by APFLI | Apr 16, 2007 | Legislation / Court Cases
FEDERAL APPEALS COURT OKs INJUNCTION TO PROTECT PRO-LIFE PHARMACISTS. A federal appeals court has upheld an injunction in a lower court ruling that halted a new state requirement forcing pharmacists to fill prescriptions for all drugs. The mandate included drugs that...
by APFLI | May 5, 2006 | Right to Life - Archive
Despite protests from abortion advocates that it is too strong already, the Washington State Board of Pharmacy is going to spend another month to revamp a pharmacists’ conscience clause it drafted. The new version may be stronger and provide more protections for...
by APFLI | Oct 11, 2005 | Abortion - Archive
Physicians Affirmed in Their Right of Conscience U.S. High Court Allows Inmate’s Abortion Botched Abortion Kills Disabled KS Woman and Her Baby Illinois Judge Will Not Stop Blagojevich Exec Order Against Pro-Life Pharmacists Bush Administration Asks Supreme...
by APFLI | Aug 5, 2005 | Birth Control Archive
Condoms Fail the Safety Test, FDA Halts Imports (9/05) Ugandan Condom Promotion Fails to Reduce Risk, Study Shows (9/05) Planned Parenthood Turns A Deal on Morning After Pill Sales Condom Errors Increase Gonorrhea Risk Among Men (AJHB,7-8/05) Study...