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“On the watch of the most pro-abortion president in American history…
— 60 abortion centers where 40 Days for Life campaigns have taken place, have closed their doors;
— over 20 have closed in 2015;
— 118 abortion workers have quit their jobs;
— and 10,331 precious children (who we know of) survived to see life outside the womb.
In 579 cities, across 30 countries, prayer warriors have stood vigil outside the places where human life is most threatened.”

In 2000, a survey found that 2 Million women had visited 2,300 pregnancy centers in that year.

All pregnancy center services, including client advocacy, pregnancy tests, limited ultrasouds, pregnancy training and parenting classes, and abortion recovery, are all offered at no charge.

Pregnancy centers are ‘powerful missionary outreaches’ serving ‘as a tool to building a Culture of Life wherever there is a need and wherever we can offer Hope’ [Lori DeVillez, Ziglar Legacy, 2014].

The truth is that more people are learning the truth about abortion.

Some learn from their friends or family members harmed by abortion.

Some learn from the videos being released by The Center for Medical Progress which show the undercover reality of money triumphing over human life, as many abortion providers and ‘organ procurement company’ administrators reveal the realities of rapacious greed and power even as aborted baby limbs and organs lie in a lab and are auctioned for the highest price.

Some learn on the television and radio — not on most secular media, though, which continue to completely ignore what Mother Teresa noted years ago — if tiny, innocent children are killed in the womb by their own mothers, then how can ANY human life be safe from attack or even from war?

A Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Albert Schweitzer, M.D., once said, “If a man loses reverence for any part of life, he will lose reverence for all life.”

Consider these prophetic words:
“If the physician presumes to take into consideration in his work whether a life has value or not, the consequences are boundless and the physician becomes the most dangerous man in the state.” — Dr. Christopher Hufeland, Germany, 1762-1836

The very soul of medicine (and the very soul of our nation) is at stake.