I Need Some Help!
We Want to Help You…
So, take these steps in the right direction…
1. It is important to take time to examine all the options that are available to you.
2. You want to have a pregnancy test.
If you prefer to have your pregnancy test at an abortion business, keep in mind that their business is based on the number of abortions performed.
Selling abortions is how they make money.
There have been abortion businesses exposed for telling women their pregnancy tests were positive, and selling abortions to these non-pregnant women.
Abortion is forever.
Please read the Q&A by a former abortion provider, and also this article — click here.
There are many legitimate medical clinics and pregnancy centers that provide free pregnancy tests.
Click here for some resources, call Pregnancy Helplines at …
Option Line®, 24/7: 800-712-HELP
Option Line®, 24/7:
text “HELPLINE” to 313131
live chat
email, connecting to help in your own community…
CareNet — www.PregnancyDecisonLine.org
… If you are not sure if you are pregnant, take this Online Pregnancy Test…
3. Talk to someone you trust. If you are pregnant, you are already the mother of your child who has had a beating heart since about 25 days after fertilization.
You are not alone or helpless in your pregnancy. You may be pleased with and surprised by the support your parents and friends will give you. They may express surprise, anger, or disappointment at first, but give them a chance to support you.
Be firm in your decision to give life to your child.
4. Get information concerning the development of your child. Find out the age of your baby and learn about his/her characteristics at each stage of development.
5. Get information on groups that can help you carry your baby to term and help during delivery. There are MANY groups which can also assist with medical care and housing, if you need it. (scroll down)
6. Find agencies that can help you after the baby is born. Contact your local crisis pregnancy center.
7. Learn about adoption possibilities, in the event that you should decide for an Adoption Plan for your baby after birth. Click Here
8. Be fully informed about abortion. Get information on abortion techniques and on the possible physical and emotional complications that you could experience that can result after an abortion, including the potential increased risk for breast cancer.
9. Contact any of the following help-lines. It is not necessary to give your name.
American Crisis Pregnancy Helpline
1-888-4-OPTIONS / www.thehelpline.org
The Nurturing Network 1-800-TNN-4MOM
(TNN specializes in helping pregnant college women find housing)
Pregnancy Hotline 1-800-848-LOVE
CareNet 1-800-712-HELP
Several Sources Foundation 1-800-NO-ABORT
Birthright 1-800-550-4900
Bethany Christian Services 1-800-238-4269
Good Counsel Homes 1-800-723-8331
Feminists For Life of America www.feministsforlife.org (specialize in helping pregnant college women find help)
If you have ever experienced an abortion, please contact this number for special help:
POST-ABORTION HEALING 1-800-WE-CARE, and click here to check out post-abortion resources available.
Again, if you prefer to get pregnancy and abortion information at an abortion center, please keep in mind that they profit from the number of abortions performed.
Find out if abortionists in your area have hospital privileges and malpractice insurance, and if there are any malpractice suits pending against them.
Many American women are harmed and killed each year by legal abortions.
(click icon and go to “Legal Abortion Kills Women”)
If you decide to get your pregnancy test at a neutral site, please scroll up, for help-lines, or look under “Abortion Alternatives” in the Yellow Pages.
Abortion is Not a “safe” procedure.
Take time to fully understand all your alternatives.
An abortion cannot be reversed.
Remember, the decision you make will affect you for the rest of your life.
Don’t let anyone pressure you into a quick decision.
Ask to See the Ultrasound that will be taken…
Abortion lasts forever…