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The Family and Society Database

Marriage Database / Institute for Marriage & Public Policy

Cohabitation / Men and Abortion

Natural Methods to Achieve – or Avoid – Pregnancy: Fertility Awareness


The Family and Society Database – Why Marriage Matters

Highlights social science research regarding the relationship between family structure and the well-being of men, women, children, and society. The Database contains over 2,000 empirical findings drawn from more than 1,250 peer-reviewed journal articles published throughout the past 20 years. The family, centered on marriage, is the basic unit of society. Healthy marriages and families are the foundation of thriving communities. When marriages break down, communities suffer and the role of government tends to expand. Sound public policy places marriage and the family at the center, respecting and guarding the role of this permanent institution. [][The Heritage Foundation]  

 A resource for charts and information on why the family is so important to a free and civil society.



Database Puts Marriage Information from all 50 States at Your Fingertips  

 You're on deadline and you need to find out-quickly, of course, how many states have constitutional amendments defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. You also need to know how many states are considering whether to add such an amendment. The database features a clickable map that enables you to find out what a particular state has done, or is trying to do, to protect the traditional definition of marriage. [The Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC]



Each week, free of charge, the Institute surveys hundreds of news stories about marriage, sex, babies and family life to bring the five most interesting stories of the week. In 2008, iMAPP's study "The Taxpayer Costs of Divorce" provided groundbreaking data about how much high rates of family fragmentation cost — not for only children, families and neighborhoods, but also for taxpayers. Finally, iMAPP's policy briefs summarize useful information relevant to important public policy debates in an easy-to-read format. [ ; 15Dec08,]

“Why Buy the Cow…A Closer Look at Cohabitation”

Cohabitation Power Point Debunk the myths of cohabitation with this powerful and humorous resource available through the Sex, Love, and Relationship Store of the Abstinence Clearinghouse. This power point provides a fun and informative look at the dangers of cohabitation in an age-appropriate way for both teens and adults. Packed full of footnoted facts and scientifically backed arguments, this presentation will will open eyes! Order your copy today by calling 1-888-577-2966, or visit



If abortion has occurred in the context of cohabitation, check the post abortion resources in this website, and search for post abortion information.







For a look at NATURAL Methods that Avoid – or Achieve – Pregnancy, without the chemical pollution of the hormonal contraceptives, go to, or visit these pages:



The Effectiveness of the Creighton Model Ovulation Method in Avoiding and Achieving Pregnancy
"Use Effectiveness of the Creighton Model Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning"; Fehring, Richard J.; Lawrence, D.; and Philpot, D., Journal of Obstetric, Genyecologic, and Neonatal Nursing Vol. 23, No. 4 . May 1994. pp. 303-309
Click here

Natural Family Planning Research Database



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