In a year when multiple states have opened official investigations into its practices, Planned Parenthood has been discreetly expanding the reach of its abortion services in Texas.
The nation’s leading provider of abortions has set its latest covert action for Thursday, December 17—one week before Christmas Eve.
The issue stems from Planned Parenthood’s attempts to thwart a pro-life Texas law enacted in 2013, policies crafted on a bipartisan basis which require abortion centers raise safety standards to the level of ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs). Such ASCs can only operate in commercially zoned buildings due to heavy water and road use, among other issues.
Months ago, the San Antonio City Council granted Planned Parenthood an exception to city zoning policies—allowing the group to remodel an existing facility and open its abortion center 50 feet from families’ homes in the Dreamhill Estates neighborhood.
On Thursday, the San Antonio City Council convenes in an all-day meeting to consider this issue along with other city business.
“Politicians often look for busy times to handle issues they’d rather go unnoticed,” says Nicole Hudgens, a policy analyst for Texas Values Action who attended a city hearing last week with over 100 concerned citizens.
“San Antonio city leaders are trying to seal a special deal with Planned Parenthood days before Christmas, just as Texas families are focused on celebrating the greatest pro-life miracle of all time,” states Hudgens.
Lorie Rojas, a resident of Dreamhill Estates in San Antonio, has seen how this new abortion center has already affected her family’s quiet neighborhood. Raising four children with her husband Roland, she took time away from holiday preparations to recount what has happened so far… and why citizens must speak up.
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