to these programs.

Jim Sedlak is the Vice President of American Life League and the author of “Parent Power!! How Parents Can Gain Control of the School Systems that Educate their Children.”  [13 July 2010, Jim Sedlak, ; Wednesday STOPP Report, 21 July 2010]

Planned Parenthood's Worst Nightmares
Planned Parenthood's Teen Sex Promotion Conference, Nobody's Fool, in its 21st year, took place on July 21.

Our friends at carried a story about our campaign in opposition to Nobody's Fool. You can access the article here.

The article emphasizes our Waco Trib newspaper exposé on International Planned Parenthood's vile publication “Healthy, Happy and Hot” which can be viewed and printed here.


John Pisciotta is among Planned Parenthood’s worst nightmares.  A Baylor University professor and pro-life activist extraordinaire, Dr. Pisciotta keeps Planned Parenthood in Waco on the defensive by working to build a solid wall of resistance to PP’s programs, abortions, and its stranglehold on the community.

Taking Planned Parenthood to task by every means available, Dr. Pisciotta and Pro-Life Waco are once again challenging PP’s annual sex indoctrination program for teens, Nobody’s Fool.  Pro-Life Waco’s arsenal includes first and foremost prayer, then editorials, yard signs, billboards, a large panel truck named Carolyn with huge banner messages on the side, and many volunteers who will stand as witnesses outside the “Fool” event.

Take a look at the Pro-Life Waco website to see Carolyn, the panel truck messenger.  Carolyn was parked at a local shopping center this weekend with her anti-“Fool” message for all to see.
You can also read the editorial penned by Dr. Pisciotta linking Nobody’s Fool to the IPPF brochure, “Healthy, Happy and Hot,” which sparked a lively discussion on the local editorial page.

A large local bank is listed among the sponsors of “Nobody’s Fool,” and Pro-Life Waco is planning to picket the bank with appropriate signs.  It is time for everyone to wake up to the reality that support for Planned Parenthood’s sex programs for children is a disgrace to the community.

Also the STOPP Report of American life league carried a story on happenings regarding Nobody's Fool and a blog report is also available, which you can access here:

The following are some of the experiences on the day of Nobody's Fool:

 1. We had 50+ pro-life, pro-decency friends standing in opposition on the morning of Nobody's Fool at the Waco Convention Center.

 2. Simultaneously, five allies demonstrated in front of Central National Bank, a Nobody’s Fool sponsor. Their signs carried the message “Central National Bank supports Planned Parenthood. Anything goes sex and 15,000 abortions.” Bank officials responded by turning the lawn sprinkler system on. With the tremendous heat of the day, this was very much appreciated by those demonstrating in the public right-of-way of the bank.

3. We had the opportunity to inform many parents coming to Nobody's Fool to turn away from the event. In one glorious success, a mom bringing her two daughters to Nobody's Fool switched to our side and held up a sign in our demonstration.

4. A young woman brought her niece to Nobody's Fool. After dropping her niece off, she realized she had made a poor decision. We had the opportunity to visit with her about joining the pro-life cause. The following day, with her pre-school son, she joined in our demonstration at the Planned Parenthood abortuary.

5. One of our pro-lifer’s has a friend who was on the teaching team of Nobody's Fool. The teacher became convinced t

hat Nobody's Fool was bad for children. The result was that the would-be teacher was a no-show on the morning of Nobody's Fool.

6. The number of children attending Nobody’s Fool declined from about 300 last year to about 150 last Wednesday!

Many in our community came to understand the dangerous and demeaning Planned Parenthood agenda for our children. We will continue to challenge every Planned Parenthood’s move to promote promiscuity, inflict abortions and steal souls in our community.

[Wednesday STOPP Report: July 21, 2010;, click Nobody’s Fool, email, 25 July 2010]

Recall Effort Against Wisconsin Sex Ed Prosecutor Fails
[ed: Probably because most parents don't want their children to know how to use contraceptives, and so they support the Prosecutor…]
     A drive to recall a Wisconsin prosecutor who warned health teachers they could face criminal charges for teaching students how to use contraceptives has failed.  The group working to recall Juneau County District Attorney Scott Southworth needed 2,073 signatures by 5 p.m. on Monday. State election officials say nothing was filed by the deadline.  [,0,2184720.story
Chicago Tribune, 22 July 2010, ALL Pro-Life Today]




Importance of Peer Influences on Preteens
Teen sexual behaviors are concerning because of their impact on lifelong sexual health. For example, youth who initiate sex at an earlier age have higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases.1

Previous research shows that peer influence affects sexual behaviors in teens.

