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German Population Plunge "Irreversible" (11/06)

[Federal Stats Office] One third of all European children will be born to Muslim families by 2025; the birthrate has dropped so low that immigration numbers cannot compensate. Germany has the lowest birthrate in Europe – 1.36 children/woman average, with an...

Fall 2006: Population

German Population Plunge "Irreversible" USA May Have 300 Million People, But No Overpopulation Worries European Nations Have UNDERPopulation Problems US Commission Reports China Still "Strictly Controls Reproductive Lives" of Women GERMAN...

Population Reversal for Taiwan

Taiwan is attempting to reverse its continuously declining birthrate, which stands at 1.16 children per woman, down from 6 children in the 1950s. The Ministry of the Interior, and Council for Economic Planning and Development has proposed awarding couples monetarily...