High-Pressure, Demand-Driven Procurement Process Corrupts Ethics at Every Level
‘Tissue-Farming Abortionists Speed up Conveyor Belt of Death’
Unlicensed, Unqualified Personnel Drafted to Perform Medical Procedures
The sixth and latest video released by the Center for Medical Progress presents evidence that Planned Parenthood peddles baby parts even when the mother refuses consent — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABzFZM73o8M&sns=em
Most of the video, which runs almost eleven minutes, consists of testimony from Holly O’Donnell, a licensed phlebotomist and former “procurement technician” at Stem Express, a fetal-tissue profiteer that buys many of the baby parts produced in Planned Parenthood abortion mills.
Describing the process by which she and her co-workers obtained fetal body parts, O’Donnell makes it clear that signatures on “consent” forms are extracted from women who are not sure they are pregnant, who have not yet opted to abort, and who are in highly-distraught emotional states that prevent them from reading and reflecting on the form.
Moreover, O’Donnell tells of one case in which the mother refused consent, and another StemExpress employee proceeded to collect the late-term body parts anyway.
O’Donnell states that this was not an isolated incident.
Beyond this specific point, O’Donnell presents a picture of the fetal-tissue procurement industry far different from the one maintained by Planned Parenthood’s devoted defenders.
The marketing of tissue is not a restrained, well-policed way of deriving something beneficial from the tragedy of abortion, but instead a high-pressure business driven by ferocious demand.
Planned Parenthood does not merely ship tissue off to Stem Express.
It invites Stem Express into its halls to pursue shopping lists of baby parts, then assists procurement specialists in targeting individual pregnancies.
O’Donnell’s employers told her that getting the required number of the required parts “… is not an option. It’s a demand.”
According to O’Donnell, the demand-driven procurement process entails a number of further violations of medical standards:
— Abortionists such as Ron Berman, M.D., Medical Director of Planned Parenthood’s back-alley abortion mill in Fresno, Calif., work at conveyor-belt pace, without concern for patient comfort, in order to keep the supply of parts moving.
— “Procurement techs” coldly ignore the screams and even the adverse medical symptoms (e.g., vomiting) of patients while pressuring them to sign on the dotted line.
— Planned Parenthood allows unlicensed and unqualified personnel to perform medical procedures such as taking blood and collecting tissue samples.
The Center for Medical Progress [CMP] videos have demolished Planned Parenthood’s denials twice as fast as Planned Parenthood can mouth them.
And CMP has even more videotaped evidence, all of which should be made public. However, two Planned Parenthood partners are suing CMP in California to keep some CMP footage from the public.
One of these plaintiffs is Holly O’Donnell’s former employer, StemExpress.
The Life Legal Defense Foundation is proud of the work of our own attorney Catherine Short, who is representing CMP and David Daleiden in the two lawsuits. The lawsuits seek to silence CMP with injunctions and punish it with money damages for alleged breaches of non-disclosure agreements and California recording laws.
Two judges—one state and one federal—have granted orders temporarily barring CMP from releasing video it may have of plaintiffs, pending further hearings later in August.
Discussion of the First Amendment implications of the controversial orders can be found at Popehat (Ken White) and by Eugene Volokh.
6th Video, 12 Aug 2015 — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABzFZM73o8M&sns=em
[13 Aug 2015, LLDF.org email]
Imagine Someone Stealing Your Baby’s Parts: Holly O’Donnell Relates Experiences Inside Planned Parenthood’s Baby Parts Business in 6th CMP Video
“Pregnancy tests were potential pregnancies and therefore potential specimens. So it’s just taking advantage of the opportunities”
Today the Center for Medical Progress released the sixth video exposing Planned Parenthood’s participation in the trafficking of fetal parts. This video is actually the second installment in the CMP’s Human Capital documentary series.
This video features Holly O’Donnell, former procurement technician for StemExpress who was first introduced to us in Episode 1 of the documentary series.
Holly relates her often horrific experiences at Planned Parenthood where she procured fetal tissue and maternal blood for StemExpress.
The episode focuses on the callous exploitation of women by Planned Parenthood and StemExpress and a shoddy consent process that sometimes allowed for the stealing of baby parts without the mother’s consent or knowledge.
“Holly O’Donnell has given us a window into the dark truth that goes on in Planned Parenthood clinics, where there is a monetary incentive to push abortions on conflicted women,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue who also serves as a Board Member for the Center for Medical Progress.
“…We should all be so disgusted by this greedy exploitation of vulnerable women and their babies that we should not rest until Planned Parenthood’s grisly baby parts market is defunded, stripped of their tax-exemption, and ultimately shut down for good!”
Holly worked at Planned Parenthood’s high volume Fresno site, which was located in a depressing, run-down urban neighborhood whose depressing emotions were only heightened inside the Planned Parenthood place.
“It really wore me down. The environment, it’s – it’s morbid. Like you could feel it,” O’Donnell explained. “You could feel it. You could hear screaming. You could hear crying.”
O’Donnell related how she identified patients who had to potential to produce fetal specimens that were in demand, then would seek opportunities to “consent” them.
StemExpress used a separate consent from Planned Parenthood’s abortion consent that indicated women would not be reimbursed or compensated for the remains of their babies.
While Planned Parenthood has maintained that women are consented for the “donation” of their babies only after they consent to abortions, O’Donnell experienced something quite different.
Sometimes women had just received pregnancy tests and had not even made a decision to abortion before the StemExpress representatives attempted to obtain consent for their fetal remains.
“Pregnancy tests were potential pregnancies and therefore potential specimens. So it’s just taking advantage of the opportunities,” O’Donnell said.
There were times when procurement technicians would just take what they wanted without consent, especially if a later pregnancy was involved.
“It’s terrifying,” O’Donnell related. “Like, imagine if you were an abortion patient and someone was going in and stealing your baby’s parts. And half these women are already on edge as it is.”
O’Donnell related how one Planned Parenthood abortionist, Ron Berman, has a reputation for being “visciously fast” at doing procedures. Often the specimens they expected to collect were ruined during his rushed abortions. She described how he would pace and become anxious if there was some delay between abortion patients, as if he could not wait to kill the next baby.
O’Donnell would sometimes tell women who were conflicted about their abortions to “run” or “go home” because of the horrific treatment that was inflicted upon women at Planned Parenthood. For that, she would often get in trouble for not “taking advantage of the opportunity.” The attitude was one of cold uncaring. It was all about the money.
“I’m not going to tell a girl to kill her baby so I can get money. And that’s what the company does. Straight up. That’s what the company does,” said O’Donnell.
[12 August 2015, Washington, DC, http://www.operationrescue.org/archives/imagine-someone-stealing-your-babys-parts-holly-odonnell-relates-experiences-inside-planned-parenthoods-baby-parts-business-in-6th-cmp-video/ ]