NOTE: International Task Force has changed its name to Patients Rights Coalition
Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide & Health Care Decisions: Protecting Yourself & Your Family
by Rita L. Marker
International Task Force – Patients Rights Coalition
To obtain the Protective Medical Decisions Document (the ITF's durable power of attorney for health care), call 740-282-3810 or 800-958-5678, 8:30am – 4:30pm (eastern time).
American Life League
The Loving Will — Ethical Alternative to the "Living Will"
National Right to Life
The Will to Live
DVD on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide — Turning the Tide
Turning the Tide, produced by the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, was designed to change the way secular society perceives the issues of euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Secular society views the issues of euthanasia and assisted suicide to be issues related to autonomy whereas Turning the Tide uses a personal story style to focus on the vulnerability of the person when one experiences disability, depression or symptoms related to degenerative and/or end of life conditions.
The video also focuses on issues related to pain and symptom management and proper end-of-life care.
Jean Echlin, winner of the Dorothy Lea award for excellence in palliative care in 2004 comments in Turning the Tide that: "I could never advocate for someone to suicide when I can offer them pain management and symptom management right where they are."
The Turning the Tide DVD package includes the DVD, the Discussion Guide, a recording sheet and all the resources that are necessary for making a presentation on euthanasia and assisted suicide. The Turning the Tide DVD package can be ordered from the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Box 25033, London ON, N6C 6A8, email: [email protected], or calling: 1-877-439-3348.
Catherine Frazee, disability studies professor at Ryerson University comments in Turning the Tide that: "People like to frame this debate in the language of autonomy, or individual choice. They'll say to me that it's all right, you can say no, but other people will want to say yes, but I don't think individual autonomy should ever be permitted to trump the safety and well-being of the community."
Wesley Smith comments in Turning the Tide that: "You have a situation in Canada and certainly in the United States, where people are having difficulty getting access to … good pain control, good psychiatric involvement and good social services. Are we going to say that the answer for these problems is assisted suicide?"
Turning the Tide features: Bobby Schindler (Terri Schiavo's brother), Wesley Smith (Attorney, International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide), Catherine Frazee (former chair of the Ontario Human Rights Committee), Adrian Dieleman (counselor, rehabilitation clinic for spinal cord injuries), Jean Echlin (palliative care nursing consultant), Senator Sharon Carstairs (Canadian Senator), Alex Schadenberg (executive director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition), Reg Hancock (spinal cord injury survivor) and more.
A Discussion Guide for small group or classroom presentations has been designed for use and included with the DVD package.
Further bulk rates upon request. The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition sold more than 300 copies of Turning the Tide within its first three weeks of distribution.
Comment: I have viewed this persuasive and gripping DVD – Turning the Tide produced by The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. This compelling DVD will engage its audience from beginning to end. If you have wanted to do something to educate the masses, protect the vulnerable, the infirm, people with disabilities etc,. here is your opportunity to be pro-active and make a difference – purchase a gift copy for your pro-life organization, seniors home, and for whoever, and where ever you believe this will bring a crowd. Help promote and present it to the public.
This is such an excellent opportunity for those who wish they could do something positive. May I also suggest you order it now, while it is fresh in your mind. I can not emphasize enough, the importance of showing this remarkable DVD.
All the information on Turning the Tide is posted below.
Cheryl Eckstein, CHN Compassionate Healthcare Network; CHN is member of the World Federation of Doctors Who Respect Human Life (WFDWRHL) Dr. Karl Gunning, Pres.