by APFLI | Jun 17, 2015 | Resources, Support
Pregnancy Helplines: 888-4-OPTIONS 800-712-HELP Heartbeat International — Option Line®, 24/7, via the phone 1-800-712-HELP text — “HELPLINE” to 313131 internet — live chat, and...
by APFLI | May 26, 2015 | Resources
Turning the Tide, produced by the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and Salt and Light television media foundation, was designed to change the way secular society perceives the issues of euthanasia and assisted suicide. Secular society views the issues of euthanasia and...
by APFLI | May 11, 2015 | Resources, Responses - Advocacy / Dating / Instruction & Teaching Abstinence
The Day of Purity, Valentine’s Day each year, is a day when youth can make a public demonstration of their commitment to remain sexually pure in mind and actions. This day offers those who strive for sexual purity an opportunity to stand together in opposition...
by APFLI | Apr 24, 2013 | Resources
Update at end: MedSFLA Tour Speaker & Pro-Life OBGYN in West Virginia Continues to Fight for Women Victimized by Abortion Pro-Life Military Veteran Fights Abortion Bias to Graduate As Surgical Tech Medical Student Confronts Abortion, Becomes Pro-Life ...
by APFLI | Sep 18, 2010 | Resources
What do you have to do today that is MORE IMPORTANT than Saving a Baby's LIFE? ...
by APFLI | Jul 26, 2007 | Resources Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues (PNCI) is an international initiative in D.C. that “will advance life issues" by working to network lawmakers by facilitating dialogue, education...
by APFLI | May 3, 2007 | Resources
STD Risk Assessment Tool: Program aimed at reducing the 19 million new cases of HPV, AIDS and other STDs. “The STD Wizard is a powerful web-based risk assessment tool that can help reduce the estimated 19 million new infections that...
by APFLI | Mar 14, 2007 | Resources
NOTE: International Task Force has changed its name to Patients Rights Coalition Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide & Health Care Decisions: Protecting Yourself & Your Family by Rita L. Marker...
by APFLI | Oct 26, 2006 | Resources
Q&A Looking for Physicians… Looking for Abstinence Program Studies… Seeking help to Implement Abstinence Programs in Public Schools… Seeking Protection for Elderly Patients… Q. I am looking for pro-life doctors in my area. Can you help me...
by APFLI | Mar 19, 2005 | Resources
The Family and Society Database Marriage Database / Institute for Marriage & Public Policy Cohabitation / Men and Abortion Natural Methods to Achieve – or Avoid – Pregnancy: Fertility Awareness The Family and Society Database – Why...
by APFLI | Mar 31, 2004 | Resources
Post-Abortion Review Rachel’s...
by APFLI | Mar 31, 2004 | Resources
ABSTINENCE ONLY RESOURCES (This is only a partial listing. For more, check ) Abstinence – It makes SENSE…! Abstinence Makes the Grow Fonder Brenda Sharman — Pure Fashion
by APFLI | Mar 31, 2004 | Resources
This website cannot be responsible for the content of these websites. PRO-LIFE DAILY e-NEWS 40 Days for Life International News digest & website for youth –...
by APFLI | Mar 31, 2004 | Resources
Free Membership! The American College of Pediatricians is a national organization of pediatricians. The College is committed to fulfilling its mission by producing sound policy, based upon the best available research, to assist parents and to influence society in the...
by APFLI | Feb 21, 2004 | Resources
American Pregnancy Helpline 1-888-4-OPTION 1-888-80WOMAN The Nurturing Network 1-800-TNN-4MOM Pregnancy Hotline 1-800-848-LOVE Option Line 1-800-712-HELP Several Sources Foundation...
by APFLI | Feb 14, 2004 | Resources
Americans United for Life is working on model Rights of Conscience legislation – Q. How can pro-life medical students avoid being harassed for our views? Response from a top pro-life OBG: If you are harassed by your professors for your...
by APFLI | Feb 14, 2004 | Resources
* Mother’s Day Rose/Carnation Sale * Mother's Day ad in local newspaper, or even in your own church bulletin. Collect names of mothers after church services, at civic groups, etc., for $5 per name; list all these mothers' names in an ad with a beautiful...
by APFLI | Feb 14, 2004 | Resources
Grade School Students… with your parents’ permission, offer your help at your local pro-life center or pregnancy center. You can stuff & stamp envelopes, sharpen pencils, stack shelves with brochures, and other similar tasks. with your parents' or...
by APFLI | Feb 14, 2004 | Resources
EDUCATE YOURSELF!! Learn the facts about abortion, historical, legal, medical, and statistical. Contact resources at the end of this brochure. Wear your "Precious Feet" lapel pin or Pro-Life button/T-shirt everywhere as an opportunity to speak about the...