However, few researchers have explored the impact of peer influence in preteens who have not yet engaged in risky sexual behaviors. One such study by Wallace et al. examined how peer norms influence preteen attitudes on dating and sexual activity, as well as intention to have sex.2

The participants in this study included 1,046 fourth and fifth grade African American students from Georgia and Arkansas, who had been recruited to take part in a community-based family intervention on sexual health education. At the beginning of the 3 year study, participants answered baseline surveys about sexual attitudes and intentions.

Three variables covered in the baseline survey were the focus of the current study: perceived peer norms (e.g., "How many of your friends have ever had sex?"), youth attitudes (e.g., "I think I should wait until I am married before I have sex.") and intent to have sex (e.g., "How many times have you thought about having sex with a boy/girl?"). Regression analyses of survey results predicted youth attitudes and intent to have sex.

The authors found that perceived peer norms are a factor in a preteen's attitudes about sex and dating and their decision to have sex. A student whose peers are sexually active is more likely to engage in early sexual behavior than a student whose peers are not. This may indicate that the desire for acceptance within a preteen's social circle is strong enough to encourage risky behaviors. There was no significant difference between male and female preteens regarding the impact of peer influences on their sexual attitudes and intentions.

The study is limited by the use of self-reports on sexual attitudes and behaviors by participants. Additionally, the study took place in a limited geographical area of two states and only among African American students. Therefore, the results may not be representative of all youth attitudes and behaviors.

It is interesting to note, however, that these results are comparable to similar studies with older students.3 The authors state that early preventative education and a focus on managing peer pressure and perceived norms may help students abstain from sexual activity during their teenage years.

Findings from this study encourage further examination into the important topic of peer influences and how they drive adolescent sexual behaviors. An understanding of these processes can help improve strategies for youth sex education.

The Medical Institute promotes evidence-based risk avoidance messages for youth. Avoiding sexual activity at a young age allows youth to focus on their life goals and a healthy future.

1. Sandfort TG, Orr M, Hirsch JS, Santelli J. Long term health correlates of timing of sexual debut: Results from a national US study. Am J Pub Health 2008; 98(1):155-161.
2. Wallace SA, Miller KS, Forehand R. Perceived peer norms and sexual intentions among African American preadolescents. AIDS Educ Prev. 2008; 20(3):360-369.
3. Jaccard J, Blanton H, Dodge T. Peer influences on risk behavior: An analysis of the effects of a close friend. Developmental Psychology 2005; 41(1):135-147.
[29 July 2010, Medical Institute, ]

Fast Fact of the Month
Never Married Females and Males Aged 15-19 Who Have Ever Had Sexual Intercourse: United States, 1988-2008
The data in this 86-page report was collected through in-person interviews July 2006-December 2008 with 2,767 teenagers, aged 15-19. [From this, it is estimated that] [a]bout 42% of never-married female teenagers (4.3 Million) and about 43% of never-married male teenagers (4.5 Million) had had sexual intercourse at least once (were sexually experienced). These levels of sexual experience have not changed significantly from 2002, the last time the NSFG collected these data [46% of never-married teenaged females in the 2002 had had sexual intercourse at least once.]

"The percent sexually experienced has, however, declined steadily since 1988, when it was 51% [for teen females]. (This was a statiscally significant decline)" and "This follows a significant decline among males from 1995 (55%) to 2002 (46%)." (Table 2 and Figure 1, ]

Both female and male teenagers whose mothers had their first birth as a teen, and those who did not live with both parents at age 14, were more likely to be sexually experienced than those whose mothers had their first birth at age 20 or older, and those who lived with both parents at age 14.

The vast majority of never-married teenagers had not had intercourse in the month before the interview (76% of females and 79% of males, unchanged from 2002), but 12% of female and 10% of male teens had had sex 4 or more times in the month before the interview.

Regarding total number of lifetime partners. 26% of females and 29% of males had had 2 or more partners. Teenaged females who were younger at first sex were much more likely to have had higher numbers of total partners.

