by APFLI | Jun 6, 2015 | Euthanasia / Assisted Suicide - Archive
NY Supreme Court Judge Ritholtz has ruled that tube feeding constitutes basic care, NOT medical treatment, and that tube feeding is no different from washing, turning, or grooming a dying patient. [The Jewish Week, 14Apr05; Rt to Life GC,...
by APFLI | May 28, 2015 | Diagnosis - Brain Function / Coma / Persistant Vegetative State / Locked In Syndrome / Awakenings
In a coma for 2 years following a car accident, Salvatore C., father of 4 children, awoke suddenly and told doctors and family that he heard everything going on around him, despite doctors who told family he was not conscious. “I understood everything and I...
by APFLI | Apr 21, 2015 | Treatment Concerns - Definitions / Living Wills / Palliative Care / Terminal or Excessive Sedation / Organ Donation / DCD or NHBD / Hospice / POLST / DNR
The natural law tells us that, in the context of health care, 1) food and water are basic treatment and care, and should not be withdrawn lightly; 2) morphine must not be used aggressively to hasten death when a patient is not near the time of death; and 3) pain...