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The leading mechanism of suicide among children aged 10–19 years was firearms for whites and blacks (Table 11). However, suffocation, especially by hanging, was the leading mechanism of suicide among AI/ANs, A/PIs, and Hispanics.

Whites aged 10–19 years had the largest percentage of suicides by poisoning (7.6%), and A/PIs had the highest percentage of suicides attributed to falls (8.1%).

Increasing certain protective factors is more effective in reducing suicide attempts than decreasing risk factors.

Protective factors include discussion of problems with relatives and friends, emotional health, and feeling close to relatives (59). [CDC, MMWR Surveillance Summaries, May 18, 2007 / 56(SS05);1-16, "Fatal Injuries Among Children by Race and Ethnicity — United States, 1999–2002"] 


SUICIDE ATTEMPTS ASSOCIATED WITH INDUCED ABORTION – One of the best kept secrets in the abortion industry is the significant increase in suicide in the one year following the abortion. 

In MN, teens attempted suicide rate was 10 times higher than their control peers in the 6 months after an abortion

Below is a synopsis of the article:

Reference:  Garfinkle, B.,  et. al., "Stress, Depression, and Suicide:  A study of  Adolescents in Minnesota"  (Minneapolis: Univ Minnesota Extension Service, 1986):

Teens are generally at a higher risk for both suicide and abortion. 

In a survey of teenaged girls, researchers at U of MN found that the rate of attempted suicide in the six months prior to the study increased 10 fold-from 0.4% for girls who had not aborted to 4% for teens who had aborted in the previous six months.