Abortion Alternatives – 1.800.395.HELP
National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day — 28 April — http://www.nationalprolifetshirtday.com/
Useful Websites & Helplines
New Web Site Tells Stories of Women's Abortion Regrets
Abortion Recovery International Network and Online Abortion Recover Directory Launced
Men & Abortion: A Nationwide Help Network
HHS Uploads Pro-Abstinence Web Site for Parents: 4parents.gov
Abstinence Resources
Pornography Recovery Resources
Wash Cars for Life – washforlife.com…
This year, National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day is on Tuesday, April 28. You can find out more information about the day and order your shirts by going to: http://www.nationalprolifetshirtday.com/
Benotafraid.net is an online outreach to parents who have received a poor or difficult prenatal diagnosis. The family stories, articles, and links within this site are presented as a resource for those who may have been asked to choose between terminating a pregnancy or continuing on despite the diagnosis. The benotafraid.net families faced the same decision and chose not to terminate. By sharing our experiences, we hope to offer encouragement to those who may be afraid to continue on.
www.unchoice.info/resources.htm – FREE RESOURCES ONLINE: download and print copies: Coerced Abortion, Forced Abortion in America Special Report, Teen Abortion Risks Fact Sheet, Hard Cases, Research Summary, Key Facts About Abortion, plus ads and posters.
thomas.loc.gov – Thomas offers a searchable database of congressional activities.
cloninginformation.org – up-to-date info on the human cloning debate
stemcellresearch.org – stem cell research, resources
ncsl.org – National Conference of State Legislators offers info on state legislators and a listing of internet sites for all of them
unitedforlife.org — Model Legislation is available through Americans United For Life (AUL): abortion clinic regulations, rights of conscience (ROC), cloning & embryo-destructive research, crimes against the unborn child, parental consent, women’s right to know (WRTK).
www.ccbama.org/issues/ResponsefromThompsonMAP.pdf – ltr to Aderholt clarifying distribution of MAP/EC through state health departments
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3846525.stm 4-D ultrasound information, including 2 actual photos
TellMyAbortionStory.com is a web site that provides a confidential place for those who have experienced abortion to share their stories. The site allows visitors to read stories by women who have experienced abortion, written in their own words, and share their stories with others.
Real Life stories are also available on this website — click Abortion in the left menu.
ABORTION RECOVERY INT’L NETWORK & ONLINE ABORTION RECOVERY DIRECTORY LAUNCHED. ARIN is dedicated to connecting and assisting like-minded abortion recovery programs/services. ARIN partners provide one or more of: post-abortion counseling, awareness opportunities, post-abortion products, education/training &/or research.
ARIN is committed to assisting in the development of existing and new post-abortion organizations, and serves as a research, awareness and e
ducational resource that provides information concerning post-abortion issues.
The www.AbortionRecoveryDirectory.com is a listing of active ARIN members who offer abortion recovery healing services. Ongoing accuracy of information is paramount to the usefulness of this directory.
To address this concern, ARIN selects a coordinator from each state and beyond. Coordinators spearhead the search in their state for organizations offering abortion recovery programs that adhere to ARIN principles. To learn more about ARIN, becoming an ARIN partner, and/or serving as a coordinator for the Directory www.abortionrecoverynetwork.org.
NATIONWIDE REFERRAL NETWORK FOR THE FATHERS OF ABORTED CHILDREN: visit www.lifeissues.org and click "Men and Abortion" for anonymous counseling.
For free resources available for hurting men, click again on "Resources". For more information, contact Life Issues Institute at 513.729.3600.
