by APFLI | Oct 18, 2006 | Abuse / Violence / Forced Abortion
Forced Abortion in America 64% involve coercion ● up to 83% are not wanted by the women pressed to have them 84% were not given enough information to make an informed...
by APFLI | Jul 31, 2006 | Abuse / Violence / Forced Abortion
Stephanie C. was only looking for a pair of her daughter's pants when she opened the closet door. Imagine her surprise at finding a tiny newborn baby nestled in a blanket. "I screamed in surprise," she later told reporters. "I called 911. They said,...
by APFLI | May 18, 2005 | Abortion - Archive
Legal Implications of a LINK Between Abortion and Breast Cancer UN Admits that Good Health Care, Not Abortion, is the Key to Reducing Maternal Deaths Parents File Lawsuit over Secret Abortion on Alaska Teenager Letter on Coerced Abortions Appears in Canadian Medical...
by APFLI | Aug 2, 2004 | Abortion - Archive
House Appropriations Committee struck a blow against coercive population control programs. By refusing, 32 to 26, to refund the UN Population Fund, the Committee in effect criticized China’s forced abortion regime and the organization that supports it. [1]...
by APFLI | Jul 15, 2004 | Abuse / Violence / Forced Abortion
Forced Abortion in America (updated April 2010) According to a special report issued by an organization that studies the impact of abortion on the lives of women: “The epidemic of...