In 2006-2008, among both female and male teens who had not yet [sic] had sex, the most common reason for not having done so was that it was "against religion or morals", which was also the most common reason in 2002.
[Abma JC, Martinez GM, Copen CE. Teenagers in the United States: Sexual activity, contraceptive use, and childbearing, National Survey of Family Growth 2006-2008. National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Stat. 2010; 23(30); ]

< span style="color: #0000cc">ED.: Of course, the good news is that this means about 58% of never-married female teens (5.938 Million) and 57% of never-married male teens (5.965 Million) have never had sexual activity, and these numbers of abstinent teens continue to increase. Authentic Abstinence Education has had a tremendous positive effect on increasing these numbers of abstinenct teens; unfortunately, federal funding for authentic abstinence education has been cut off almost entirely over the last 18 months.

Parents, talk to your teens about the importance of remaining abstinent. They want to hear from you!

MI and Austin LifeGuard will host a Clinical Intervention Seminar on August 12th in Austin, Texas. For more information about the seminar or registration go to



Resource for Parents: Helping My Teen website —   

What about the Parents of teens?   

Come on, we have issues too!  
Like how do we teach our teen character, or how to stay out of trouble, or just how to motivate them to pick up their room.  

Now there’s a website just for you!   Yep.  You.  The Parent of Teens.   

Just follow this link   

We highly recommend this website.  
You’ll find tips and tricks or just a place to hang out and talk with other parents.

Check it out; you’ll be glad you did.[13 Oct 2010,]



What They Didn't Tell You in Sex ED: The Biology of The Theology of the Body

Vicki Thorn is the foundress of Project Rachel & the executive director of the National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation & Healing located in Milwaukee, WI. She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Minnesota & a certificate in Spiritual Direction. She is a bereavement facilitator, a prenatal loss facilitator and is also certified in Trauma Counseling from UWM.

Vicki is an international speaker & author on topics of abortion's aftermath in women and men, as well as the process of post-abortion healing. She has spoken internationally on the biology of bonding & attachment in Canada, Mexico, the Bahamas, Australia, New Zealand, Guam, Ukraine, Italy, Austria, Poland, Chile, Slovakia, Romania, Sardenia, France, England, Scotland, Germany, Austria, Hong Kong & China.

Vicki has written articles on Project Rachel and the aftermath of abortion. She has written a book on Project Rachel which will be released soon. Vicki has also written and spoken about the sociological changes in society since the 60's, the stress in abortions and women in crisis pregnancies.

"The Snake is Still in the Garden" is a CD or DVD about a woman's role in today's society, and how women bond and relate to each other. Thorn also has a three talk series available on DVD: "The Biochemistry of Sex: A Provocative Sex Talk" , "As the World Turned, Changes That Left Us Wounded" , and "Abortion: Soul Wound of the World".

Vicki is on YouTube at

"The Biology of The Theology of the Body" DVD or CD is a must-have Teaching Tool for your children/students:  (Item# vicki-thorn-dvd or Item# vick-thorn-cd).

Abstinence Education Works!
From Abstinence 101: Everything You Need to Know about Abstinence Education

Abstinence until marriage is the only certain way to prevent the consequences of sexual activity before marriage, including but not limited to pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS. 
For teens, abstinence from sexual activity is the only healthy and responsible option.  Analysis of the National Longitudinal Adolescent Health Survey and the National Survey of Family Growth shows that teens that are not sexually active are at decreased risk for many negative life outcomes…Analyses of government funded data on the effects of virginity pledges on teen sexual activity have also shown that abstinence education works. 

According to studies, individuals who make an abstinence pledge are more likely to be virgins when they marry than those who do not make the pledge.  Studies have also found that young women who take a virginity pledge are about 40 percent less likely to have a child out of wedlock when compared to similar young women who do not make such a pledge.  Pledgers are also less likely to experience teen pregnancy, are less likely to be sexually active while in high school and as young adults, are less likely to give birth as teens or young adults, and will have fewer sexual partners throughout their lifetime.  
Everyone wants to fund effective programs.  However, no condom-based sex education program, much like those that have been in the nation's public schools for more than 30 years, has ever been proven to prevent teen pregnancy.  Yet, billions of dollars have been pumped into these programs.  On the contrary, abstinence education has been proven to reduce teen pregnancy.  In August of 2006, the CDC released a report showing that increased teen abstinence is the most significant factor in the decline of the teen pregnancy rate.  In addition, a peer-reviewed Adolescent and Family Health journal article published in 2003 showed that increased abstinence was responsible for 67 percent of the decline in the pregnancy rate among unmarried teens (pp 3-4).