Keith Deltano: The Complete Parent Workshop Kit
This interactive CD gives you everything that you will need to promote and stage a well-attended parent workshop on abstinence. It includes a complete PowerPoint of “Fighting Back,” a private use video of Deltano’s video presentation “Fighting Back,” detailed instructions of the what to do and when to do it, and much more. Please visit www.keithdeltano.com or call 1-888-772-9683 for more information on this extremely beneficial resource! [Abstinence Clearinghouse E-Mail Update, August 16, 2006]
HHS LAUNCHES PRO-ABSTINENCE WEB SITE FOR PARENTS. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently launched a strongly pro-abstinence Web site — 4parents.gov — aimed at giving parents the tools to communicate with their children about sexual activity, emphasizing abstinence as the healthiest choice and the only fool-proof guarantee against pregnancy or STDs, and addresses other risk behaviors such as drug use and smoking.
The Web site gives accurate statistics, many from the U.S. CDC, about the failure rates of condoms and other types of contraception.
Rather than having parents teach their sexually active teenagers how to use contraception, 4parents.gov suggests parents encourage teenagers to stop sexual activity because they are ‘worth it’. HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt said, “Decisions about relationships and intimacy are made in a moment, but often have lasting consequences. These issues are some of the most important choices teens face physically and emotionally.
Parents have a tremendous amount of influence on their children and we want them to talk with their teens about abstinence so that they can stay safe and healthy.”
More than 100 groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union and Planned Parenthood, are opposed to this website and have sent letters to Secretary Leavitt expressing their concern that the Web site 'dictates values.' However, these groups do not seem to understand that behaviors indicate values.
Patricia Sulak, MD, Director, Scott & White Sex Education Program & CMDA member: As a practicing obstetrician/gynecologist, I am encouraged and excited to recommend this website for parents.
Based on the most current data available on teen sexual activity, the website lets parents know how important they are in their adolescents' lives. Surveys show that teens think their parents have the most influence on whether they become sexually active.
The website provides factual information about the "whole" teen with sections on physical development, STDs, mental health, and risky behaviors. Practical advice is offered in a parents' guidebook and a teen-focused guidebook.
Many of my patients often ask for advice on how to start a conversation with their teen concerning sexual health–this website even recommends some conversation starters.
Nine years ago I initiated an abstinence sex education program, Scott & White Worth the Wait®. The program was developed by healthcare professionals, educators, and lawyers to educate teens on the socioeconomic, medical and legal facts of adolescent sexual activity. Parental involvement is an important component of the program.
I have seen the positive results when parents, teachers, community members, and healthcare providers join forces to empower teens to abstain from sex until marriage. Positive things are happening! The teen birth and abortion rates in the U.S. have been decreasing over the past 10 years.
A recent article by Santelli et al determined that 53% of this decline is a result of abstinence. And according to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (2003), the number of teens reporting having sexual intercourse is decreasing. Teens are getting the message that they are worth the wait! The website, www.4parents.gov, can help parents support their teens as young people today choose abstinence. [Concerned Women for America, April 23, 2005; AAPLOG, DeCook, 16May05]
Illusions: Uncovering the Truth
About Pornography
Developed by AWARE, “Illusions” is a two hour PowerPoint presentation for grades 8-12 that dramatically exposes the harmful effects of pornography. Through appropriate, guided interactions, students come to recognize that just beneath its seductive veneer, pornography is a dangerous underground world of deception, addiction and devastation. To learn more about Illusions visit awareprogram.net or call 360-699-2384! [Abstinence Clearinghouse E-Mail Update, August 16, 2006]
A group of college graduates spent this summer organizing pro-life fund-raising. Their idea is to organize teen CAR WASHES all over the USA. Teens will be able to raise needed funds for pregnancy centers in their own towns and cities. For more information, visit www.WashForLife.com.
Looking for Physicians…
Looking for Abstinence Program Studies…
Seeking help to Implement Abstinence Programs in Public Schools…
Seeking Protection for Elderly Patients…
Q. I am looking for pro-life doctors in my area. Can you help me find them?
A. One of the easiest ways may be to contact Pregnancy Resource Centers in your area. You should be able to find them listed under “Abortion Alternatives” in your phone book, or visit www.pregnancycenters.org online for centers in your area. Call and tell them why you are looking for the physicians, and probably they will offer some suggestions.
