The Center for Medical Progress released a second video this morning exposing Planned Parenthood’s role in trafficking the organs and tissue of aborted babies.
The video was shot by undercover reporters posing as representatives of a tissue procurement company.
Abortion clinics use such companies as middlemen in disposing of fetal organs for research.
In the latest video, Dr. Mary Gatter, abortionist and President of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Medical Directors’ Council, employs classic bargaining techniques over lunch to get to the “right” price the abortion giant should receive for providing tissue from aborted babies.
She opens the negotiations by asking, “Why don’t you tell me what you’re used to paying.”
Later in the video, she balks at providing a per-specimen number, commenting, “Well, you know in negotiations, the person who throws out a figure first is at a loss, right?”
Planned Parenthood has vociferously denied that it makes money off selling fetal tissue and justified the payments it receives as reimbursement for “actual costs, such as the cost to transport tissue.”
But Gatter unequivocally states with regard to a prior tissue procurement contract: “It was logistically very easy for us, we didn’t have to do anything. So there was compensation for this.”
Gatter also admits that getting tissue that is usable requires altering the abortion technique to one that is “less crunchy.”
Acknowledging that Planned Parenthood has to sign a statement attesting that the abortion method was not altered to obtain tissue, Gatter brushes this aside as a “specious little argument.”
Toward the end of the conversation, Gatter says, “Let me just figure out what others are getting, and if this is in the ballpark, then it’s fine, if it’s still low, then we can bump it up.”
She then adds with a laugh, “I want a Lamborghini.”
“Although Gatter is laughing when she comments that she wants a Lamborghini, the context for the joke is that she is involved in negotiating the best price Planned Parenthood can get for baby parts,” comments Katie Short, Life Legal’s Vice-President for Legal Affairs.
“This video completely discredits Planned Parenthood’s assertions that it is only being reimbursed for its costs.”
“In addition to providing further evidence of Planned Parenthood violating the law by both altering abortion procedures to get organs and then selling the organs for a profit, this video, like the prior one of Deborah Nucatola, shows the moral darkness that envelops those involved in the business of killing babies.”
Watch the video:
[21 July 2015, Life Legal Defense Fdn email]
More Proof of Planned Parenthood’s Body Parts Business
This morning a second new investigative video was released showing yet another of America’s largest abortion chain’s executives, Dr. Mary Gatter, president of Planned Parenthood Medical Directors’ Council, telling a client how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted fetuses.
Watch the video and read the press release here:
This information is still shocking for those of us who know about Planned Parenthood’s dirty business!
Gatter brags about an abortion method that is ‘less crunchy,’ allowing doctors to get better organs.
This is a violation of Federal Law.
Contact your elected officials and tell them to investigate and de-fund Planned Parenthood.
[ Jo Tolck, HLA Executive Director, 21July2015, Human Life Alliance]