Fact #2:  Abstinence education provides medically sound information on the risks of premarital sex.
Engaging in sexual activity before marriage can be dangerous.  From premarital pregnancy to more than 40 different sexually transmitted diseases, there are many reasons to remain abstinent until marriage.  Currently, the STD rate is skyrocketing among American youth.  Besides painful side effects, new research is linking some STDs to increased chances for cancer and infertility.  Only remaining abstinent until marriage to an uninfected spouse can prevent the contraction of an STD or premarital pregnancy.  These are the facts shared with youth in authentic abstinence education.

Sharing this information with adolescents is only honest and gives youth the knowledge they need to make smart decisions regarding their sexual health.  Rather than causing fear, it educates youth about the realities of sexual activity outside of marriage and encourages them to choose the only safe lifestyle-abstinence until marriage.
Want to own this resource?  Click here to order —

The American College of Pediatricians is a national organization of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals dedicated to the health and well-being of children. Formed in 2002, the College has grown to have membership representation in 47 states in the U.S. and in five other countries. It was founded by a group of concerned physi

cians who saw the need for a pediatric organization that would not be influenced by the politically driven pronouncements of the day.

The College produces sound policy, based upon the best available scientific research within a framework of ethical absolutes, to assist parents and to influence society in the endeavor of childrearing. Of particular importance to the founders were (as it is today) the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death and the importance of the fundamental mother-father family (female-male) unit in the rearing of children.

Membership in the College is open to qualifying healthcare professionals who share the College's Mission, Vision and Values —

Facts About Youth (Facts) is a resource designed to give educators, parents and students important science-based information about healthful approaches to youth who may be conflicted about gender identity and sexual orientation. This site is a project of the American College of Pediatricians, in coalition with other organizations who share a concern for the well-being of all youth.

Meet the Real General of the Sexual Revolution
Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America by Judith Reisman documents how Kinsey refused to hire Jews, blacks, Catholics or anyone with religious or ethical beliefs and forced his own research team to reveal their innermost sexual secrets, subjecting them to blackmail and humiliation, and manipulated and manufactured data to persuade Americans to abandon their sexual mores and commitments to marriage, family and fidelity. 

Reisman ties Kinsey's highly touted reports on sex shortly after World War II to the rise of the multibillion-dollar porn industry, widespread promotion of homosexuality, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, the epidemic of child-sex abuse and abortion.

Unlike her earlier works that focus exclusively on Kinsey's fraudulent research, his sadomasochistic crimes and his pathologies, "Sexual Sabotage" examines the magnitude of the impact of Kinsey's reports on the country's social and moral fabric.

"While our fathers and grandfathers fought World War II, and while our mothers and grandmothers both overseas and on the home front bore the burdens of war, Alfred C. Kinsey did not," writes Reisman. "Instead, when America entered the war Dec. 7, 1941, the 41-year-old zoologist was an Indiana University teacher 'researching' human sexuality. Wrapping himself in the mantle of 'science,' Kinsey, a secret sexual psychopath, would project his own sexual demons on the men and women appreciably called the Greatest Generation, the Americans who saved the world from Hitler's national socialism."

Kinsey was hardly alone in touching off the anything-goes sexual revolution that followed his research. He was well-funded and rewarded in his work by a steady stream of Rockefeller Foundation grants and insulated from scrutiny by his university.

"When Americans read 'Sexual Behavior in the Human Male', they invariably envisioned their own husbands and fathers – mostly hard-working, sacrificing family men whom they had presumed to be faithful and heterosexual," writes Reisman of the reaction to Kinsey's landmark work. "With far-reaching consequences, Kinsey's creepy statistics ate at a younger generation like emotional poison. The Greatest Generation was slandered in the name of 'science.'"

His statistics and "scientific research" touched off the sexual revolution, but a new book by one of America's top sex researchers portrays Alfred Kinsey as a bigot, pervert and traitor to his country. The latest exposé by Reisman, a doctorate counselor to the Justice Departments of four administrations, is backed up by 55 pages of historical citations.

