by APFLI | Jun 3, 2010 | Abortion - Archive
FIND PAST HOMEPAGE TOPICS UNDER "CURRENT HEADLINES" IN THE LEFT MENU… NEW! Abortion Business in Montgomery, AL, has Closed NEW! 80 British IVF Babies Aborted per Year NEW! Abortion & Poland NEW! Planned Parenthood in MN Prevents Parents from...
by APFLI | Feb 4, 2008 | Abuse / Violence / Forced Abortion
Published by researchers at La Trobe University in Australia, the study finds that women who are abused by their partners are more likely to have an abortion of an unexpected pregnancy than to keep the baby. Women having abortions were also more likely to be from...
by APFLI | Feb 4, 2008 | Studies - General Research
Published by researchers at La Trobe University in Australia, the study finds that women who are abused by their partners are more likely to have an abortion of an unexpected pregnancy than to keep the baby. Women having abortions were also more likely to be from...