by APFLI | Oct 22, 2010 | Right to Life - Archive
Perhaps 1 in 3 will have the disease. Obesity plays an increasing role in this situation. According to the report, one in 10 U.S. adults have diabetes now, and the prevalence is expected to rise sharply over the next 40 years, primarily type 2 diabetes, according to a...
by APFLI | Dec 22, 2005 | Right to Life - Archive
A 17-year federal study has finally answered one of the most pressing questions about diabetes: Can tight control of blood sugar prevent heart attacks and strokes? The answer, reported today in The New England Journal of Medicine, is yes. Intense control can reduce...
by APFLI | Sep 9, 2004 | Adult & Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Research (Ethical)
A plastic surgeon performed liposuction on himself on camera to promote the potential use of adult stem cells that can be harvested in such operations. Dr. Robert Ersek, 66, who conducted the operation with the help of liposuction’s French inventor, said he...
by APFLI | Jan 22, 2004 | Contraception - Chemical Methods / Hormonal Contraception / Emergency / Morning After Pill
Federal health officials approved the sale of the world's first contraceptive patch in November 2001. Ortho-Evra emits through the skin low doses of the same hormones used in birth control pills — but requires women to remember to use it weekly, instead of...