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Warning: This 1988 Video Contains Graphic Content —

This 10 minute video shows close-ups of 4 aborted babies prior to burial in 1988—taken from the trash as they were left out on a loading dock at the Vital Med pathology lab in Northbrook, IL.

Citizens for a Pro-life Society and the Pro-Life Action League retrieved over 5000 bodies from the Vital Med trash and provided these victims with humane burials.

The babies in the video were buried by CPLS with 1200 others at Holy Cross Cemetery, Milwaukee, WI, Sept.10, 1988.

In 1988, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and the Pro-Life Action League retrieved over 5000 bodies of aborted babies from the loading dock of the Vital Med pathology lab in Northbrook, IL– aborted babies shipped to the lab from abortion clinics all over the United States and simply left out for trash pick up to be burnt with medical waste.

At the very same time CPLS also discovered that the Pet Lawn pet cemetery was burning the bodies of aborted babies from 3 Milwaukee abortion clinics– Bread and Roses Women’s Health Clinic, Affiliated Medical Services and Imperial Medical Services.

To expose this atrocity, Monica Migliorino Miller, Director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society (then called Citizens for Life) and Sandy Schultz, a Milwaukee pro-life activist appeared prior to the burial in 1988, on the very popular WVCY ‘In Focus’ television program, hosted by Vic Eliason.

Perhaps for the first time since abortion was legalized in 1973, the actual bodies of aborted babies were shown on live television–babies retrieved from the Vital Med lab.

Thousands of people watched this show and saw the actual victims of abortion–their humanity truly shown with the aid of the close-up television lens.

A very rare and powerful program in the annals of the pro-life cause.


and CPLS website

All of this is chronicled in Miller’s book Abandoned–The Untold Story of the Abortion Wars, published on Sep 3, 2013

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