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Study Shows Patients in Vegetative States Can Learn, Predicting Recovery (2009)

Brain-damaged patients who appear to have lost signs of conscious awareness might still be able to create new memories — showing signs of new neural networks and potential for partial recovery, a new study shows. In patients who have survived severe brain...

Patients Supposedly in Vegetative/PVS State “Not Just Aware But Paying Attention”

We have written dozens of stories the common theme of which is that patients diagnosed in a “persistent vegetative state” or “minimally conscious” are either (a) misdiagnosed or (b) much more aware than they are given credit for....

Waking the Dead – One Day, 'Deep Coma' Victims Will be Able to Talk and Move Around (Sept 2010)

Waking the Dead – One Day, 'Deep Coma' Victims Will be Able to Talk and Move Around Patients thought to be in a "persistent vegetative" state after suffering devastating brain damage could soon be able to "talk" and even steer a...