by APFLI | Feb 21, 2010 | Studies - Abstinence / Pornography / Sex Outside Marriage Research
Women Really Want Abstinence-Based Empowerment, Not NOW and Casual Sex A group that thinks an ad celebrating Tim Tebow's life is bad news for women might be a little out of touch with what women really want. That helps explain why the National Organization for...
by APFLI | Nov 1, 2008 | End of Life
CDC Quick Stats DEATH RATE* AMONG TEENS AGED 15-19 YEARS, BY SEX — NATIONAL VITAL STATISTICS SYSTEM, UNITED STATES, 1985-2005 During 1985-2005, death rates among all teens aged 15-19 years declined substantially, from a high of 88.7 deaths per 100,000 population...
by APFLI | Jun 2, 2008 | Abstinence - Archive
Purity Pledges are Effective for Many Teens Study: Teens Heed Parents Warnings Against Drugs & Alcohol Abstinence Education Proponents Prepare One Million Parent March… PURITY PLEDGES ARE EFFECTIVE FOR MANY TEENS. A Rand Corporation study released this week...
by APFLI | May 1, 2007 | Abstinence - Archive
Study of Illegitimate Births Abstinence Education Has Not Failed Statement Regarding Santelli Attack on Abstinence-Only Curriculum Parents Favor Abstinence Education: Survey cuts through media misinformation Parents Throwing Their 'Wait'...
by APFLI | Apr 1, 2007 | Abstinence - Archive
Mathematica Study Doesn't Add Up to Abstinence Abstinence Education Programs Proven Effective The Achilles' Heel of Condoms: Chastity and Fidelity Proving More Effective Dealing Girls a Raw and Racy Deal: Interview With Director of Women's Forum Harvard...