Ohio recently made headlines with reports that half the abortion businesses in that state have closed and several others have curtailed services, reducing abortion numbers to the lowest since 1976 — http://www.lifenews.com/2015/05/05/50-of-ohio-abortion-clinics-have-shut-down-since-2011-abortions-at-historic-lows/
September’s release of the 2013 Ohio Abortion Report by the Ohio Department of Health showed that abortions last year hit an all-time low of 23,216. That was a 9 percent drop from last year (25,473 to 23,216).
That was the lowest level since 1976, when record-keeping first began, and significantly lower (almost 18 percent) than 2010 levels (28,123 abortions) …
In 2013, four abortion facilities closed across Ohio and those closures have brought the total number of abortion facilities in the Buckeye State to half the 2011 level.
“When abortion clinics close, abortions decline and lives are saved. It’s as simple as that,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and co-author of the book Abortion Free. “We have worked in Ohio on a number of projects in cooperation with local leaders that, in part, contributed to this decline.”
While some refuse to acknowledge that abortion shop closures contribute to lower abortion numbers, Newman explains that the evidence is clear.
“In Texas, half the abortion clinics closed and abortions dropped 13%. In Ohio, abortions are down 9% in just one year. In Kansas, we had a 12% drop in abortions after the largest clinic in the state shut down. These are well above the average drop of about three percent that we would normally see if no clinics were closing,” said Newman.*
Meanwhile, there is great cause for concern regarding hazardous conditions and practices at the abortion sites that are still open.
Secret records from the Ohio Department of Health that have never before been made public, which were recently obtained by Operation Rescue, show that over 47 abortion-related medical emergencies or complications took place at eight abortion facilities since 2011.
However, some the documents indicate that just a sampling of abortion records were reviewed, meaning that more complications could have taken place during that time frame.
“Abortion complications and horrendous conditions as detailed in these documents are not confined to Ohio abortion clinics. We see these kinds of things in every state,” said Newman. “Ohio is just a microcosm of the dangers that exist at abortion clinics throughout the nation.”
Charts Show Targeting of Blacks for Abortion — http://www.lifenews.com/2015/05/26/secret-ohio-department-of-health-documents-reveal-47-horrific-botched-abortions/
All of Ohio’s abortion facilities are located in six counties: Cuyahoga, Franklin, Hamilton, Lucas, Montgomery, and Summit.
In Ohio overall in 2013, the most recent year for which Ohio Department of Health statistics are available, 51.7% of abortions were done on Whites while 42.4% were done on Blacks.
However, when counties where abortion facilities are considered, with the exception of Summit County, a larger percentage of Blacks received abortions than Whites, with the largest disparity in Cuyahoga County where 63% of residents receiving abortions were Black, while only 27% of White residents received abortions.
Cuyahoga County is where 38.93% of all Ohio abortions are done, the largest percentage of any county in that state.
Overall, 83.2% of the total Ohio population is White and Whites receive 51.7% of all abortions.
In comparison, Blacks comprise 12.5% of Ohio’s population, but receive 42.4% of all abortions done in that state.
Based on the Ohio Department of Health data, it is clear that in counties with abortion clinics, Blacks are receiving a disproportionate percentage of abortions.
The obvious conclusion is that abortion facilities have singled out women in the Black community as targets for aggressive abortion marketing.
In fact, if a Black woman happens to live in a county where an abortion facility operates, she is much more likely to get an abortion than if she lived in a county without an abortion facility.
Operation Rescue recently received hundreds of official internal Ohio Department of Health documents describing conditions and violations at each abortion facility in Ohio.
They paint an ugly picture of sloppy practices and unhealthful conditions that provide arguments for the closure of the remaining facilities in the interest of protecting women’s lives and health.
Coupled with the statistics on state demographics and abortions, we conclude that Black women are subjected to the brunt of the abuse suffered by women in Ohio abortion facilities…
Read more about serious medical emergencies the Cleveland Surgi-Center before the abortion business moved to Shaker Heights at www.AbortionDocs.org
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