by APFLI | Jun 22, 2004 | Abortion - Archive
On 4June, President Bush appointed as ambassador to the United Nations former Missouri senator John Danforth, who accumulated a strong pro-life voting record (100%) during his tenure in Congress. The nomination should help pro-life groups, who have been waging a...
by APFLI | May 17, 2004 | Right to Life - Archive
NATIONAL SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE DAY, 2004 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION As Americans, we are led by the power of our conscience and the history of our country to defend and promote the dignity and rights of all people. Each person,...
by APFLI | Jan 1, 2002 | Responses - Advocacy / Dating / Instruction & Teaching Abstinence
He wants a 33% increase in the budget for Abstinence Until Marriage (AUM) programs. “Abstinence is the surest way, and the only completely effective way, to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted disease. When our children face a choice between...