Published by WND Books, "Sexual Sabotage" is available personally autographed by the author from the WND Superstore. [18 July 2010,


This hefty article is packed with wisdom from a happily-married, sharp-eyed observer of marriage and culture. Forget the multi-tasking. Print this one out and take a little thoughtful time with a wise and sparkling essay. Here’s an excerpt to whet your appetite: Sex education in our elementary and secondary schools is an independent yet related obstacle to courtship and marriage. Taking for granted, and thereby ratifying, precocious sexual activity among teenagers,…the entire approach of sex education is technocratic and, at best, morally neutral; in many cases, it explicitly opposes traditional morals while moralistically insisting on the equal acceptability of any and all forms of sexual expression provided only that they are not coerced. No effort is made to teach the importance of marriage as the proper home for sexual intimacy.

But perhaps still worse than such amorality — and amorality on this subject is itself morally culpable — is the failure of sex education to attempt to inform and elevate the erotic imagination of the young.

On the contrary, the very attention to physiology and technique is deadly to the imagination. True sex education is an education of the heart; it concerns itself with beautiful and worthy beloveds, with elevating transports of the soul.

The energy of sexual desire, if properly sublimated, is transformable into genuine and lofty longings — not only for love and romance but for all the other higher human yearnings. The sonnets and plays of Shakespeare, the poetry of Keats and Shelley, and the novels of Jane Austen can incline a heart to woo, and even show one whom and how. What kind of wooers can one hope to cultivate from reading the sex manuals — or from watching the unsublimated and unsublime sexual athleticism of the popular culture?

(; 2 Aug 2010, Leon Kass,

UK Announces Plan to Push Radical Sex Agenda on Developing Nations

Last week the United Kingdom (UK) announced a new maternal health initiative with an "unprecedented focus on family planning" for the developing world. The plan includes the promotion of abortion and sexual “rights” for children.

     The UK's Department for International Development (DFID) chief, Andrew Mitchell, presented the plan called “Choice for Women – Wanted Pregnancies, Safe Births”  at a public consultation forum hosted by DFID and attended by development experts, health professionals, and the general public.

     Mitchell said, “The UK Government is to put family planning at the heart of its approach to women’s health in the developing world.” The “DFID will now have an unprecedented focus on family planning, which will be hard-wired into all our country programs.”

     The first two of three key proposals detailed in the UK initiative are “Scaling-up access to family planning” and “Addressing unsafe abortion.” 

Only the third listed proposal, “Making birth safe,” includes plans for ad

dressing the primary causes of maternal mortality, which are hemorrhaging and sepsis, complications from hypertension and other medical disorders.

     The “family planning first” approach to maternal health, which is pushed by the world’s top abortion providers and certain United Nations (UN) staff, has come under fire recently with the publication of groundbreaking new data. The prestigious British medical journal, The Lancet, published a study in April that refuted UN “consensus” data which promoted family planning and abortion as ways to decrease maternal mortality.

The new study did not mention family planning, instead finding that skilled birth attendants, emergency obstetric care, improved education and economic circumstances, along with declining birth rates, were responsible for a drop in global maternal deaths from more than 500,000 in 1980 to 342,900 in 2008.

      Despite the new evidence, the “Choices for Women” plan reflects the outdated UN “family planning first” approach as well as current domestic UK policies. Recent UK laws have proposed universal sex education starting as young as the age of five, and “adolescence” is commonly defined as children between the age of 10 and 14. One UK government-approved sex curriculum encourages pupils to engage in "sexual touching, talking dirty face to face or on the phone, even sexy e-mails and text messages" as a "warm-up" for sexual intercourse.

     This week it was announced that more than 1000 pre-teenage girls in the UK have been prescribed hormonal contraceptives.  Under UK confidentiality laws, parents are not entitled to have knowledge of or give consent for these prescriptions.

     The discredited “family planning first” approach is also informing the European Union position at the negotiations of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) Summit draft document which currently includes ”prioritizing comprehensive voluntary family planning” and “addressing inequities … with particular attention to the large disparities in sexual and reproductive health, by reaching out to underserved populations, including young people, and financing access to services.”  The UN negotiations over the MDG Summit document were suspended last week and are scheduled to resume on August 30th.

[August 5, 2010, Friday Fax, Volume 13, Number 34, Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D. and Terrence McKeegan, J.D., New York, ]