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States across the US enacted 47 new pro-life laws in 2015 according to a new report, 2015 State of the States: Fighting Back by Pushing Forward, which looks at the nearly 400 bills proposed in state capitals that seek to increase protections against abortion.

The report by pro-abortion Center for Reproductive Rights laments these legislative efforts to protect life and boasts of its work to challenge and block many of the laws in court.

The report criticizes measures which require abortionists to have hospital admitting privileges, health code standards for abortion centers, waiting periods, and informed consent, calling them “dangerous”.

The results of the Center’s report indicate that, from a life-affirming view, pro-life state legislators have had a successful year advancing a right to life.

[47 New Pro-Life Laws Enacted in US; PNCI Global News_Dec 22, 2015]