Q. I love your website. I am a Masters public health student in a very liberal field. I plan to complete a thesis on abstinence only programs. As an ex-teacher, I truly believe that they work. I know that my students don't need another contraceptive. Having said that I would appreciate any information you could give me on successful abstinence only programs. Because of your useful data I have been able to defend my position intelligently in class.
A. Thank you for your kind message. We are very grateful to be of service!
I am sure that you can find pro-life/pro-abstinence physicians somewhere nearby. A quick way would be to check www.pregnancycenters.org for pregnancy centers in your area, then call and talk to the directors, telling them what you are doing, and most will try to offer you suggestions of physicians in your area who would be supportive.
Regarding successful abstinence programs, I would recommend that you contact the following great sources:
www.abstinence.net — the Abstinence Clearinghouse
www.projectreality.org — Project Reality. "Due to the overwhelming response from previous contests, Project Reality, in conjunction with 22 of community-based organizations from across the state of Illinois, is launching its fourth annual “Teens Speak Out” Contest for Illinois students, ages 13 – 18. In years past, participants were required to compose an essay to enter the contest. This year, interested teens can enter one of four categories: essay, song, poetry or poster art. This year’s topic is: “Sex and the Media – What messages do you think the media should communicate about abstinence?” Complete contest rules can be found at www.projectreality.org." [Abstinence Clearinghouse E-Mail Update, 10/25/06 "Project Reality's 4th Annual 'Teens Speak Out' Contest to Focus on Reversing Sexual Messages in Media"]
I commend you for writing about abstinence programs! These above three groups are among the longest running and most knowledgeable as far as the studies being conducted around the nation. There are actually many great programs out there now, many of which are receiving bad press and very negative reviews by SIECUS, PP, Advocates for Youth, and other anti-abstinence groups (because they work!! — these anti-abstinence folks cannot make $$ when people are behaving in an abstinent/chaste way…).
You might also want to remind your classmates that risk elimination is hugely different than risk reduction.
Thank you for what you are doing. Chesterton said "the problem with common sense is that it's no longer common". You may feel like "a voice crying in the wilderness", but persevere — you are also the beacon drawing the boats to safe harbor. They will eventually come to the realization that…well…you are right!!
Q. A concerned group of parents and citizens are appealing to the Board of Education for abstinence until marriage curriculum in our schools. We are up against parents who work for and support the agenda of Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. We are in need of an organization or at least physicians that will stand with us and be an umbrella for us. Is there anyone around that you can point us towards?
A. Please contact www.abstinence.net, the Abstinence Clearinghouse, for contacts in most states. And try www.whykNOw.org in Chattanooga, TN — a great resource as well. The Human Development Resource Council, www.hdrc.org is located in metro Atlanta and this is another great resource.
Q. My father is an 82 year old Alzheimer patient living in a residential care facility near me. He is still able to walk, talk, sing, laugh, enjoy eating all his meals and interact with people in the home. My stepmother who lives in a different state decided recently to remove my father's Alzheimer's meds and his antibiotics for chronic urinary infections. She wrote a letter to my father's physicians stating that she wanted my father off antibiotics and all medical treatment except thyroid meds and Seroquel (for agitation) and pain medications after 1 October. The physician has followed her orders.
My 5 siblings and I do not agree that this is morally acceptable.
My father should be able to live with normal means that medicine can offer for preserving life (like antibiotics, dementia medication, high blood pressure meds, etc.) We do not want to use extraordinary means to keep him alive. We live in the state of California. My stepmother has a Power of Attorney for Health Care that my father signed more than 5 years after he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Is there anything we can do to protect my father's life so that he can receive normal medical care? My father is beginning to quickly decline. Thank you for any help you can give. I have a legal investigator who is working on the case, but nothing concrete has happened to help my father.
A. You may wish to contact the International Task Force which might be able to
offer you some advice. You can contact them at
http://www.internationaltaskforce.org/ or at 740-282-3810.